Qiao Qingning looked at the pressing Ou Chen step by step, subconsciously stretched out his hand and protected himself.

"I tell you! A gentleman will not do anything if he speaks! If you dare to do something to me, I will not forgive you!"

Ou Chen glanced at her, and the man was getting closer and closer.

Before, Qiao Qingning also knew Ouchen before he knew what it was like to have people outside people and mountains outside mountains.

Ouchen didn't take her seriously at all. If he really takes it seriously, he is a powerful man and must have an advantage over her.

At this moment, Qiao Qingning has waved his fist at Ouchen.

But they held her wrist lightly.

However, later generations are getting closer and closer, Qiao Qingning's heart can't help jumping up with plop.

Ou Chen was wearing pajamas. Now the neckline was open. With his closer and closer footsteps, the beauty in front of him was closer and closer.

The threat is getting closer!

"You... Don't come here again! Otherwise I'll do it!"

"OK!" Ou Chen smiled, and his big hand twisted her arm and turned it back.

Qiao Qingning now has his head directly to the wall and his back to Ouchen.

Her heart thumped and her throat tightened.

"Ou Chen, if you do this again, I will hate you!"

"If you do wrong, you will be punished. You have no right to hate me!"

"Ouchen!!!" Qiao Qingning clenched his teeth and clicked behind him the next second. When her wrist was cold, Ouchen clapped her hands and let her go.

"Think about it against the wall!"

Qiao Qingning,???

Ou Chen glanced at her, "you look very disappointed?"

Qiao Qingning took a deep breath and really scared her to death. The abnormal technique is as abnormal as his people. It's unpredictable!

Qiao Qingning took a hard look at the handcuffs behind him.

"Why do you have such a thing?"

Ouchen frowned, "of course, I'm specially prepared to tie you! Don't be too moved!"

Moved, sir!

Qiao Qingning turned his eyes in his heart, and then saw Ouchen turn around and go to the next bedroom!

"Hey... Don't go!"

Qiao Qingning shouted.

In this room, there are only her and Ou Chen now. If ou Chen really had enough to eat and drink and went to bed, what would she do?

Won't be locked here all the time?

When Gong Jue was lost, mommy was already worried. If she loses it again, how can Mommy stand it?

Ouchen heard the speech and looked back at her.

"What are you doing?"

"You're gone. What shall I do?"

Ou Chen nodded, "it seems so!"

Qiao Qingning looked excited. Unexpectedly, this pervert also had a reasonable day! Forget it, you'd better scold him less in the future!

The next second, Qiao Qingning only felt that the tension behind her became larger, and she was dragged towards the bedroom.

"It's safer to put it in front of you, so you can't run!"

Qiao Qingning, "..."

She decided to take that back.

In the bedroom, Ouchen locked her on the handle of a wardrobe near the door, and then went to bed safely.

Qiao Qingning read it for a while, but it had no effect on others.

It doesn't look like someone who can't sleep at all. He's sleeping soundly.

Qiao Qingning finally said that he was tired. He simply sat down and fell asleep against the wall.

You'd better conserve your energy first, and then fight against metamorphosis!


Fortunately, Qiao Shiyu thought Qiao Qingning had gone to find Gong Jue.

However, after searching all night, Gong Jue had no clue at all.

At the same time, the disappearance of Gong Jue also spread to some people in some upper class society.

After all, the Gong family spent so much manpower looking for people. In this circle, those people have clear ears and bright eyes. Who can't help but know what the situation is?

So the next morning, Gu Qiu also heard the news.

Gu's parents were disgusted, "what's wrong with qiu'er in our family? He still wants to escape marriage?"

"Yes, I thought Mrs. Gong was nice and a little excited. Now, I think I'd better forget it!"

"Parents!" Gu Qiu interrupted them.

"Things are not what you think! Don't guess!"

"You girl, mother is not for you?" Gu's mother pretended to be angry.

"Of course I know! But I can't wrong good people, can I?"

"OK! We won't wrong him! I want to see how angry he is. He doesn't like my autumn son because he is so good!"

"Mom, you're here again! I'm going to work!"

"Be careful!" Gu's mother sighed. "A good girl, I have to be a designer!"

"Don't worry. I'm just drawing in the office. It'll be fine!"

Gu Qiu waved her hand. When she went out, she thought of Gong Jue and dialed the company again.

"Sorry, I'm not feeling well today. Would you please take a day off?"

The leaders of the company have always appreciated Gu Qiu. She looks soft and weak, but she is full of magic.

Moreover, on weekdays, the performance is outstanding.

Naturally, he agreed to leave.

After that, Gu Qiucai went to find her best friend.

Her best friend Qin Yue is a hot girl. She has a wide range of contacts outside. As soon as I heard that I was looking for someone, I was immediately curious.

"Can't it be your blind date yesterday? What? You're running away from home? Then you're looking for a fart!"

"No, what ran away from home? Why do you have the same head as my parents?"

Qin Yue was helpless. "Come on, you're self deception, you know? Your parents and I are right. You'd better give up!"

"You help me find it? You don't help me find someone else!"

"Help! Help!" Qin Yue conceded, "I haven't seen you so firm since I was a child! This is the second time!"

The first time was to insist on doing design work, and the second time was for a man.

Qin Yue immediately drove, "come on, find someone first."

Along the way, Qin Yue blamed Gu Qiu all the way. Nothing more than telling her not to be so stupid and be careful to sink deeper and deeper.

But Gu Qiu kept thinking about Gong Jue and didn't listen.

She believes in the first feeling, just like when she saw a beautiful house at the first sight, she decided to be a designer.

Yesterday, she saw Gong Jue for the first time and felt that he was her other half.

This kind of thing is very mysterious and cannot be explained by common sense.

Just busy for most of the day, Qin Yue's friends also got nothing. Also, I can't find such good contacts of the Gong family, and Qin Yue is no better than the Gong family.

Gu Qiu was a little depressed and talked silently in her heart.

God, please listen to my heart! I want to find Gong Jue. I never begged you!

Maybe God heard her voice. As soon as the voice fell, she saw Gong Jue coming out of the intersection in front.

Gu Qiu's eyes lit up quickly.

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