"Okay, anyway, you just need to know that we are not enemies of the Palace of Hell, not enemies, so what are you afraid of!"

Think about cause and effect.

There's just one thing, I'm still curious about the cause and effect.

"Who stole the Dao Fruit of those three people back then?"

The old man holding the hammer shook his head.

"How do I know? If I knew, could I let you find it?"

Cause and effect are speechless.

"Okay, okay, everything you said is right, so the question now is, I can find the Dao Fruit of those three people, but you also tell me how to find it, and point me in a direction!"

The old man holding the hammer thought for a while.

Then he pointed to the sky.

Karma looked up at the sky.

"What's the meaning?"

The old man holding the hammer explained: "Go and find it in the chaos."

Karma rolled his eyes.

"Really, this job is impossible!"

The old man holding the hammer had to ask a very serious question.

"If you can't do it, you have to do it. You have to understand one thing. The Dao Fruit of those three people is different from the Dao Fruit of others. If the Dao Fruit of others is lost, it will be lost, but the Dao Fruit of those three people cannot be lost. ”

Cause and effect comes interest.


The old man holding the hammer sighed.

"If someone refines all the Dao fruits of the three of them and merges them into one, it will transform into a very terrifying existence. If someone is willing to refine it, then this world will become that person's plaything!"

Cause and effect shock.

However, he had indeed seen the secret aura of the three people when they appeared as saints.

If three Dao Fruits were fused into one person, it would indeed be a bit scary.

But then again.

Karma looked at the old man holding the hammer speechlessly.

"The three of them are already so outrageous. The person who can steal their Dao Fruit must not be a simple person."

"In such an outrageous situation, you ask me to find the Dao Fruit of the three people?"

The old man holding the hammer smiled.

"Why are you panicking!"

"Do you think that the remnants of the old era that appeared in the chaos were really just a brainstorm?"

"Actually, they deliberately staged this incident in the first place, in order to make those three people have to show their saints, and finally completely cut off the chance of showing their saints in the future!"

"Otherwise, how could they obtain the Dao Fruit of the three of them!"

"It's just that the remnant demon's IQ is indeed a bit ridiculous."

The old man holding the hammer suddenly smiled.

"That Canmo didn't expect that his scheming people would directly sink his hometown."

"So, you don't have to worry. Even if those people get the Dao Fruit of three people, it will be useless. They can't refine the Dao Fruit of the three people at all."

"This also shows that the person who stole the Dao Fruit behind the scenes is not strong enough either."

Old man Karma thinks it makes sense.

"Okay, I'll go find Daoguo."

However, old man Karma looked at the old man holding the hammer and couldn't help but ask: "There is another question. Those three people are already at the top of the world, why do they still choose to rebuild?"

The old man holding the hammer felt helpless.

"Their strength is indeed top-notch, but it's useless. No matter how powerful they are, they are always puppets and playthings in the cage."

"So, in the end, Liu Shunyi came up with a way. After ninety Yuanhui, when another calamity was about to happen between heaven and earth, he directly led a group of saints to commit suicide."

At this point, the old man suddenly laughed.

"You may not know how wonderful the old loach looked back then. He merged with the way of heaven and became immortal. However, the way of heaven needs the eighteen saints of heaven, earth and people to stabilize the origin of the world, especially the six saints of heaven."

"Out of selfish motives, he allowed people to become different kinds of saints and to be controlled by him throughout their lives. As a result, when the next calamity came, they simply stopped playing with him."

"The result is that after losing the Six Saints of Heaven, he collapsed directly after the calamity arrived. Humans and earth were suppressed by him and could not help, so the world collapsed."

"I still remember what the old loach said when he cursed people."

"You are so primitive, if I don't die, one day I will make your life worse than death."

No matter how specific it was, the old man didn't say anything.

But old man Qiu frowned.

"So, is that old loach you called dead?"

The old man holding the hammer nodded.

"Dead, you can't die anymore. Liu Shunyi was afraid that the old man was not dead. Before he died, he deliberately left a clone behind to make sure that the old loach was not dead."

"Don't tell me, that old loach is indeed cunning. Even when the world collapsed, he still had a backup plan. But Liu Shunyi seemed to know that the old loach would have a backup plan, so he did this."

"Then, Liu Shunyi found an incarnation of the old loach that he had left behind, and directly crushed his bones and raised ashes. Even in order to ensure that the old loach died, he searched for any hiding place in the chaos and used all his origins. Fire, burn it all.”

"Even the original fire has been burning for nearly a hundred thousand years."

"But the old loach is still alive. Liu Shunyi directly blocked the space and then released the poison!"

"In the end, the old loach couldn't stand it anymore, so he was forced out by Liu Shunyi."

"Then he was caught by Liu Shunyi and tortured, tsk tsk..."

The old man was already sweating all over his body.

"What a huge hatred this is. He dug deep into the ground, and even cut off any escape route for the old loach. He left a backup plan before he died, fearing that he might survive!"

The old man holding the hammer rolled his eyes.

"It's like, you were originally a prince. If you follow the normal path, you will definitely be the emperor in the future."

"But in the end, an old eunuch insisted on letting you follow the eunuch's path, and then he used your luck to successfully seize the throne, and you finally became a eunuch who was dismissed and called by him at will. Do you think this hatred is big?"

The old man of karma widened his eyes.

"If it were me, I would also want to dig deep into the ground, and even kill him a thousand times, ten thousand times!"

The old man holding the hammer nodded.

"That's right, but that's all in the past. Now we still have to look at the current situation. You hurry up to find Daoguo. If you find it, tell the three people!"

The old man of karma nodded.

"No problem, I'll take this karma!"

But the old man of karma suddenly scratched his head.

"No, how do you know so much?"

The old man holding the hammer chuckled.

"That has to be said, I also have a very powerful identity."

Cause and Effect was curious: "What identity?"

The old man holding the hammer stroked his beard.

"Just like people call me the ancestor of earthly immortals!"

Cause and Effect: "???"

"So, you and those three are all very ancient people?"

The old man holding the hammer nodded.


The old man of cause and effect stretched out his hand: "You are so powerful, pay me back the cause and effect you owe me first!"

The old man holding the hammer waved his hand: "I'm kidding!"

Cause and Effect: "..."

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