Liang Huai'an felt that his whole body was about to break.

After a long time, he nodded, and two words overflowed from the bottom of his throat, "congratulations."

Song Qingtian's eyes were hot. The next second, she hurried not to start.

"Sorry, I'm a little tired. I'll have a rest first. I'm sorry to delay your work."

Liang Huai'an had no strength to say those hypocritical and polite words to her. He turned and walked out slowly.

When the door closed, Song Qing quickly got up and looked at the direction Liang Huai'an left, bursting into tears.

She really regretted why she was so willful at the beginning.

If she had been simpler and braver. If they say what they really mean, they won't be like this today.


Qiao Shiyu always thought about song Qingtian in her heart, so she dialed her again when she got home.

However, song Qingtian knew that she was pregnant, so he didn't say anything. He just said that everything was all right. Qiao Shiyu hung up.

After putting down the phone, Qiao Shiyu lay back in bed and muttered.

"Liang Huai'an, that guy, is really pathetic. He looks like a playboy at ordinary times. In fact, he feels very bitter in his heart?"

The next second, Gong Ming had put a piece of fruit into her mouth.

"Is it still bitter?"

Qiao Shiyu gave him a helpless look, "it's not my pain..."

Gong Ming is about to become a God in order to let her eat fruit. The family could prepare fruit for 24 hours. When she said this from time to time, she sent one to her mouth.

Struggling to swallow, Qiao Shiyu found a comfortable place to lie down.

"I don't know what song Qingtian thinks. I don't think she's doing very well now. That man must be not very good to her!"

Gong Ming helped her hold her calf. Since her leg was swollen last time, Gong Ming has formed the habit of massaging her calf every day. Watching her worry, she frowned again.

"They are all adults and naturally have their own ideas."

Qiao Shiyu was still angry. "Sunny day is my friend and so poor. As soon as I saw her, I remembered when I was in Italy."

Gong Ming was stunned. "Do you remember?"

Josh nodded, "well, I think of some."

Since Gong Ming was honest with herself last time, she has been influenced and thought of a lot of things during this period of time. It is precisely because I thought of those things that I learned more about Gong Ming's rare feelings for myself.

Thinking of this, Qiao Shiyu glanced at Gong Ming who was helping him pinch his legs. They've been walking around for so many years. Gong Ming can be consistent with her.

She is the happiest person in the world!

Reaching out and holding Gong Ming's arm, Qiao Shiyu said.

"I'm much better. Don't pinch it."

Gong Ming's men kept saying, "just a few minutes left." this is a complete set of techniques that can help alleviate the edema during pregnancy. He found someone to study, so naturally he can't give up halfway.

But Qiao Shiyu didn't know what was wrong at the moment, just didn't let him press it.

In order not to let him fall, Qiao Shiyu directly turned around and turned his leg to the head of the bed. The next second, the smiling face of the little woman appeared under his shadow.

Gong Ming sighed helplessly, "don't make trouble."

"Who's making trouble!" Josh grabbed his hand.

"You've been busy since you came back. Look, where do you still look like a president? It's spread. People don't want to say I bully you?"

Hearing the speech, Gong Ming's face sank, "who dares?"

Josh simply lied, "I dare! You're not afraid that you don't have dignity in front of me. I don't like you anymore?"

Hearing the speech, Gong Ming frowned.

"What kind of me do you like?"

He spoke quickly, and his tone was a little nervous. His solemn appearance made Gong Ming's heart ache and his eyes wet.

She has become a little sentimental since she got pregnant. In particular, now her memory slowly began to recover. She remembered some things before, and her character gradually began to change.

The next second, the man's broad chest has tightly hugged her.

"Don't cry..."

He was really afraid of her crying. As soon as she cried, he was at a loss. Even if she wants the stars in the sky, he can go up and pick them for her.

Qiao Shiyu sniffed, "it's all your fault. I'm only happy if I have to be offended."

"Well, it's all my fault." Gong Ming said sincerely. "Otherwise, if you feel uncomfortable, you can hit me, but don't cry. What if our little princess turns into a small crying bag?"

Qiao Shiyu wanted to cry more. "Why are you so good to me? Where am I worth you so good to me?"

From her recently slowly recovered memory, the more she thought, the more she felt that she didn't know what Gong Ming liked about her.

She is basically useless except that she looks a little better. What's more, what kind of beautiful woman has Gong Ming never seen? Let alone anything else.

Smart is not very smart. Bad temper and stubborn. And she has

Qiao Shiyu thought of this, and her tears fell down even more.

Gong Ming felt nervous, hurriedly lowered his head and slowly kissed the tears off her cheeks.

The broad hand held her plump cheek in the palm of his hand, and the man whispered low.

"You are good at everything, your stubbornness, your stubbornness and your loveliness. In my eyes, everything is good, I......"

Before Gong Ming finished speaking, Qiao Shiyu had directly raised his head and accurately blocked his lips. She doesn't know how to repay such a good Gong Ming. She can only use the most primitive way.

The sudden kiss instantly stunned Gong Ming.

Since the last accident, Qiao Shiyu has always had a gap in his heart. Therefore, he is used to holding her every day and dare not cross the minefield.

He has long been used to her. It's natural that he can't have no idea about her every day. When you are too sad, you can only take a cold bath to relieve yourself.

Now, Qiao Shiyu took the initiative to kiss him. His brain was buzzing and he didn't know how to respond.

Clearly feeling his excitement, he hurriedly pushed her away.

"Don't do that, poetic language."

He felt that his strength and perseverance were as fragile as before her. As long as she stretched out her hand a little, he broke in an instant.

So he didn't dare let her do this.

The next second, the injured little woman stepped back a little and curled herself up in the corner at the head of the bed.

"Oh, I'm sorry."

Her appearance made Gong Ming's heart more sad, "poetic language..."

"I don't care..." Qiao Shiyu shook her head and tried to pull up a smile. However, the smile was bitter. "I know you can't accept it at the moment. I can wait."

This woman, does she think she can't accept her?

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