"I'll take you to the hospital!"

The next second, Lu Xinian had hugged her.

"Qingning, not in the future! I won't lie to you in the future!"

Qiao Qingning's body shape was a meal. The grievances he had forgotten still lingered again.

Like a wronged child, if no one mentioned it, she might have digested it by herself. But if someone asks, he will be wronged.

Human nature!

After sucking his nose, Qiao Qingning gave a stuffy hum.

"OK! I believe you!"


In the hospital, the doctor showed Lu Xinian.

"It's just a skin injury. It's not a big problem. Just go back and take good care of it!"

Qiao Qingning breathed a sigh of relief. After they came out of the hospital, Qiao Qingning missed his time to work.

He simply sent his prepared plans and materials to his colleagues for help.

I went home with him in the past years.

I didn't sleep well last night. After lunch, Qiao Qingning fell asleep.

Lu Xi got up and made a phone call. "FEIA! Chen man should have told you that he wants you to do something for the organization under Qiao Qingning? Pause!"

FEIA was stunned at that end, "but President Lu..."

"Stop! FIA! I can understand you. We are all under the same roof and have our own choices. But FIA, we also said that we should not hurt irrelevant people! I will explain this to Chen man!"

"No, Mr. Lu. I took action last night!"


Lu Xi Nian pursed his lips, "why don't you tell me!"

"I'm sorry, I just found out. I'm going to inform you! This time, sister man asked someone to do it directly! She already doesn't believe us..."

Lu Xi Nian clenched his cell phone. "What did they do?"

"I don't know the specific situation, but the results should come out soon!"

Weeton, added FIA.

"Mr. Lu, don't quarrel with sister man. She has great power and we can't fight her!"

Lu Xi Nian pursed his lips. "I'm not making trouble! I just don't want to implicate innocent people!"

"Then who is not innocent? Mr. Lu! We pity others, but have others pity us? Which of the people we will be here today has not suffered from white eyes and cold treatment? Who hasn't tasted the warmth and coldness of human relations? I thought we wouldn't have love! I thought we would only work hard for life!"

Lu Xinian was stunned!

In my mind are all kinds of the past, emerging bit by bit.

Ice and snow, when he was pushed into the water. Cold to the bone!

No one saved him when he made up his mind. If he can do it again, he will be a bad man!

Later, he didn't die. He was also adopted by adoptive parents and taken abroad. At that time, he thought he could start over.

But, just like FIA said.

The world will never pity the poor. Adoptive parents died in an accident. He changed from a protected child to a homeless child.

More pitiful vagrants than ever before. Because it is abroad, language barrier, and all kinds of malice and discrimination.

At that time, he also told himself.

Never be a good man!

So later, he really became a bad man. He joined Chen man's organization and climbed up step by step with the blood of others in various trainings.

Because of hard work and ruthlessness, I came to today's position. To come back bright!

But now he suddenly doesn't want to be a bad man!

After meeting Qiao Qingning and seeing her missing for so many years.

He suddenly forgot all his previous sufferings. He thought he was always the happy Gong Zhuo. Instead of Lu Xinian who suffered a lot

"President Lu?"

FIA's voice woke him up again.

Lu Xinian realized that he was distracted!

"I thought I wouldn't have love! But..."

"Mr. Lu!" FIA opened her mouth in surprise. "Are you really in love with... Miss Qiao? Does sister man know?"

"I won't delay my task!" Lu Xi Nian said in a deep voice. "I hope you don't tell her either!"

"Of course I won't say, Mr. Lu. I've just joined the organization. If you hadn't taken care of me, I would have died long ago! I'd keep it a secret for you, but I advise you to think twice! Although I don't know all about this time, I'm probably clear. If Miss Qiao knows the grievances between you and miss Qiao's parents, do you think she will forgive you?"

FIA's words came to the point.

This is also a thorn in his heart all the time.

"I will explain to her all my life!"

He seemed to be talking to FIA and to himself. Just, the tone of voice, finally because of a guilty heart, gradually weakened.


Back to the room, Qiao Qingning hasn't got up yet.

Lu Xi Nian went to bed slowly and lay down beside her. However, she woke her up accidentally. She blurred her eyes, saw him clearly, and burst out a smile at him.

"What time is it?"

"It's still early!" Lu Xinian reached out and hugged her. "Let's sleep a little longer!"

The furry head returned to his chest, and soon there was a long breath in his ear.

Lu Xi Nian bowed his head, gave her a faint kiss on the cheek and sighed.

When I woke up again, it was more than three o'clock in the afternoon.

The sharp noise of the mobile phone at the head of the bed woke them up. Qiao Qingning got up, touched his cell phone and stuck it to his ear, "hello..."

The panicked voice came, "Miss, it's bad. Something's wrong!"

"What's the matter?" Qiao Qingning played directly.

"Lao Zhang tou in Menghui street, contraband was found in his home! Now the police have surrounded his home!"

"I'll be right there!"

Qiao Qingning said that, he immediately put down his cell phone and began to change clothes.

Lu Xi Nian also woke up completely. It seems that this is what Chen man did. The contraband is so big as soon as it comes up. It's really Chen man's style!

"I'll go with you!" Lu Xi Nian got up.

Qiao Qingning didn't have time to talk to him. It happened that Lu Xi Nian could drive, so he followed him.


Menghui street is actually a snack street.

After Qiao Qingning took over the organization of Zhang Laoqi, he tried to disperse all those people from the organization. And also found a good way out for everyone.

Because everyone's culture is not high, Qiao Qingning spent many years to cultivate all those people.

Catering, sales, construction, technicians, housekeeping... All aspects.

Most of this dream street is a snack street organized by Qiao Qingning's people. After these years of transformation, it has long been connected with Rongcheng's catering and has become Rongcheng's landmark snack street.

Lao Zhang is also a very honest person. How could such a thing happen?

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