"So what if I fight you?"


As soon as Wuxu finished speaking, the entire space was instantly distorted.

Then the space collapsed, heading directly towards Junyuan Mountain.

Jun Yuanshan sighed.

"I have only been studying these past few years, not dead!"

"It seems that I haven't done anything for several years, and everyone in the world has forgotten what kind of existence I am."

After saying that, Jun Yuanshan's fingers turned into claws.


The space was like a piece of rag, torn into pieces by Jun Yuanshan.

The collapsed space also disappeared in this moment.


At this time, Wuxu's immortal power exploded again.

Countless space ribbons, like thousands of tentacles, all pierced towards Junyuan Mountain.


Jun Yuanshan just burst out with a burst of aura, forming a protective shield.

"Bang bang bang..."

Countless space ribbons hit the protective shield, making a muffled sound.

However, in the end, it didn't bounce away, and it couldn't hurt Jun Yuanshan at all.

Wuxu frowned.


At this time, Wuxu's immortal power exploded again.

"The void and all phenomena are in my hands!"

In an instant, a huge hand directly enveloped Junyuan Mountain.

And the big hands are slowly closing!

Jun Yuanshan was calm and unhurried.

The fingers condensed the awe-inspiring energy and wrote a word in the air.


A simple word, but it absorbed all the aura of Jun Yuanshan, and then bloomed with infinite light.

Under this light, the space and the big hand melted directly like ice and snow meeting the sun.

Wuxu was shocked.

"How did you do it?"

Jun Yuanshan looked at Wuxu and couldn't help but shook his head.

"After all these years, you haven't made any progress at all!"

"If you have any special tricks, use them all!"

Wuxu also calmed down at this time.

And he said: "Causation does not come out, time is respected, time does not come out, space is king, do you think this sentence is just talk?"

"For seven hundred years, I have devoted myself to practicing hard and comprehending the true avenue of space. Only then did I understand its true meaning."

"I have to say that you, a Wind Dao, are really amazing to be able to reach this point. But in front of space, your Wind Dao is really not enough!"

Jun Yuanshan smiled.

"So, what do you want to say? Show off to me that your Space Avenue is very powerful, or do you think you can crush me if you understand the Space Avenue?"

Wuxu laughed.

"Everything you said is right, and I tell you, it was before. Everyone had it at their peak. Don't take that moment as forever. Now, you are really no threat to me!"


As soon as Wuxu's words fell, the space around Junyuan Mountain shattered instantly.

And he himself completely fell into a black hole.

And looking up through the black hole.

That's a big innocent face.

At this moment, Jun Yuanshan is like a frog at the bottom of a well, looking at the sky.

Facing that innocent slap in the face, he was more like a bug.

Not only that, Jun Yuanshan also felt a chill at this time, and the cold even became more serious.

It can even affect your own cultivation, consciousness, and thinking!

"Tsk~ It's pretty awesome!"

Jun Yuanshan couldn't help but praise.


Just as Jun Yuanshan finished speaking, white flames began to burn on his body.

At the same time, his body stopped sinking.

At this time, Jun Yuanshan looked at the black holes around him with a serious expression.

"It's indeed a bit troublesome! But it's okay!"

Jun Yuanshan controlled the white flame again, and then used his finger as a pen to write a word again.



The 'reverse character' burned and then merged into this space.

The next second, the black hole disappeared like a tide.

Jun Yuanshan's body also floated quietly in the sky.

Wuxu looked at Jun Yuanshan blankly.

"What are you doing!"

Jun Yuanshan was a little disappointed.

"It's a pity that scholars use their methods. Even though I have been studying for seven hundred years, I can only understand the true meaning of a few words!"

Wuxu was a little silent at this time.

Jun Yuanshan asked again at this time.

"So, do you still have any means?"

Wuxu responded very honestly.

"Yes, there are many ways!"

Jun Yuanshan nodded.

"Okay, use them all and let me see!"

Wuxu waved his hand.

"If I don't fight, I won't be able to take you down for a while. If I use other methods, my world will collapse!"

Wuxu sighed.

"So, Brother Yuanshan, why are you here this time?"

Jun Yuanshan said calmly: "A piece of space mother gold fell into your world. You have to release that thing. Your world is a secret realm. That thing should be left to future generations!"

Wuxu narrowed his eyes.

"What if I say no?"

Jun Yuanshan nodded.

"I know, but you also need to know that I'm not here to discuss with you. I'm here to inform you. Don't be ungrateful and make it difficult for me. If I don't do this well, that piece of shit will really come here. , I don’t dare to face that guy, so be wise!”

"If you don't understand..."

Jun Yuanshan was possessed by a black and red magic armor.

A ring blade emitting scarlet light emerged from behind.

At the moment when the ring blade came out, the whole world was filled with screams of wronged souls.

The entire Xutian Shenxu fell into endless fear.

Even Wuxu felt that the whole space was trembling, and his space avenue was also somewhat stagnant at this moment!

Wuxu widened his eyes.

"Fake Heaven and Earth Supreme!"

Jun Yuanshan smiled.

"Although the avenues are strong and weak, it also depends on your strength!"

Wuxu's face was very ugly.

How could he, a supreme being, compare with a fake heaven and earth supreme.

This is just looking for death.

However, the space mother gold is very important to him.

"No, it's a dream to let me give up the opportunity in my hand for no reason. If you don't give me a corresponding compensation, the worst thing is that both jade and stone will be destroyed!"

Jun Yuanshan shook his head.

"No, that bastard specifically asked me to do this thing, I can't mess it up. If you dare to destroy the space mother gold, then I can only refine the entire Xutian Shenxu."


Wuxu was upset.

Jun Yuanshan returned to his white clothes again, with a refined temperament.

Looking at Wuxu, Jun Yuanshan had to remind him: "That thing was arranged by someone to be placed here for a person to experience. You originally took something that did not belong to you, so don't be greedy!"

"You should be glad that I am here, and I don't like killing in my life, so I can say these things to you in a good tone. If that bastard came in person, hehe~

Wuxu was a little speechless.

You are a demon emperor, and you have killed countless people, and you told me that you don't like killing.

I just heard Jun Yuanshan talk about that bastard more than once.

Wuxu couldn't help it: "Who is the bastard you are talking about?"

Jun Yuanshan moved his lips at this time, but didn't say anything.

Wuxu said nothing and put the space mother gold back to its original position.

Without hesitation.

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