After entering the temple, Liu Shunyi was a little surprised.

This temple is no different from ordinary temples.

There are monks and practitioners inside.

The only difference is.

Those monks are all eating large chunks of meat.

Some monks are drinking in large bowls.

You can even see a monk and two women arm in arm.

The scene is very eye-catching.

But the only difference is.

There are flame marks on the foreheads of these monks.

Although Liu Shunyi is a little curious.

But he didn't pay too much attention to these things.

But what makes Liu Shunyi more concerned now is that he didn't see anyone from the Hall of Hell in this temple.

Compared with the members of the Hall of Hell that can be seen everywhere outside, this place seems very clean.

"What's going on!"

Liu Shunyi asked himself.

Even those members of the Hall of Hell who disappeared did not die. This has been confirmed by the Hall of Hell.

Since they are not dead.

Are they imprisoned?

With this doubt.

Liu Shunyi found the secret door of the temple directly.

According to the method given by the members of the Hades Hall, he gave the secret code and knocked on the door.

Then the secret door opened.

Liu Shunyi was taken away by a little monk who also had a flame mark on his forehead.


"Tick, tick..."

Liu Shunyi and the little monk walked on a dim corridor.

In addition to the footsteps of the two, there was also a sound of dripping water in the corridor.

The little monk held a night-shining pearl and said to Liu Shunyi as he walked.

"If you want to join the Holy Fire Sect, you need to be pious and sincere in your heart. You must not disrespect the Holy Fire Elder. Also, no matter what conditions the Holy Fire Elder puts forward, you must agree unconditionally, otherwise the end will be miserable."

At this point, the little monk looked up at Liu Shunyi with sympathy in his eyes.

"Remember, never act on impulse!"

Liu Shunyi frowned.

"I can do what you said, but your eyes just now told me that I might get into trouble."

The little monk turned his head and stopped looking at Liu Shunyi.

He just continued: "Just remember my words. No matter what happens, as long as you get the holy fire, it will all be worth it."

Liu Shunyi nodded.

Then the two continued to move forward.

I don't know how long it took.

The two finally reached the end of the corridor.

Looking at it.

It was a huge stone gate.

The stone gate was very large, and Liu Shunyi felt like an ant when he stood in front of it.

There were even two very strange patterns carved on the stone gate.

One pattern looked like a flame, and the other pattern was a monster that had never been seen before.

The little monk ignored Liu Shunyi, but walked to the side door of the gate, took out a blood pill from his arms, and put it in through a small hole.

Liu Shunyi was stunned for a moment.

Blood pill!

Isn't that the blood pill from the King of Hell's Palace?

How could he have it?

Liu Shunyi wanted to ask the little monk about it.

But he held back in the end.

After the blood pill entered the small hole.

Liu Shunyi suddenly felt a gaze falling on him.

Liu Shunyi looked up.

Then he found that it was the monster carved on the gate, looking at him.

"Is this thing alive?"

Liu Shunyi was a little surprised.

The monster on the stone gate just glanced at Liu Shunyi and the little monk, and then retracted his gaze.


A light sound.

A small door next to the gate opened.

After the small door opened, the little monk looked at Liu Shunyi and said, "Go in, the Holy Fire Elder is waiting for you!"

Liu Shunyi didn't think much and walked in directly.

After passing through the small door.

The vision suddenly became clear.

In an instant, Liu Shunyi seemed to have come to another world.

No, to be precise, this is indeed a world.

It should be a world created by the demon god himself.

Just like the Tianhua White Deer at the beginning.

It's just that Tianhua Bailu's world is like a fairyland.

And this world is like being in a large volcano.

The rivers on the ground are all magma.

There are even volcanic eruptions from time to time in the distance.

The air is also full of terrifying heat.

But these things have no effect on Liu Shunyi.

But the next second, Liu Shunyi felt something was wrong.

To be precise, everyone in this world looked at him with a wrong look.

"Swish swish swish..."

Before Liu Shunyi could figure out what was going on, he was surrounded by everyone.

"People from the Hades?"

There was an old man sitting in the distance, drinking tea and looking at Liu Shunyi with a smile.

Liu Shunyi: "???"

No, how did he know so accurately that I was from the Hades?

What he didn't even understand was that he didn't seem to have done anything this time.

How did his identity get exposed?

Looking at Liu Shunyi with confusion in his eyes.

The old man also explained very patiently.

"Isn't it strange? I didn't do anything, but my identity was exposed?"

Liu Shunyi: "..."

The old man smiled and continued to explain.

"It's very simple, because ordinary practitioners cannot withstand the temperature here without the protection of the holy fire after entering this world."

"After you step into this world, you will be swallowed up by flames in an instant. Of course, you will not die during this process. As long as you insist on walking in front of me, I will give you the Holy Fire."

"But, you have nothing to do. For such a long time, the only people who have been able to ignore the rules of this world are the people from the Palace of Hell."

Liu Shunyi: "..."

He never expected it.

You will be exposed in this way.

Now that he was exposed, Liu Shunyi also gave up resistance.

The old man also waved his hand.

He signaled for everyone to take him away.

"Another person from the Palace of Hell has been arrested. This time the Holy Lord should be very happy."

The old man was very happy.

Because Lord Holy Lord seems to particularly like the people from the Palace of Hell.

No, to be precise, they are people who particularly like to eat Yama Palace.

The old man could even feel that the person he captured this time should be different from the previous people from the Palace of Hell.

Of course, the old man didn't think too much about Liu Shunyi's specialness.

Instead, he felt that the more special Liu Shunyi was, the better.

Because of this, he can get more rewards.

Even in this old man's opinion.

No matter who they are, they are nothing but ants in front of the Holy Lord.

In fact, the reason why he had such an illusion.

That was also because Liu Shunyi did not resist.

There was no resistance from Liu Shunyi.

They were taken to a huge palace.

The door opens.

Then Liu Shunyi was roughly thrown into the hall.


After Liu Shunyi was thrown into the hall.

The door of the hall was closed again, and the light became dim at this moment.

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