At this time, in city B.

Chen man is sitting on the big class chair with an angry face.

"What's the matter? Didn't you go out to find someone? Didn't you find it?"

Opposite is the assistant's trembling expression, "sister man, we've looked for all the people you said, but the other party refused to help!"

"Why don't you want to help? I just don't think our gifts are enough! Tell them that as long as they are willing to help, the reward is easy to say!"

With that, Chen man threw his card to the assistant, "take it. What should you give? Don't be soft! If you don't stabilize here this time, the branches in other places will soon be affected!"

The assistant looked at the card and was reluctant to move.

Chen man frowned, "what's the matter?"

"Sister man!" the assistant cried, "we've all sent them! All the cards you gave us before have been sent, but they don't want them! Once they heard that they wanted to help with that, they said they couldn't afford it!"

Chen man waved the things on the table with a slap.

"Can't afford it, can't afford it! It's just an inland enterprise. What can't afford it?"

The assistant was afraid to speak and muttered weakly in his heart.

Have you forgotten TEM?

Just thinking, someone outside came in to inform.

"Sister man, Secretary Chen is here."

Secretary Chen is an important figure in the department involved in this incident. As long as he gives in, things can be basically solved!

Chen man's face was happy and immediately stared at his assistant.

"Can't you say?"

The assistant was also silly. "He said he didn't accept..."

"Still talking nonsense? Clean up quickly! Invite him in!"

The assistant was busy bending down to clean up. Chen man was also busy tidying up his makeup before twisting his waist and getting up.

"Secretary Chen, here you are! Sit down!"

Secretary Chen didn't seem to have any change in attitude. In the face of Chen man's warm reception, he obediently followed him to the sofa and sat down.

Chen man leaned against the trend and nestled in the arms of secretary Chen.

"Secretary Chen, only you love me at this time!"

Secretary Chen bowed his head and pinched her face. Then he sat up straight.

"In extraordinary times, don't do those fancy things! I came to tell you! It's not that I don't help you, it's really troublesome this time!"

The smile on Chen man's face gradually solidified, and soon he rubbed his eyes and began to be charming.

"Secretary Chen, are you really not helping me?"

"I really can't help you! You say it's bad for you to offend who? You have to offend TEM group? Although TEM has been very low-key in recent years, it's really antagonistic. You can see. Which side do everyone stand on?"

Although Chen man was angry, he was still calm. Hearing the speech, he asked aloud.

"What's good about TEM? It wasn't famous in city B before?"

"Don't you understand that? Tem is low-key, but in recent years, for the development of city B. tem is indispensable. You outsiders don't know it. Our internal staff know it very well! You've really kicked the iron plate!"

Chen man's heart pounded, "is there really no way? But we also support work on weekdays! We can do more charity work in the future..."

"Late! I came to tell you for the sake of a good relationship with you. Now you have and only one way, that is, in your Chinese words! Remove the bell and replace the person who needs to tie it!"

After that, Secretary Chen dusted his clothes, stood up and left without looking back.

Chen man stamped his feet angrily and kicked over the things that the assistant had just packed!

"Change the ringer for the one who needs to tie the bell! What do you mean? Ask me to go back and beg Gong Ming? There's no door!"

As soon as the voice fell, someone ran in again.

"No, no!"

Chen man was furious. "Can you say something auspicious?"

The subordinates were so frightened that their voices dropped. Chen man sat down and lit himself a cigarette, "say!"

"Sister man, several of our companies stationed abroad have just faxed back. They say that things from the headquarters have been spread there! Their overall situation has been affected. Several major customers have negotiated their orders, but suddenly they reneged! Another one would rather pay liquidated damages than terminate the contract with us!"

Someone ran in again.

"Sister man! I just got the news that our share price has fallen sharply today..."

Chen man was so worried that his cigarette would be crushed.

"Get out! Get out of here!"

Several subordinates were pushed and smashed out by her.

She leaned on the sofa alone, and there was darkness in front of her.

No one was so successful at the beginning. She got it step by step with her own efforts.

Even by men, she pays!

Now, how can she be willing to be taken away?

no way! no way!

You can't just wait to die!

Thinking of this, Chen man's closed eyes opened again!

She rearranged her clothes, opened the door of the room and went out.

"Book me a ticket back to Rongcheng!"

The assistant's eyes lit up. "Are you going to find Mr. Gong?"

The implication is to compromise?

Chen man glared at the assistant, "you're fired!"

After taking two steps, she still couldn't resist coming back and kicking the assistant, "I Chen man, I will never apologize!"

She's going back to fight her enemies!

Because only by winning can we prove to everyone that Chen man is no worse than Gong Ming!


On the other side, Gong Ming is at the kitchen door, looking at Qiao Shiyu busy in the kitchen with his hands around his chest.

"I told you to come home and have a rest! Why are you still busy!"

Qiao Shiyu smiled, "I'm not tired. What's the rest? Qingning is in poor health now. I'll make more food! She likes it!"

Gong Ming frowned, "what about me?"

Qiao Shiyu was stunned. "What's the matter? Aren't you good?"

"How am I? Qingning is taken care of. You are mine. Why do you always think of her?"

Josh was speechless. "How old are you? Are you jealous with your children? You're not afraid of being laughed at!"

"Who dares to laugh at me?" Gong Ming's face sank.

"I'll laugh at you!" Josh chuckled.

Gong Ming was helpless. He reached out and hooked her nose. "Only you dare to laugh at me!"

Qiao Shiyu pursed her lips and suddenly looked up at Gong Ming as if she remembered something.

"What did you just say? You said Qingning was accompanied? So you accepted Lu Xinian?"

Gong Ming looked a little unnatural when he heard the speech.

He coughed a little and said, "who said I accepted him? I just see that he has performed well recently. He is still under continuous observation!"

"Qingning must be very happy to know," Qiao Shiyu said with a smile.

"Don't tell Qingning!" Gong Ming said. "That girl, or her tail can go up to heaven!"

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