In the evening, after Gong Ming got home, he went to find Qiao Shiyu as usual.

Just came with the wind today and said directly, "Sir, madam is in the yard!"

Gong Ming coughed softly, although he was used to the pattern of looking for her as soon as he came home. But I'm still a little embarrassed in front of hard core subordinates.

After all, he is a big man.

"I... I didn't look for her!"

The wind nodded straightly, "Oh, OK, what are you looking for, sir? I'll help you find it."

"No, I'll go upstairs and read!"

With that, he really walked upstairs.

Just walked a few steps, paused again and felt it. He was still standing there with the wind behind him.

Seeing that he stopped, he asked, "what's the matter?"

Gong Ming frowned, "it's all right."

When Gong Ming left, Tang Xincai couldn't help but come and hold his finger.

"You fool."

The wind didn't understand, "what's the matter?"

"Sir is going to find his wife! I'm sorry to be told by you!"

With the wind, "..."

"Well, wait a minute, sir. If you come down again, don't talk nonsense! Sir also wants face, okay?"

Nod with the wind, "OK!"

Within three minutes, Gong Ming walked down the stairs again!

This time, Tang Xin still looked at his nose and pretended not to know.

Gong Ming went to the stairs and saw the wind looking at him, so he casually explained.

"I'll get something in the car."

"Let me get it for you!"

With the wind coming forward quickly, Gong Ming closed his eyes, "I can go by myself!"

"Sir, I'll help you..."

"Cough!" Tang Xin was almost angry with his own straight man. "Follow the wind, help me move this. I'm sorry, sir. You may need to get something yourself!"

Gong Ming shook his head. "It's all right. I'll take it myself!"

This time, he didn't dare to stay. After talking, he quickly went out.

Left with the wind, he looked confused and forced, "what do you want to move? Let me help you!"

Tang Xin was speechless, "fool!"


In the garden, the newly brought coke is still small. There may be no sense of security at home, always shouting.

Qiao Shiyu took it out and found many toys in the garden for him to play with.

It's just that this little guy can't play with those toys at all. Qiao Shiyu simply taught it how to cooperate with himself.

However, he completely ignored it.

When Gong Ming came, he saw Qiao Shiyu lying on the ground and going to get the toy with the little guy. The little guy stood with his tail drooping and his face was confused.

Qiao Shiyu is a hard-working teaching with a horsetail tied behind his head.

The dusk sun shines in from the gap of the fence in the yard, and a warm picture is hazy on them.

Gong Ming seems to see that when Xiao Nian Gao and Xiao Tangyuan were young, Hou qiaoshiyu took care of them like this!

As soon as his heart warmed, he came forward quickly.

The little guy still didn't cooperate. Josh sighed a little depressed.

"You are a tough little guy. Forget it, you don't have to learn. You can make a tough little coke in the future!"

Then she would get up. But I don't know if it's because I've been lying on the ground for too long. My legs were soft and I almost fell.

The next second, the broad embrace has wrapped her.

"Are you all right?" Gong Ming asked anxiously.

Still in shock, Qiao Shiyu was delighted to hear Gong Ming's voice.

"You're back? Look at the coke!"

How can Gong Ming go to see the dog? All attention was on her now.

"Is it really all right?"

"It's really all right. Why am I made of glass in your heart now? If you don't pay attention, you'll worry about me! If this goes on, I won't dare to come out in the future!"

Gong Ming reached out and pinched her face, "Naughty!"

This wipe, wipe a face of dust.

Then I saw clearly that she was as dirty as a dog!

Qiao Shiyu stretched out her hand and wiped it. "I didn't pay attention, so I wanted to play with it! Do you remember? We used to have a small coke, and it later played games very well! Frisbee, what, it played very well! Don't you like it very much?"

Gong Ming was stunned. "Are you teaching it because I like it?"

Qiao Shiyu was suddenly a little awkward, "not..."

Before he could say the word, Gong Ming reached out and took her into his arms.

"Thank you, wife!"

Qiao Shiyu was helpless and reached out to push him away. "Well, in fact, it's not exactly. Am I bored? Well, don't say it, I'll go back to take a bath!"

"No! It's still early. I'll play with you."

"You?" Josh couldn't believe it.

Gong Ming is a cleanliness addict! This may also be related to the experience of childhood. He doesn't like contact with these animals.

Even if the previous little coke was so cute, at most he just touched it, but he never played with it.

In the past, little coke tried to curry favor with him. When did he play with the dog?

"What's the matter? I can't?"

As he spoke, he went to take off his suit and coat. Inside was a white shirt. He calmly untied the two buttons on the collar, and elegantly rolled up his sleeves, revealing half his thin forearm.

"Well, play Frisbee, right?"

Qiao Shiyu nodded and looked at Gong Ming. He bent down to pick up the frisbee and went towards the dog.

However, this little guy is not easy to get familiar with Qiao Shiyu. He is very afraid of Gong Ming!

In itself, Gong Ming is the kind of person who doesn't seem to be angry. As the heir of the palace family, this temperament has long been deep into the bone marrow and is difficult to change!

The dog followed his footsteps and subconsciously stepped back. There was also a whimper in his mouth.

Qiao Shiyu also felt a sweat in his heart and just wanted to say something. Gong Ming shook his head at her, "it's all right. I'll give it to you."

Simply, Qiao Shiyu nodded, "okay..."

Before the words fell, Gong Ming strode towards the little guy with a fierce look on his face.

Behind the little guy is the corner of the flower bed. He can't avoid it. Qiao Shiyu looked nervous and thought Gong Ming was going to beat him.

My heart is tight. I just wanted to say forget it

The next second, Gong Ming had lifted his trouser legs and squatted down in front of him.

"What are you afraid of? I won't eat you!"

Although the voice is still a little stiff, but the action and tone are particularly gentle.

Qiao Shiyu was stunned, and Gong Ming tried hard to squeeze out a smile at Xiao cola. "So, aren't you afraid!"

But the little guy didn't appreciate it. Seeing this, he turned his head awkwardly and left a ruthless figure for Gong Ming.


Qiao Shiyu couldn't help laughing.

Gong Ming frowned. "What's the matter? Do I look funny?"

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