At this time, Lu Xinian is looking at Chen man sitting in his office.

"Sister man, if you have nothing to do, go back first! I have something else to do."

Chen man smiled happily, "I'm looking for you. Of course I have something to do."

Hearing the speech, Lu Xi Nian looked up at Chen man and didn't speak. Like waiting for Chen man to continue.

Chen man smiled at himself. "That Qiao Qingning is really a good skill? I don't see what's special about her. She can let you two die for her!"

Lu Xi Nian frowned, "what do you mean?"

"You don't know yet! Qiao Qingning's little friend is a good friend. It seems that it's more or less bad for her to fight with the suspect at the airport!"

"Liang Bo?" Lu Xi Nian first thought of Liang Bo!

"So you know? I thought men would care about their rival! Don't you care?"

Care? Nature cares!

But he knew in his heart that Qingning had only sister and brother feelings for him. He believes in Qingning!

But if something really happened to him, Qingning would be very sad!

"What happened to him?"

"What's the matter? Didn't I just say that? He found out that Liu Chunhong had something to do with it. In order to catch Liu Chunhong, he fought with him at the airport. Now it seems that it's more or less dangerous!"


Lu Xinian stood up, "didn't we agree not to hurt innocent people?"

Chen man raised his head and looked at Lu Xinian calmly.

"No one hurt him. He wanted to die himself, didn't he? How can I stop such a person!"


After saying this, Lu Xi Nian got up and wanted to go out.

Chen man stopped him again. "I advise you not to be too impulsive. Do you think Liu Chunhong will know anything about a small Gong like this?

I'm Chen man, but I'm not that stupid! "

Lu Xi Nian felt a thump in his heart and suddenly felt that this was actually a big net.

And they are all fish and shrimp caught in the net. You desperately want to escape, but in the end you are black and blue.

If you want to protect yourself, you can only listen to her!

Seeing that Lu Xinian stopped, Chen man nodded with satisfaction, "that's right. My people can't be so stupid! I said that as long as you do what I want you to do, everyone will not be in danger! But if someone wants to die, I can only mourn!"

Lu Xinian took a deep breath and FEIA came in.

"Mr. Lu, sister man!"

"FEIA, you came just in time!" Chen man smiled. "How's it going over there?"

"Very smooth!" Feiya nodded. "I have given the supplier to the colleague as we agreed before! As long as they take the goods from there, all the funds will be locked up. Moreover, the quality of the project will not be much better!"

"Do you think she will do it?" Chen man said.

FIA nodded. "They have believed in me these days. I will continue to follow up!"

"Very good!" Chen man nodded. "FIA has made a lot of progress. After this event, FIA, you can also ask me for a wish. At that time, tell me what you want to do directly!"

FIA's eyes lit up. "Really?"

"Of course!" Chen man smiled. "Have you made up your mind? With your current qualifications, if you want to stay with me, follow me, or be an executive, I can satisfy you!"

She thought it was a great honor!

"I......" FIA pursed her lips. "I want to stay in Rongcheng and live my own life."

Chen man's body gave a pause, and the expression on his face gradually solidified.

"You want to leave me too? You all want to leave me?"

FEIA was stunned by Chen man's appearance, "sister man, I..."

Chen man returned to normal. She smiled at FEIA. "What are you afraid of? Since I promised you, you will honor it, you will! You can do it!"

FIA was relieved. "Good!"

As they were talking, Lu Xinian turned and went out.

Chen man stopped him again, "you don't understand what I mean!"

Lu Xi frowned, "can't I go to see my friend?"

Although his words were very blunt, Chen man knew that he had compromised, so he didn't say anything!


In the detention center, Lu Xinian finally brought a lawyer and thought a lot of ways before he finally met Qiao Qingning.

It has been nearly ten hours since Liang Bo's accident. In these ten hours, Qiao Qingning has been in a bad mood. When Lu Xinian saw her, she seemed to have no soul. Her hair was messy and her eyes were red and swollen.


Lu Xi Nian only felt a stabbing pain in his heart and didn't know how to comfort her.

Hearing his voice, Qiao Qingning looked up at him.

The next second, a trembling voice came from her nose.

"Lu Xinian..."

"Qingning, I'm sorry. I'm late!"

Qiao Qingning had run over and reached out to hold Lu Xinian's hand.

"Something happened to Liang Bo. Something happened to him for me!"

I can see that she blames herself. A relative who grew up together since childhood, Qiao Qingning has always regarded him as his own brother.

Seeing him like this now, I can't help feeling uncomfortable.

"I know, I know!" Lu Xinian held her hand tightly. At this time, he really wanted to hold her in his arms, but the protective fence between the two people was like isolation into two worlds.

"But it's not your fault, and you don't want to!"

"Liang Bo has been in poor health since he was a child. He has managed to grow so big. Aunt song and uncle Liang are very sad! I'm sorry for them!"

"It's all right, it's all right." Lu Xi Nian choked. "I'll take care of them together in the future. They won't be left unattended! Moreover, now that medicine is so developed, I'll help you contact the best doctor. Maybe Liang Bo will wake up!"

"Really?" hearing this, Qiao Qingning finally stabilized his mood a little.


"We can try our best. When I was abroad, I saw many relevant and better doctors. I'll call someone to contact and there will be results soon!"

"Good!" Qiao Qingning nodded cleverly. Like an inexperienced little girl. Tears were still hanging from the corners of his eyes, and his eyelashes were wet.

His heart will melt when he sees it.

"Stop crying!"

Reaching out to wipe away her tears, he whispered comfort.

Qiao Qingning nodded and smiled faintly at him, "Lu Xinian, it's lucky to have you."

Lucky to have him?

This sentence should have made him happy. However, he was completely unhappy.

If one day she knew that all this was because of him, would she hate him?

What should he do if that time comes?

Thinking of this, he suddenly panicked! No, she won't know! She won't know!

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