Qiao Qingning looked at the information and suddenly felt his back cold. I sneezed inexplicably.

Fang Yuan hurriedly got up. "Have you caught a cold? I'll cook you some ginger soup."

"No!" Qiao Qingning shook his head. "It's just that his nose itches. It's okay! Let's continue!"

They were busy until midnight, trying to make the data perfect, so they went to bed with the documents!

The next morning, they got up again, cleaned themselves up and went to the company again.

The materials were spread on the polished conference table, and even the pens were placed neatly.

"This is our first stroke. We must be smooth."

"Yes!" Qiao Qingning smiled.

Then Qiao Qingning went to get a rag and wiped the table again.

Fang Yuan couldn't help laughing at her anxiety.

"Here, you've wiped it ten times since the morning!"

"Yes?" Qiao Qingning looked curious. "Why don't I remember?"

"What do you remember? I think you'd better tidy yourself up. Your hair is messy. How rude it is when the customer comes!"

Qiao Qingning was surprised, "really? It's really messy? Then I'll tidy it up quickly!"

Then he ran to the bathroom. After running for a few steps, he didn't forget to turn back and tell him, "you call me. It's almost time. Ask them when they will arrive. Let's go downstairs to pick it up!"


Fang Yuan smiled, took out his mobile phone and dialed the phone over there

It's just that the phone rang several times and didn't respond.

After looking at the time, it's almost time! There won't be any side effects, will there?

In the heart such a thought, then gradually uneasy.

She looked back at the direction of the bathroom, but she was still worried and went downstairs for a look.

The rush hour has passed, and the streets are very clean. I can't see a figure at all.

With a deep breath, she went upstairs again. Just arrived at the door, Qiao Qingning had dressed up and came out.

"How's it going? Has someone come?"

Fang Yuan shook his head, "not yet."

Qiao Qingning was stunned. "Did you call? What did you say over there?"

"Didn't say, the phone didn't get through."

With that, Fang Yuan saw Qiao Qingning's eyes a little dim, and hurriedly explained.

"It may be on the road, so let's wait!"

Qiao Qingning frowned, "I don't think so!"

It's rare for her to remain rational at this time. In fact, it's also the experience left by the pit countless times before.

"They all appreciated us yesterday. Today is not a weekend. They shouldn't be late. I think something must have happened!"

"What's the matter?" Fang Yuan's voice trembled a little.

"Don't be afraid!" Qiao Qingning pressed her shoulder. "I'll have a look. You wait for me in the company."

"Qingning..." Fang Yuan shouted. "They don't know you, or I'll go!"

Qiao Qingning stopped, too! She didn't go to that company yesterday.

However, to go around... She is not at ease!

"Let's go together!"


After Ning went out, they went straight to the company.

The company operates as usual, and the hall is full of people. Fang Yuan found the receptionist yesterday.

"Please, I'd like to see your president Zhang."

As soon as the receptionist saw her, the smile on her face solidified. She immediately said with a smile.

"President Zhang went abroad on business early this morning."

Fang Yuan was stunned, "but President Zhang agreed with us yesterday to sign a contract! We are all waiting for him."

"I'm sorry! Our company has been cooperating with big customers. Maybe president Zhang forgot last night for an unknown small company like you! I advise you to go quickly!"

Qiao Qingning can see that someone must have obstructed it!

Mainly, this kind of scene is too similar to what I have encountered before. I can't help thinking otherwise.

Immediately she blurted out, "did someone give orders? It's Ouchen?"

The front desk was stunned and immediately lowered his eyes.

"What are you talking about? I don't know."

Fang Yuan still refused to give up, "then your manager Zhang is not here. Is there any other person in charge? We agreed to sign the contract yesterday. You see, we have brought all the contracts..."

Before the voice fell, the woman had turned her head towards another customer.

"Hello, who are you looking for?"

Fang Yuan frowned, "Miss, I..."

"Forget it!" Qiao Qingning stretched out his hand and pulled out the square. "Let's go back!"

Fang Yuan was a little unwilling, "but what we said yesterday was good. Why can't we? The scheme we worked so hard to do is so excellent. Why can't people see it?"

Xiaonizi's eyes are very red. She's really worked hard for a while!

Because he was ordered by Ouchen, xiaonizi was doing a lot of things in the company. Originally, I came here to prove myself. It was not easy to see a little light, but suddenly it was dark again.

Who can stand it?

Qiao Qingning reached out and grabbed her shoulder. "It's none of your business. It's all my fault. Obviously, Ouchen did it!"

"He... Why?"

Fang Yuan didn't understand, "he asked you to work for him. You've done it! Why do you always have trouble with us?"

Qiao Qingning pursed his lips. "How can a normal person understand a pervert? Let's go back and I'll go find him!"

Although Fang Yuan was unwilling, he was worried when he heard that Qiao Qingning was going to find ou Chen.

"Forget it, forget it! This list is over, and we will have a better list next time. Don't go to him. Even your previous deal with him! That man is not a good man. Don't go now that he's gone!"

Qiao Qingning shook his head. "No, I must go. I didn't know it was him before. We could still be beaten vaguely. But now we all know that it's not like me to be beaten again!"


At the same time, Euclidean group.

As soon as Ou Chen came out of the conference room, the assistant's mobile phone was handed over.

"Sir, Miss Qiao has called you a lot!"

Ou Chen didn't even look. "The itinerary in the afternoon."

The assistant quickly put away the mobile phone, "you have an afternoon tea in the afternoon to talk about cooperation with President Chen of Hengtai. There will be a charity dinner later, which is hosted by Yongding. Please have a few times..."

"Hmm!" Ou Chen nodded. "Go and arrange it!"

The assistant was quite surprised. What kind of dinner did Ou Chen look up to before. He usually makes excuses to refuse. He thought he would spend a lot of time this time.

I didn't expect to say yes?

Just thinking, Ouchen suddenly turned back.

"You call me back to my apartment and tell my fifth sister-in-law to give her a holiday today and ask her to go home and come back tomorrow."

The assistant answered and hurried to do it.

On the other hand, Qiao Qingning couldn't get a response after contacting Ouchen, so he also went to Ouchen's apartment. As a result, the door of the apartment was closed

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