FEIA smiled bitterly, "but even so, you still have the Far East Group and your parents. You are still a proud girl. What am I? I'm just a grass mustard. My parents died when I was very young! My only hope is Chen Haobei, I have only him. I have nothing without him!"

Qiao Qingning closed his eyes.

"I don't want what you said."

FIA was stunned. "What did you say?"

"Let's make a bet!" Qiao Qingning seemed to have made up his mind.

"We'll give each other a year. I'll leave Rongcheng and no longer be the daughter of the Gong family. You'll transform yourself and never look for life or death again. After a year, see if we've all come out, okay?"

FIA couldn't believe it. "What you said is true? Do you really want nothing?"

"Why not? I also have an indelible responsibility for the Far East Group to become what it is now. I always thought I was excellent and could do well in everything. However, after these things happened, I realized that Grandpa Zhang and his parents really protected me so well! I trusted others so easily! So I have to use my own practice Move and work hard. So let's bet! "

Then she reached out and slapped FIA in the palm of her hand.

"I'll keep in touch with you! We'll see you in a year."

In fact, this is not entirely for FIA. In fact, she really wants to exercise herself.

After the accident, although my parents never said anything in front of her. But she can obviously feel that her parents are very careful.

Worried about what she said accidentally would make her sad.

This way of getting along is not only hard for parents, but also hard for her?

Plus, the project done with Fangyuan a few days ago. Now it seems that it is difficult to find a suitable object in Rongcheng!

Then let's go somewhere else!

Leave this sad place, perhaps there will be a new world.


Qiao Qingning did what he said. After returning, he immediately told Qiao Shiyu his ideas.

At that time, Qiao Shiyu and Gong Ming just came in from the outside and put down the coke. Hearing this, Qiao Shiyu immediately rubbed his hands nervously.

"Qingning, why do you suddenly have such an idea? Did you encounter something difficult to solve outside?"

Although Gong Ming didn't speak, his eyes and expression had also exposed his concern.

Qiao Qingning's heart was warm, but he was also out of breath.

"It's not sudden. I've been thinking about it for a long time! I'm sorry about the company. I want to go out and break through by myself. I don't rely on the Far East Group or the name of the palace's daughter. I just want to prove myself."

The reputation of the daughter of the palace family is a huge aura. But the aura is too big. Sometimes it will become a tight hoop spell, which makes people breathless.

Qiao Shiyu glanced at Gong Ming and came back and asked, "can't you think about it again?"

Qiao Qingning shook his head. "I've thought about it! Mommy, don't persuade me, okay? It's like when I was a child, I insisted on learning kung fu with Grandpa Zhang. I'll protect myself. Mommy, don't worry about me."

Qiao Shiyu sighed. In fact, this daughter is very similar to her in character many times.

Stubborn, she can't help it.

"Have you decided where to go?" Gong Ming suddenly said. It's like setting the world!


Qiao Qingning said.

"No!" Josh immediately retorted. "You can't go to Qingcheng. There is no palace property there. Who will take care of you when you go there?"

In fact, far east group had an industry in Qingcheng. But later, Gong Ming voluntarily withdrew from Qingcheng market because of Qiao Shiyu.

I haven't been there for so many years.

"I don't need to take care of!" Qiao Qingning said. "I went to Qingcheng because there is no property of our family. I want to work hard by myself!"


"Mom! Dad! I've made up my mind. If you don't promise, I'll go by myself. If you promise, I'll take the project that no one wants to take away from the company..."

Josh was speechless. "You may do it yourself, which is better than taking the project away."

It's mainly that project. It's half done. It is not necessarily suitable for Qingcheng's market.

If she starts from scratch, she can still do something suitable for Qingcheng market!

"I still want my parents to give me that project. It ran aground in my hands. I want to save him!"

Qiao Shiyu also wanted to say that Gong Ming reached out and pinched her finger.

Turning to Qiao Qingning, "when will you leave?"

"If you can, I'll go in a few days!"

"OK, clean it up yourself."

After that, Qiao Qingning went upstairs to have a rest. Gong Ming watched her back disappear at the entrance of the stairs before turning to Qiao Shi.

"I know you're worried, but..."

"But what? Do you think I'm old and confused? Although I can't bear it, Qingning is really unhappy at home now. Rongcheng has too many memories. It's OK to go. You don't have to persuade me. I'll go up and look for it and help her pack some things."

Gong Ming couldn't help but tug at the corners of his mouth. "I knew my wife was the most righteous! I'm with you!"


A few days later, after FIA was discharged from the hospital, Qiao Qingning went to see her once.

Although in good health, the mood doesn't look very high. Qiao Qingning showed him the ticket he had prepared!

"I'm leaving these days. Remember our agreement."

FEIA looked at Qiao Qingning with some admiration. "I really didn't expect you to do this. Didn't I almost hurt you at the beginning? How would you..."

"It's not entirely for you, just sympathize with each other! That's it! I hope you can abide by the agreement!"

"I... will!" said FIA. "After I get well, I'll be transferred to women's prison! I'll remember what you said! We'll see each other in a year."

"Hmm!" Qiao Qingning nodded.

FIA suddenly said again. "Did you go to see President Lu...?"

Qiao Qingning was stunned. The name has been engraved in his heart. But it seems that no one has mentioned this person in front of her for a long time!

"No!" she shook her head. "Nothing to look at!"

"Actually..." FIA hesitated. "You can't believe all the things Chen man said! President Lu may have approached you for some reason at first. But later, he really fell in love with you. Because you quarreled with Chen man many times..."

Without waiting for FEIA to say, Qiao Qingning had interrupted her.

"What about the Far East Group? What about Fangyuan? Didn't he do it?"

FIA tightened her lips. "That thing..."

"Well, I don't want to hear it!" Qiao Qingning said and stood up.

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