The two of them were so angry that they had to face each other.

Lin Wudao frowned.

"Qinglian Sect, Zhao Gou!"

The shadow guard nodded.

Then he took out the life story of Zhao Gou that he had investigated.

Especially, when he saw Zhao Gou's method of killing anyone he touched, he was even more shocked.

"This method!"

Lin Wudao couldn't help but take a deep breath.

But gradually.

He became more and more certain.

His experience this time was related to Zhao Gou.

Because the golden elixir must pass the tribulation.

But why didn't Zhao Gou pass the tribulation?

No, he passed the tribulation.

Damn, I emptied my family's assets to help him pass the tribulation.

It's just Qinglian Sect.

It's a bit difficult to deal with.

Others don't know about Qinglian Sect.

But Lin Wudao knows the details of Qinglian Sect.

Qinglian Sect.

It's definitely not as simple as it seems on the surface.

I don't have evidence.

Naturally, there's no way to ask Qinglian Sect for people directly.

But I have to get rid of this anger.


This Zhao Gou.

Must die.

Because this is just a golden elixir.

If Zhao Gou doesn't die.

Then if he cultivates to the Nascent Soul, won't I have to help him overcome the tribulation?

Thinking of this.

Lin Wudao said directly.

"Find an opportunity and bring Zhao Gou to me."

The shadow guard nodded.



Zhao Gou, who has been promoted to the Golden Core at this time.

Looking at the sky, his eyes are full of confusion.

Even now.

He finds it hard to believe.

He was promoted to the Golden Core so easily.

Even the formations and magic weapons he prepared were almost not used. What Zhao Gou couldn't understand the most was that when he first promoted to the Golden Core, there was a thunder tribulation. But for some reason, the thunder tribulation seemed to have heard some call and ran away directly. That feeling was as if there was something urgent! This was outrageous. "Why am I different from others? The thunder tribulation ran away halfway?" Zhao Gou was a little confused. "Could it be that I got the blessings and merits from curing diseases and saving people? So, the thunder tribulation found a reason and ran away?" Zhao Gou couldn't help but speculate. However, it seemed that none of this mattered. Anyway, he was already a Golden Core now. At this time, his cultivation level was improved. Zhao Gou was very excited. Even. He felt that his cultivation level had improved now. If he went to practice medicine again, there would definitely be no more accidents. He decided to give it a try. Afterwards.

Zhao Gou went down the mountain directly.

After all, as an elder.

He was free to go down the mountain.

Three days passed in a flash.

Zhao Gou was in a very good mood.

Because of these three days.

He proved once again.

The death of those people before.

It really had nothing to do with his medical skills.

Because he had saved countless people recently.

Even the medical skills he practiced.

After he entered the golden elixir.

It became even stronger.

For minor illnesses and disasters, he only needed to stand somewhere and the disease would disappear.

For difficult and complicated diseases.

He only made a slight move and the pain was gone!

Zhao Gou felt very comfortable at this time.

He once again experienced the feeling of saving the world before.

"I finally proved myself again!"

Zhao Gou was so excited that tears welled up in his eyes.


At this time, Zhao Gou came to the edge of an uninhabited cliff.

Looking around, there was no one.

Zhao Gou opened his mouth and yelled.

"I'm not a desperate doctor... woo woo woo..."

Before Zhao Gou finished speaking.

His mouth was blocked by a talisman.

Then he was put on a large Qiankun bag.

After that, he was pressed down and the Qiankun bag was sealed.

Finally, he was carried away by two people.



In Jingshui City.

Lin Wudao sat weakly on a wheelchair.

He was wrapped in a quilt and held a heater in his arms.

At this time, there were two people lying in front of him.

They were Cao Linyuan and Chen Dahai.

"Did these two people also die in the thunder tribulation?"

The shadow guard who pushed the wheelchair nodded.

"Yes, although there was no thunder, the charred injuries on their bodies were indeed caused by the thunder tribulation!"

Lin Wudao's eyes moved a little.

Then she looked at Lu Cheng, who was as weak as herself.

"Tell me, what did you feel at that time?"

Lu Cheng took a breath and said: "I, I was still selling normally at the stall, but suddenly

, I felt like I was hit hard all over, just like I was electrocuted!"

"I, I felt something was wrong, so I ate healing pills and stabilized my cultivation like crazy, until I spent countless family assets, I finally saved my life."

Lin Wudao nodded.

"Then do you feel cold?"

Lu Cheng: "???"

"It's okay!"

Tightened the quilt around him again.

Then Lin Wudao looked at the shadow guard.

"Has Zhao Gou been caught?"

The shadow guard nodded.

"Where is he?"

"In the backyard! But considering that he can ask you to help him overcome the tribulation, I dare not torture him!"

Lin Wudao nodded.

"Well done, take me to see! "

The shadow guard nodded.

Then he pushed Lin Wudao to the backyard.


Zhao Gou's face was pale at this time.

Because he saw that the backyard was full of maps made of human heads.

There were also some unknown things sewn with human skin.

Looking at the flags fighting each other, but it was a little bit different.

Zhao Gou was already trembling all over at this time.

I am now a great golden elixir.

But even so.

I was still quietly abducted here.

How powerful is the person behind this.

Moreover, Zhao Gou also discovered something.

This is definitely not done by the people of Taitian Shenjiao.

Just the virtue of Tianshenjiao who hates him to the core.

If I was abducted by Tianshenjiao.

At this moment, I am afraid that I would have been made into a blood puppet.

It's not Tianshenjiao.

Zhao Gou was even more melancholy.

"Who the hell did I offend? Why are there enemies everywhere! "This doesn't make sense. Not to mention that the spies of the Heavenly God Cult were killed by my medicine. That was purely an accident and coincidence. But before, I was saving people with medicine. How could there be enemies everywhere!" Zhao Gou was very melancholy. "Creaky~" Just at this moment. The door of the courtyard was opened. Zhao Gou looked over nervously. After seeing this. It was hard to believe his eyes. The Lord of Jingshui City, and. Why is he still holding a stove and wrapped in a quilt in such a hot day? This is not the point. The point is. Why is the Lord of Jingshui City so weak, and why did you catch me? Lin Wudao glanced at Zhao Gou. He looked at the masterpiece in his backyard and said with a smile: "These are all my enemies, and even people who want to harm me. So, I will make them into an art to treat those who want to harm me! "


Lin Wudao looked at Zhao Gou.

"So, tell the truth! I can also save you some physical pain!"

Zhao Gou: "???"

"What to tell?"

Lin Wudao narrowed his eyes slightly.

"Haha, keep pretending!"

At this time, Lin Wudao smiled.

"Since you are unwilling to cooperate, I can only use some special means!"

Lin Wudao looked at the shadow guard.

The shadow guard was stunned for a moment.

"But sir!"


The shadow guard nodded.


Then, Zhao Gou's screams were heard...

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