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Feng was a little overwhelmed by the huge reward described in the text.

His mind was full of girls in the hot springs, piles of ivory, and piles of gold!

But when he took a closer look at the reward description, he was a little dumbfounded.

【Natural Hot Spring]

Water temperature: 60

Type: High-quality sulfur spring

Daily gushing volume: 500m3

Location: South of the farm (near the lake)

This is fine. The indicators of the hot spring are excellent. It can definitely be developed into a perfect hot spring bath, and it can also be made into several small hot spring baths through drainage.

Because the daily gushing volume is large enough and the location is also very good.

The key is that the remaining two rewards are a rip-off!

【Mammoth Ivory]

Quality: Excellent

Quantity: 5,000 pieces

Location: Scattered underground in the back mountain

This is a bit of a headache. On the one hand, the ivory is buried deep in the back mountain, and on the other hand, these ivory pieces are scattered, and people have to find them one by one.

The gold sand vein is also under the riverbed in the back mountain!

【[Gold Sand Vein]

Reserves: 5000kg

Status: Gold Sand

Location: Riverbed area in the back mountain

How the hell is he going to do this?

How is he going to develop the riverbed area?

Is he going to turn the entire riverbed over?

This damn riverbed is polluted and it may not be possible to exchange it for gold!

Mammoths are buried several meters underground. It is impossible to find them without digging. Digging will definitely destroy the environment of the farm.

The gold sand veins are the same. They need to be washed!

Moreover, the Siberian sturgeons he wants to use to produce caviar live in the river. These things are extremely sensitive to changes in the environment. Once there is a slight disturbance, they will either run away, die, or simply stop laying eggs.

"No, no, we must think of a way to dig tunnels and mine ivory directly? Well, we can try it."

"I wonder if Jinsha has any new technology that can open it without damaging the environment!"

Ye Feng sighed and said to himself:

"Alas, if it really doesn't work, we can only divert the river and mine the gold sand."

Five tons of gold sand is not a small amount!

According to the current gold price, if all of it is refined, it is worth at least 2 billion RMB!

Guigui, this number is really exciting!

Gold is a hard currency with a stable value. It can be used as cash after it is dug out. It is more significant than ivory.

Of course, ivory has great potential and has the potential to appreciate several times in the future. It can also be processed into finished products.

Ivory supports handicrafts, and the price is really doubled.

It is definitely the king of artworks.

Putting aside the issue of loss, you can still make a lot of money. A piece of the most common ivory pendant costs thousands of RMB.

A sailboat carved from mammoth ivory has been sold for millions of RMB, and it has become more and more expensive in recent years.

With five thousand tusks, Ye Feng feels that only the Chinese treasury has more ivory than him.

You know, every mammoth ivory is a treasure dug out with great effort, and it takes a lot of hard work.

Unlike ordinary ivory, mammoths became extinct in prehistoric times, and every ivory was found by people after being buried in the wilderness for tens of thousands of years.

Explorers need to travel through mountains and rivers, go deep into the dangerous Siberian wilderness along the river, and face life-threatening dangers. And they often need to dig and clean by hand.

Most of the time, they often return empty-handed!

However, because of its high value, explorers still flock to it, and keep going everywhere to find these legal treasures buried underground!

"We must find a way to dig it out and have a look!"

Ye Feng muttered to himself, pinching his chin and thinking, how to develop it without pollution?

After thinking about it, there was no good way.

Suddenly, Petrov ran over in a panic.

He reported very anxiously:

"Boss, something bad has happened. Go and take a look. Water has suddenly gushed out near the foot of the mountain next to the shooting range!"

"The flow is very large, and it is hot water."

What the hell, the hot spring comes when you say it.

But Ye Feng still pretended not to know, and ran with Petrov to check the water outlet, asking as he ran:

"Petrov, are you sure it's hot water?"

"It must be hot water. It was steaming in the cold weather and it was a little hot when I put my hand in it!

Uncle Petrov answered firmly.

Ye Feng suddenly realized and introduced:

"This, should be a hot spring eruption? Shaken out by the pile driver."

Hot spring? It's possible, absolutely possible!

Uncle Petrov nodded in agreement.

There are many hot springs in Siberia, and there is even a hot spring canyon on the Kamchatka Peninsula. Because of the heat of the hot springs, the canyon is like spring all year round, and the scenery is very beautiful.

It is also entirely possible that it was shaken out by the engineering team's pile driver!

The reason is impeccable and no one doubts it. When Ye Feng went to the foot of the mountain next to the shooting range, the scene was very lively.

Hayev's engineering team was watching here. They didn't expect to see this kind of thing when they were about to finish and evacuate.

Everyone talked about it with envy:

"Oh my God, it’s a hot spring?"

"It should be a hot spring, that’s right, I’ve seen them develop hot springs before!"

"Can the hot springs in Siberia be developed into hot spring resorts?"

"Of course, Boss Ye, this is a really good place!"

Hayev, the boss of the engineering team, was observing the geological environment of the hot spring mouth and studying how to transform and expand it.

Seeing Ye Feng coming over, he hurriedly congratulated:

"Mr. Ye, you are so lucky! The water quality of this hot spring is clean and has great potential!"

"I have contracted a hot spring development project in Kamchatka before. Based on my experience, you can build a high-level hot spring resort here!"

There are very few open-air hot springs in Siberia, because it is very likely that your hair will freeze, and it will be cold on the top and hot on the bottom.

Therefore, a hot spring house must be built!

Ye Feng simply let him do it directly. Anyway, he has added a lot of small projects to him in the past few days, so he doesn't mind adding one more now.

"Then you can just think about it for me, how should this hot spring be built and what would be the best look?"

"Just do it if you have thought it through. Money doesn't matter. I just need the final effect to be good!"

After a detailed inspection, Hayev was very happy to confirm to Ye Feng that this hot spring was a sulfur spring.

"Mr. Ye, this is really a gift from God. Oh my god, Siberia actually has such high-quality hot springs. I will come to your place to enjoy the hot springs in the future. Top-quality sulfur springs."

"The hot springs here are even better than the resort hot springs in Kamchatka!"

"The daily output is about 500 cubic meters"

"The outlet water temperature reaches 60 degrees"

"Do you know that at this temperature, 200 tons of water can be kept above 45:45, which means that we can build a 200 cubic meter indoor hot spring bath."

Good guy, a 200 square meter indoor hot spring bath means that he can divide it into several connected hot spring rooms.

Develop different specifications according to needs.

For example, couples can have a double bath, and one person can have a mixed bath, for men, women, or for singles.

If I can take a hot spring bath with Anna, the picture must be very beautiful!

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