Although Zhao Gou was taken away by Ji Suying, the two did not leave Jingshui City immediately. Because Ji Suying came to Jingshui City because there was an opportunity here. It was a drop of weak water. It was rumored to be a fairy from the fairyland. Ji Suying wanted to use that drop of weak water to sharpen her rusty ancient sword. Using weak water to sharpen the blade would definitely be stronger than using star stone to sharpen the blade in his previous life. So she was determined to get the weak water. Fortunately, there was no accident this time. Mortals did not know this thing. She got it easily. With Ruoshui.

Ji Suying then took Zhao Gou away.

But on the way.

Ji Suying was a little curious.

"I've heard about you, and even your becoming an elder, in fact, in a sense, you deserve it!"

Speaking of this.

Zhao Gou felt heartbroken.

"This, Miss Ji, if I say that it was a misunderstanding, do you believe it?"

Ji Suying nodded.

"In fact, after thinking about it carefully, it was indeed a misunderstanding. You have never done anything to them, and you have even practiced medicine and treated countless diseases. If it was really you, I'm afraid you wouldn't be alive now."

Zhao Gou was very moved.

Listen, listen, finally someone understands me, knows me, and recognizes me.

"Miss Ji is right, in fact, I've been wondering who is plotting against me."

Then, Zhao Gou was a little emotional.

"In fact, if the Qinglian Sect really wants to push me out and use me as bait, I don't have any complaints!"

"But, you can't mess with my medical skills. This is the way I want to save people. Slandering me like this really makes me angry!"

Zhao Gou gritted his teeth.

Ji Suying just smiled.

In fact, the reason why Ji Suying thought.

The people who were treated by Zhao Gou exploded, and it had nothing to do with Zhao Gou.

That's because in the last life, Zhao Gou was on the road of medical skills.

Even I was treated by Zhao Gou.

But there is one thing.

Ji Suying didn't understand.

"In the last life, Zhao Gou played a very important role. Could it be that someone wanted to deliberately discredit him and make him the one who changed color for the world, so as to destroy his Tao heart?"

Ji Suying pondered.

But Zhao Gou is very happy now.

Because someone finally admitted that the death of those people had nothing to do with him.

And it was Ji Suying who admitted it.

Ji Suying is a very prestigious person in Qinglian Sect.

In order to promote his medical skills, Zhao Gou even asked Ji Suying to clarify for him after returning to the sect.

He couldn't help but say to Ji Suying.

"Miss Ji, although there were misunderstandings before, and even someone was framing me, I have never given up on medicine!"

"It just so happens that I have recently learned a new medical skill. Miss Ji, would you like to taste it?"

Ji Suying smiled slightly.

"No, I believe you!"

Zhao Gou shook his head.

"No, no, no, you are my soulmate in the world, I must let you see it!"

Zhao Gou's eyes were even full of requests.

Ji Suying sighed.

"Well, how are you going to perform it?"

Zhao Gou jumped up excitedly in an instant.

"My latest magical power is a way for me to treat all diseases of others without touching them!"


Zhao Gou's body rose.

At this time, he was emitting green light all over his body, shining on the whole Jingshui City.

Zhao Gou looked solemn.

He explained to Ji Suying.

"This is the magical power I comprehended by myself. I named it, saving all living beings!"

As soon as the voice fell.

The green light directly enveloped everyone in Jingshui City.

Ji Suying was a little shocked.

Because, he remembered that Zhao Gou only comprehended this move very late.

But now, why is it so early!

But before Ji Suying was shocked.

"Bang bang bang..."

The whole Jingshui City was directly blown up.

No one escaped.

The blood from the explosion directly made the whole city bloody.

As for those people.

They were directly shattered.

The blood was still flowing.

Zhao Gou still maintained the posture of saving all living beings.

But the whole Jingshui City had completely lost the noise it should have had.

Ji Suying looked at the dog head that rolled down at her feet and fell silent.

The scene was very quiet.

It was a little scary.

I don't know what happened.

How long has it been.

Ji Suying turned around and left.

Her steps were very fast.

Zhao Gou was silent too.

Then he followed Ji Suying silently.


At this time, the two of them had just left.

Lin Wudao was walking blankly in the empty Jingshui City.


Lin Wudao also opened his mouth and spat out a mouthful of blood.

"What kind of method is this? I have also suffered a serious injury, and even my soul is unstable!"

Lin Wudao's eyes were a little frightened.

He was even a little fortunate.


Zhao Gou didn't attack him at the beginning.

This method.

It's really hard to stop.

"Hua La~"

At this time, from the blood river.

The figure of the shadow guard also walked out.

"Huh? You are not dead either?"

Lin Wudao was a little surprised.

The shadow guard was also in a state of fear at this time.

"Sir, when he was using his magical power, I was not illuminated by the light on his body, so I dodged it!"

Lin Wudao nodded.

"Help me up!"

Lin Wudao stretched out his hand.

The shadow guard hurried over to help.

At this time, walking on the empty street with only blood.

Lin Wudao swallowed his saliva.

"Before, Zhao Gou said, what is his move called?"

The shadow guard said at this time: "It's called saving all living beings!"

As soon as the voice fell.

Suddenly, a hole in the ground erupted.

Then a group of snakes and rats were washed out by blood, flowing from the front of the two people to the distance.

Lin Wudao looked at the shadow guard: "Save all living beings?"

The shadow guard nodded: "Yes, that's what he said, save all living beings!"

Lin Wudao looked around.

I don't know how long he was silent.

Then nodded.

"Maybe, it is really to save all living beings!"

Shadow Guard: "..."



It was raining heavily that day.

A monk wearing a straw hat and a straw raincoat.

He directly carried a fishing rod and a fish basket and walked towards the river.

Not long after.

The monk came to his fishing spot.

He put down his things skillfully and set up the fish bucket.

He put on the bait and threw the hook.

After doing all this.

He looked at the angler next to him.

"How was the harvest?"

The slightly older fisherman smiled and nodded.

"Not bad, but two big fish appeared recently, which is a bit difficult to catch!"

"What about you?"

The middle-aged fisherman looked around.

Then he said.

"It's a bit unexpected. The Qingjiang carp turned into a conch!"

The angler next to him widened his eyes.

"The healing spirit fish turned into a giant poisonous fish?"

The middle-aged man nodded.

The slightly older fisherman still looked at him.

The middle-aged man took out a crystal ball directly.

When he saw the light of saving all living beings scattered.

After Jingshui City was completely turned into blood mist.

The fisherman couldn't help swallowing his saliva.

"What should I do next?"

The middle-aged man was also distressed at this time.

"I don't know, I don't even dare to get close to him. You didn't see it with your own eyes. After saving all living beings, in an instant, it was really just an instant, and all the people in the city were gone."

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