Lu Xi Nian looked at Chen man in amazement!

For a long time, there was no sound.

Chen man reached out and stroked him on the shoulder. "What's the matter? My heart is soft? I've been sweet with the little girl for a few days, and I've forgotten my family feud?"

"No!" Lu Xinian shook his head.

"I'll think about it!"

"Very good!"

Chen man smiled. "I said, I can't read the wrong person! I'll wait for your news!"

With that, Chen man took another look at the street in front of him.

"Put me down there! There's a delicious restaurant over there. I'm going to try it! Oh, by the way, I heard that your mother likes to eat breakfast at that restaurant. A few days ago, I heard my housekeeper call and tell me that your mother's condition is not very good! I often have nightmares recently. I dreamed about things in prison! I heard that she was bullied every day during her years in prison! She suffered a lot After suffering, who caused all this? I don't think I need to tell you? "

With that, Chen man opened the door.

"Would you like to try it?"

Lu Xinian shook his head, "no need! I've eaten!"

"That's good!"

Chen man made a straight landing, waved his hand in the past years, and then turned and left.

Lu Xi Nian sat and watched for a while, then drove to the company.



As soon as he entered the office door, Lu Xinian shouted. Just, no one responded.

The secretary came in and reminded him.

"Mr. Lu, I'm on a business trip!"

Lu Xi Nian suddenly glanced at his secretary again.

"FIA, right?"

"Yes!" FIA bowed. "I was specially arranged to take care of you. If you need to do anything, just tell me directly!"

"OK! Then help me check the project of the Far East Group. I want the most detailed information."

FIA nodded, got up and went out.

A moment later, FIA brought in all the information.

"President Lu, this time, I'm afraid it's a good opportunity for us!"

Lu used to smell the speech and looked up at FEIA. "You can see?"

It must be a confidant who knows everything that Qingrong can arrange to take care of his secretary.

FEIA nodded. "Yes! People say that time, place and people are in harmony! This time, it's really in harmony! The fire is in time, and this position is in harmony. People and Gong Ming are not here! Gong Ming is the treasure of the Far East Group. If he is not here, we can win 60% more!"

Such a simple truth, FIA can see it, but Lu Xinian can't see it. However, he still hesitated!

"President Lu?"

FIA cried again.

Lu Xi Nian said, "what do you think we should do?"

FEIA said with a smile, "according to the normal way of thinking, it is the only way. Now far east group must be trying to negotiate with that company and want them to cooperate. But as far as I know, it is unlikely that that company will cooperate! At this time, we might as well throw out an olive branch and help! When we succeed in gaining trust, we will..."

"You go out first, I'll think about it!"

"President Lu!" the secretary was a little puzzled.

"I..." Lu Xinian finally gave himself an excuse. "This is a big event. I want to discuss it with President Chen!"

The Secretary nodded, "OK!"

After the secretary left, Lu Xinian lay in his chair and closed his eyes for a while. When I was confused, all kinds of strange things in my mind kept shuttling back and forth.

When I was a child, I was at the palace with Qiao Qingning, and my mother was hysterical in his ear! And finally, he wandered alone, as well as his mother's old age and suffering.

The last scene is Qiao Qingning getting up early in the morning to wash his hands and make soup for his scalded arm!

Someone called him in his ear, and he opened his eyes. It's FIA. She looks a little happy.

"Mr. Lu, a good opportunity has come!"

"What?" Lu Xinian blinked vaguely.

"Something happened to miss Qiao!"

"What!!!" this time, Lu Xinian was completely awake! "What happened to her?"

Feiya was stunned. She was probably frightened by Lu Xinian's too nervous tone. However, she may think Lu Xinian is happy and said with a smile.

"The people we sent to watch came back. Just now miss Qiao took people to find the developer. I don't know what happened. The talk collapsed. Now, there is a fight! President Lu, we..."

FEIA's words haven't finished yet. Lu Xinian has flown out like the wind!


On the other side, Qiao Qingning, after their temporary meeting in the morning. Finally, I chose. At present, the only way is to find developers!

But the developer is no longer looking for someone to develop it. Probably knowing that Gong Ming was away, he completely changed his face.

Before he said a few words, he called people out to drive them out.

Qiao Qingning is also a violent temper. He has never seen such an unreasonable person. Both sides spoke impolitely, so they fought directly!

Qiao Qingning is very powerful, but only three or four of them came. The other side is a large group of people! It's been planned for a long time.

When Qiao Qingning takes care of himself, he has to help others.

After a few, he was at a disadvantage! A stick behind him is waving again. Behind him was the cry of Lu Xinian.


When the other party saw Lu Xinian, he was also arrogant.

"You broke into private houses, but it's okay to tell us to stop? As we said, we also lost a lot of money in this project. If you want money, it's life! You can't unite to bully us ordinary people with the help of two groups. It's not easy for us!"

Qiao Qingning was so angry! Who is bullying who. In this world, you are poor and you have too many reasonable people!

"I have called the police!" Lu Xi Nian gritted his teeth. "Right or wrong, call the police to see!"

The person in charge of the other party was stunned. "Who are you scaring? Do you think the police have nothing to do with such a private matter? You guys, call me!"

Before the words fell, Liang Huai'an rushed in with a group of colleagues from the outside.

"Catch them all and take them back!"

As soon as the other party saw that it was really the police, he finally counseled. Lu Xi Nian ran over and held Qiao Qingning.

"Are you okay?"

"Nothing!" Qiao Qingning shook his head.

Several colleagues in the company were stunned, "what's the situation? The good thing is coming?"

"I think it's almost the same! It's not taboo for us. It seems that the palace family will grow again!"

"I have lemon!"

In the laughter of everyone, Liang Huai'an looked back at Qiao Qingning, who was looking at Lu Xinian sweetly. I couldn't help sighing.

Son! You have no chance!

But on second thought, too! Liang Bo is in poor health, and Qiao Qingning is such an acute child. Two people together, if anything happens, there is no complementary.

This is probably God's will!

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