When the fifth sister-in-law went out, Qiao Qingning immediately dialed Ouchen.

At that time, Ouchen was attending a collective meeting of the company. In the ladder classroom, the grass-roots employees of various departments are also there.

Moreover, it is being proposed that every new employee of the company should sign a single agreement.

The requirement of the agreement is that new employees without boyfriends can't fall in love within two years after entering the company, and those with boyfriends can't get pregnant within two years!

If this requirement cannot be met, the company has reason to dismiss according to breach of contract.

After listening to this proposal, everyone basically complained, but the boss was in front, and everyone dared to be angry.

One by one, his face was ugly.

Just then, the telephone rang.

The senior female executive in her forties who was making a proposal suddenly sank.

"Who is it? Who doesn't turn off at this critical moment?"

Everyone was busy looking down, and everyone prayed that it should not be their own.

Mainly, this female executive is more terrible than Ouchen strictly speaking. Do things without saying, but also all kinds of stubbornness.

Especially in terms of love between men and women, it was even more terrible than the teaching director in the school at that time. Everyone suspected that she might have been hurt by love, so she hated love so much.

Someone gave me a nickname, abbess extinction.

If nun exterminator catches him, he will lose his skin if he doesn't die!

After some inspection, the cell phone is still ringing. The exterminator raised his voice when he was too busy. "Who is it? Stand up!"

The next second, he saw Ouchen standing up silently.

"Sorry, it's me."

Nun extinction's face was like swallowing a fly, "Mr. ou, here, you..."

"Needless to say sorry, it's my problem. You go on."

Ouchen looked at the number, hung up the phone directly, and immediately turned it off again.

As the proposal went on, there was a young girl who looked very young. She was worried that she was about to pass it.

"Should the whole company abide by this plan?"

Nun extinction nodded, "of course! I will set an example myself!"

People turned their eyes in their hearts. Just you, even if you want to break the rules, someone has to!

"What about the president?" the girl is also a newborn calf. She is not afraid of tigers. She is probably a young girl of this age. Is it still very important for love?

How many years are there in life?

As soon as she mentioned it, other people with opinions immediately followed her.

"Yes! Where's the president?"

Mrs. extinction was stunned. "President, he's not an employee!"

"It's not fair! Anyone who works in Euclidean is a member of the company. That's what you said last time!"

Seeing this, Ouchen got up and said.

"You're right. I'm also a member of the company. So I abide by the rules like you. I won't get married and have children within two years! If I don't do it, I'll apologize to you in front of the whole company, and I'll take out my annual salary to buy insurance for you!"

As we all know, successful people like ou Chen are cruel to themselves. But you don't have to be so hard, do you?

He said that. Who dares to disagree?

It's over.

On the other side, Qiao Qingning just hung up and dialed back. It just turned off before I dialed there.

At the moment, she was sitting there, looking at her mobile phone and despised Ou Chen in her heart again and again. She seriously suspected that Ouchen was arrogant and abnormal.

I must have known her mind, so I didn't answer the phone.

He was so distracted that Qiao Qingning didn't notice that his mobile phone rang again.

When she reacted, her contempt had spread along the connected phone.

"Ouchen, this big pervert!"

"Hmm?" the cold voice sounded. Qiao Qingning shook his hand and his mobile phone almost fell to the ground.

"Didn't you turn it off?"

The end didn't say a word. After a few seconds of silence, Ouchen's voice rang out.

"Oh... It seems that you are here to find something?"

"No, no!" Qiao Qingning finally didn't forget the business.

"I'm looking for something for you, not what you think." she wants to deceive people now. Naturally, she can't refuse people thousands of miles.

"I don't want to hear it!" Ouchen was very cold.

Qiao Qingning turned his eyes in his heart, but his mouth was busy keeping up.

"Mr. ou, you are handsome. Why can't you get along with me? I really have something to do with you?"

Is your mouth so sweet? Ouchen's lips slightly tilted, "is there anything else?"

"Of course! He is handsome and graceful..."

Ouchen's lips were slightly tilted. Unexpectedly, this woman spoke good words, which was still good?

"Charming and charming..."

Just, how can this adjective sound more and more awkward?

"Shut up!"

Ouchen said, "read more books and don't talk nonsense! Get down to business!"

Qiao Qingning said with a smile, "that's right! How did you feel about the stewed rice you ate in the morning?"

Ouchen's eyebrows were picked. It was obviously a pit!

An old workplace fox like him doesn't understand this!

Immediately he said vaguely, "OK!"

Qiao Qingning, "..."

it 's not bad? Who ate so delicious in the morning? Men are really big pig hooves!

"Then I won't do it at night!" Qiao Qingning said angrily. He couldn't do the routine. He was in no mood!

Ouchen is more sure that something is wrong, mainly because Qiao Qingning is not stupid, but sometimes he is too simple.

Girls with bad temper are almost like this. They are single-minded and have no bad thoughts.

"Come on, what's up!"

Don't want to beat around the bush with her, Ouchen asked directly.

Qiao Qingning told the truth. "Didn't you also say that to be a man, you should keep your promise?"


"Didn't our promise say that I should cook? Now I cook! Should we give some compensation?"

In order to succeed, Qiao Qingning did not forget to butter up in the back.

Ou Chen knew clearly, "do you want to talk to me about terms?"

"It's not a condition? It's a reward!"

"Oh? What do you want?"

Finally get to the point!

Qiao Qingning said, "as far as our previous agreement is concerned, didn't you say to postpone it for me? I think now, even if it is postponed, I am busy taking care of you every day, and I don't have money to pay you back! Why don't we make an appointment? You give me more time every day and let me go to work!"

Ouchen was stunned. "Is that all?"

He thought she would just say, forget the money!

In fact, that sum of money is not a large amount for him. If he is in a good mood one day, it is not impossible to avoid it. However, he is not a virgin, anyone can be exempted!

"Just this!" Qiao Qingning said, "otherwise what do you think it is?"

What a silly and lovely woman. Ouchen hooks her lips. "I thought you wanted me to exempt you directly from the money!"

That end was stunned for a few seconds. Ouchen thought she would be angry. He blamed him for insulting her personality!

As a result, there was a wail at the end. "Yes, I didn't think of it!"

Ou Chen, "..." take back what you just said.

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