Gong Ming was protecting Qiao Shiyu from a distance, but the little woman forgot everything when she looked at these things.

Gong Ming just answered the phone and almost tripped to the ground.

Gong Ming watched helplessly, and his heart was about to jump to his throat. Fortunately, he had quick eyes and hands and pulled her.

The next second, despite Qiao Shiyu's objection, he had picked her up.

There are some other designer teams on the scene. Seeing this scene, everyone watched it one after another. Qiao Shiyu was embarrassed and shouted. "Put me down!"

Gong Ming frowned, "no, you can either go back with me. Or I can hold you to see. Where do you want to see, I'll take you to see!"

Josh was speechless. "I can go myself."

"You almost fell!" Gong Ming said. He was almost scared to death.

Qiao Shiyu couldn't speak to him after all, so he had to let him alone.

However, Gong Ming has long hands and feet. He walks steadily with her in his arms. Qiao Shiyu soon finished the work. When I got back to the car, several designers greeted her with a smile.

"Your husband is really nice."

"How happy!"

Qiao Shiyu is probably used to being taken care of by Gong Ming. He hasn't felt it yet. Now I feel really happy when they remind me.

Sometimes this happiness is really a very delicate thing!

After returning, Qiao Shiyu began to look at her design drawings as usual, but Mr. Gong Ming has always been very dedicated to looking at her.

Almost every time, she counted the time. As long as she reached 30 minutes, she was forced to get up and rest.

Qiaoshi language work is the kind of work that forgets to eat and sleep, especially the design work, which needs inspiration. Every time I was interrupted by someone just when the spring of Wensi surged, it was almost like beating people's rhythm.

But the other party was Gong Ming, so Qiao Shiyu had to advise again.

Dare not fight!

Then you can only be coquettish! Although Gong Ming said that he was not allowed to be spoiled, how can he do things smoothly without being spoiled?

Qiao Shiyu thought, pinched Gong Ming's skirt and pulled it twice.

"Please, just let me finish this. I promise I'll have a rest immediately."

"No!" Gong Ming was selfless. Qiao Shiyu tried several times without success. Thinking of the kiss in the morning, he said again. "Otherwise, I'll kiss you?"

Gong Ming still refused.

"Then you can kiss me?"

The next second, Gong Ming nodded. Immediately, he picked up Qiao Shiyu.

Qiao Shiyu was stunned, "what are you doing?"

"It's not easy to operate here. Go back to the room and kiss."

Qiao Shiyu, "..."

Forget it, as long as you can achieve your goal. Kiss wherever you go. However, thirty minutes later, Qiao Shiyu found that she had been cheated again.

She said kiss, is a very simple kiss. But Gong Ming's kiss is French kiss. One by one

Qiao Shiyu couldn't escape if he didn't cover his stomach and pretend to have a stomachache!

Another 40 minutes have passed.

There was no inspiration for Qiao Shi's language, and the whole brain was confused.

Looking at the culprit again, he looked refreshed. Qiao Shi clenched her teeth in a tone, "no painting, I'm going to practice boxing."

Gong Ming was stunned, "no!"


Downstairs, I bet with Chang Wu for the 18th time.

"Do you think Mr. will compromise this time?"

With that, both of them were afraid that they would be late and answered in one voice.



"That's boring!" said the wind. "It's fun to have someone say yes, but not one!"

"But it's obvious that a fool will say no!"

Finally, Tang Xin reminds me.

"How long can you guess?"


They immediately said again, "within three minutes!"


This will always make the palace lose face, okay?

"Guess exactly!"

"I guess three minutes." Chang Wu said.

"I guess it's two and a half minutes. Whoever's time is close is who. Okay?" echoed the wind.

"It's a deal."

With that, they immediately took out their stopwatch and began to count.

The sound from upstairs came down. At first, Qiao Shiyu complained, "you're too much. My inspiration is scared away by you. I won't design in the future, okay? I hate you!"

Then Gong Ming's voice became less and less powerful.

"Don't be angry. Be careful that anger will damage your body. You're unstable and can't practice boxing. Otherwise, go shooting? I'll accompany you."

"No, I'll practice boxing! Otherwise, don't limit my time. Choose one of two, you choose!"

The following follow the wind and Chang Wu said in one voice.

"Of course, I promised her to design!"

Unexpectedly, the next second, Gong Ming said again. "No!"

Two people, "???" this time, the palace is always so principled?

Chang Wu looked at the stopwatch, "it's two and a half minutes..."

The wind frowned, "I lost. What do you want this time?"

"Don't worry, haven't you got the result yet?"

The next second, Gong Ming came down the stairs. Chang Wu hurriedly put the stopwatch away, "President Gong!"

Gong Ming said, "go to the storage room and take out the soft couch you replaced before."

Chang Wu and Suifeng looked at each other and couldn't figure out what Gong Zong was thinking. However, he went at once.

A moment later, he took out the couch. "President Gong, where should I put this? I'll take it up for you."

"No, just give it to me." then Gong Ming took it directly and carried it upstairs.

Suifeng and Changwu were curious, "what are you doing?"

"Is it difficult for Mr. Gong to practice boxing with his wife on the couch?"

The corners of their mouths twitched, "did we all lose this time?"

"No, I'll go up and have a look."

With that, Chang Wu trotted upstairs. In fact, the wind wants to call Chang Wu. You can't go up. But curiosity drove him up.

Then they were at the door of the study. I saw Gong Ming, who should have been watching Qiao Shiyu, sitting in front of the computer at the moment. Qiao Shiyu, who should have been designed in front of the computer, is lying on the couch with a cushion on it. She is giving oral instructions to Gong Ming.

"The location of the eaves, I want to use the European style of fairy tales over there."

"Roof, I want to use a spire, right..."

"I want to use dark red for the color of the wall. It feels like an ancient castle. It's not this dark red, it's another..."

With Qiao Shiyu's words, Gong Ming quickly implemented them on the drawing.

Two people, "!!!"

Yes, Mr. Gong.

Compromise is so fresh and refined that I went to the battle to draw pictures myself. It's really great.

Chang Wu tut said, "we all lost this time. Will we gamble next time?"

"Bet! Next time I don't think we should gamble for a long time. We should bet. The palace will always compromise in what way."

Chang Wu thought, "I think so."

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