Becoming an immortal against the will of heaven

#653 - Chapter 653: What does the Ghost Dao Sect look like?

Hearing Chen Tian's loud shout, Chu Di and Chen Yun'er trembled even more violently.

Finally, Chen Yun'er replied, "Senior Brother Yang, it really is just an ordinary turtle, but it has lived for a long time and is nothing special."

"Oh, if that's the case, then there's no problem with me taking a look, right?" A sneer appeared on Chen Tian's face. After glancing at the two, he continued, "Okay, since you don't want to do it, then I'll take the trouble to open the box and take a look."

After speaking, Chen Tian raised his right hand and reached for the box.

Seeing Chen Tian's arm reaching out, Chu Di and Chen Yun'er were so frightened that their hearts were about to jump out of their throats.

"Fellow Daoist... oh no, disciple, what are you dawdling here for? It's getting late, let's hurry on our way."

Just as Chen Tian's hand was about to touch the box, Xiao Feng suddenly circled back from the front and said to him.

Chen Tian frowned slightly upon hearing this, retracted his arm that was suspended in mid-air, walked to Xiao Feng's side, and said in a cold voice, "How did things go?"

After hearing this, Xiao Feng secretly transmitted his voice to Chen Tian, "Things have been taken care of. I've bribed all the guards, you can go straight in."

Hearing this, Chen Tian nodded in satisfaction, then he glanced at Chu Di and Chen Yun'er not far away. Although he was curious about what was in the box, Chen Tian knew that the matter was urgent and he didn't have much time to delay, so he didn't even look at them and walked forward with Xiao Feng at top speed.

Seeing Chen Tian and Xiao Feng leave, Chu Di and Chen Yun'er breathed a sigh of relief. To be honest, they were almost scared to death just now.

"Hmph, just wait, one day, I will make you die!" Looking at Chen Tian's gradually receding figure, a sinister expression re-emerged on Chu Di's face, and he said in a deep voice.

"With the strength of Brother Chu's family, coupled with Brother Chu's talent, I think that day will definitely not be far away. When you kill that person, please be sure to let this little sister observe. I also find that Yang Ming very annoying." After hearing Chu Di's sinister words, Chen Yun'er not only did not feel scared, but instead revealed a charming expression and said嬌,娇声.

"You little妖精, you're really poisonous! But I like it! When we get back, you can serve me like you did yesterday. Just thinking about your骚勁, I can't wait to pin you down and ravage you!" Chu Di licked his lips, looking at Chen Yun'er with incomparable放荡.

Chen Yun'er was not afraid of Chu Di's gaze. Instead, she deliberately arched her酥.胸 in front of Chu Di,浪笑道, "Okay, Yun'er likes to be蹂躏 the most, I'm just afraid you won't come!"

Chen Yun'er was beautiful and had a natural媚骨, so under this tease, the邪火 in Chu Di's heart was instantly ignited, and he couldn't wait to pounce on her and throw her to the ground.

Fortunately, Chu Di had not completely lost his mind. After thinking for a while, he said阴沉道, "Not yet, we have to solve this big trouble first."

Hearing Chu Di's words, Chen Yun'er also收起来了her魅惑, and a trace of阴厉之色 also flashed in her eyes. After a pause, they continued to carry the big box and walked towards the pond.


On the other side, after turning past the假山瀑布, the strange阁楼 that I had seen before suddenly appeared in front of Chen Tian.

However, unlike last time, this time there was a梵天宗disciple sitting in each of the four corners of the阁楼.

One of the young men, who was big腹便便 and looked quite祥和,笑道, "Senior Brother Xiao has also worked hard. You have to come over to check the炼丹progress on such a hot day."

"Hey, what can I do? Since it was entrusted by各位师祖, I dare not be怠慢 at all." Xiao Feng装出a无奈的模样笑道.

His words immediately caused everyone to smile knowingly. Then, they turned their attention to Chen Tian.

Chen Tian could clearly feel that in just an instant, four powerful灵识 brutally swept through his body, checking so meticulously that they did not let go of any corner.

However, Chen Tian was not worried, because this魔族化身has the effect of屏蔽灵识. Unless a筑天境cultivator comes, Chen Tian晾them also cannot check anything.

Sure enough, after the four灵识 swept through Chen Tian's body, they did not find anything unusual, so they退了出来 and smiled at Xiao Feng, "This disciple, is Senior Brother Xiao you're newly收的disciple?"

"Exactly." Xiao Feng nodded and said, "The所要炼制的丹药this time is too庞杂, I don't have enough time to check it alone, and you only give me a炷香的时间, so I had to bring a helper."

Xiao Feng was also quite clever. When he said this, he deliberately used a trace of责备语气, which made the four people a little embarrassed.

"Senior Brother Xiao, we can't help it." The person who spoke earlier said无奈道, "Although the师祖s委派you to supervise the炼丹事宜, they also吩咐us to be严加警备, and not let these two魔头take the opportunity to escape. So we have to be strict with you as well."

"唉,罢了,罢了, I also know your difficulties, and I won't embarrass you. Can we go in now?" Xiao Feng摆了摆手, 装出a大度模样说道.

Chen Tian watched with interest from the side. This guy is also a natural actor.

"This is natural, Senior Brother Xiao, please go in quickly, but it's agreed that you can only stay inside for a炷香的时间, you must not exceed it, otherwise, it will be difficult for us to explain."

"Okay, okay, okay, I know, it's just a炷香, I know what I'm doing."

Xiao Feng一边敷衍的应承道, 一边带着Chen Tian往里面走去.

When he reached the幻阵, Xiao Feng just waved his hand and消融 out a big洞, enough for the two to pass through.

Chen Tian did not waste any time, directly穿过幻阵, and walked into the strange阁楼.

But after opening the door of the阁楼, Chen Tian was stunned by the scene in front of him.

Because there was no楼梯 leading to the top inside the阁楼, but only a悠长隧道leading to the underground.

Walking in this地底隧道, Chen Tian only felt a恍惚 in front of his eyes, because he was too familiar with the布景 here.

This is clearly the appearance of the鬼道宗 back then!

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