Fortunately, after Zhang Laoqi's car drove down, there were no lakes, rocks and so on.

But Zhang Laoqi is old after all. He has a lumbar fracture and is not in danger.

Lying in bed, Zhang Laoqi swears.

"If I know who did this to me, I won't kill him!"

CHEN Si, who came from Qingcheng, heard the speech and pressed an expressionless hand on his waist.

The next second, Zhang Laoqi almost jumped up in pain.

"Pain! You old boy, you want to crush me!"

CHEN Si rolled his eyes. "If you know you're old, don't try your best! You think you're a 20-year-old boy? Fight and kill every time! When you encounter this kind of thing, you should remember that you should use your brain, not your means!"

"You know the brain, then you come!"

CHEN Si Fu's forehead, "I didn't say I wouldn't come! Am I here?"

After that, CHEN Si tidied up his clothes and stood up.

"You have a good rest here! Next, you wait to see mine!"

Zhang Laoqi was unconvinced. When Chen Si went out, he asked his subordinates curiously.

"Where is he going?"

The subordinate truthfully replied, "old Chen seems to be going to the detention center!"

Zhang Laoqi said, "cut, I thought there was something creative! Isn't it the same as me?"

"Different!" the subordinate said weakly. "What's the difference?"

"It seems that the young lady asked him to go!"

Zhang Laoqi immediately frowned, "Qingning, the girl, tell him not to call me! Look, I don't... hiss..."

Zhang Laoqi was about to get up. The next second he covered his wound and fell on the bed.


After Qiao Qingning saw CHEN Si in the detention center, he didn't wait for him to speak. CHEN Si had already spoken first!

"It's not grandpa Chen who won't help you this time, but you're too disappointing!"

Qiao Qingning was stunned. After his eyes touched CHEN Si, he immediately cooperated with him.

"Grandpa Chen, I really don't know what's going on this time!"

"Don't talk! Because something happened to you, Zhang Laoqi and the Liang family! Do I still want to trouble me? I can't manage this matter. You don't have to find me!"

"But grandpa Chen, I can't find anyone else to help except you!"

"I can't take care of that! I'll take old Zhang Qi back to cultivate yourself. Take care of yourself! Remember, neither the Gong family nor the Qiao family have such incompetent managers! You've disappointed me!"

With that, CHEN Si threw his work card to Qiao Qingning!

"I quit!"

"Chen Si!" Qiao Qingning was also angry.

"My mother told me that you have followed my grandfather until now, and I have always respected you. I really didn't expect that you should be such a person! Are you going to retreat at such a critical moment? I'm really disappointed!"

With that, she threw the work card back.

You has the final say, "if you really do not care, go and tell my mother! If she agrees, I will always welcome you!"

They parted unhappily! The quarrel was so loud that you could hear it clearly in the corridor!

When Chen Si came out, his face was full of anger, as if he wanted to eat people.

The attendant assistant looked at CHEN Si with a worried face, "Mr. Chen, what's going on? Why is it so good?"

CHEN Si snorted, "how do I know? I don't have the ability to do this. Do you expect me to clean up the mess? I wasn't used to Qiao Shiyu's problem in those years, let alone her! Go! Take care of her!"

Assistant Xin got into the car with them. After the car drove out for a while, Chen sicai took out the work card and took out the pieces of paper.

It should have been buckled off the wall, so it's very shabby. It was bound with bamboo sticks.

"Kidnap, relax, investigate!"

The assistant looked confused and forced, "Sir, what does this mean? Miss, is this threatening you?"

Chen sipping his lips, "if I guessed correctly, she should mean that she suspected that this thing might have been done by the same person as the last time they were kidnapped. At that time, the mastermind behind it had not been found. After such a long time, the other party would not think that we would start there, so on the contrary, we would relax our vigilance..."

The assistant suddenly realized, "so you were acting! But why were you acting in the detention center?"

Chen Siyi looked disgusted. "Are you my assistant? Shouldn't you be an undercover sent by Zhang Laoqi?"

The assistant was embarrassed, "Sir, my brain can't turn faster than you!" when he said this, he suddenly had a flash of inspiration and shivered.

"You don't think it's safe in detention?"

CHEN Si said faintly, "I don't know whether it's safe or not, but our actions have been seen before. It's always good to be careful! Now, take off your clothes first!"

The assistant immediately covered his collar. "Sir, I can't!"

CHEN Si rolled his eyes. "Who wants you to do what? Change your clothes!"

"Oh!" the assistant took off his clothes and changed clothes with CHEN Si in the car.

A moment later, CHEN Si, dressed in assistant clothes, was pushed out of the car. The car drove away!

CHEN Si stood where he was, and his mind was still thinking about whether the words he had just ordered the assistant were in place.

"Remember, from now on, you are me and I am you! I will find an excuse to throw you out of the car, and then you wear my clothes to the hospital. Go through the discharge formalities for Zhang Laoqi in my name, and then take Zhang Laoqi back to Qingcheng. Remember, don't make any mistakes!"

The assistant nodded, "but what if Mr. Zhang doesn't want to do it?"

"No?" Chen Si snorted, and a violent chestnut hit the assistant's head.

"Do you think he is really a fool? He will understand everything when he sees you wearing my clothes! You should know that he is much smarter than you!"

Assistant, "..."

You two are in love and killing each other!


However, facts have proved that what Chen Si said is right. After seeing his assistant wearing CHEN Si's clothes, Zhang Laoqi took the initiative to cooperate.

He not only had a quarrel with the assistant CHEN Si, but also scolded "Chen Si" at the door when he was discharged from the hospital.

Said he was ungrateful and a villain!

The assistant didn't sweat until he got on the bus.

Zhang Laoqi's face was full of wrinkles. "How's it going? Am I doing well?"

The assistant nodded, "yes, it's very good, but I doubt you're avenging yourself!"

Zhang Laoqi retorted solemnly, "I didn't! Don't wronged me! Don't be as kind as your boss!"

Assistant ha ha!

We outsiders really don't understand the friendship between you two!

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