On the mountain, Gong Ming only felt a flash of cold light in front of him. However, the distance between them is too close. It's too late for him to avoid!

The tip of the knife burst into his abdomen, and Qiao Shiqi was not soft at all.

"Gong Ming, do you have today?"

Gong Ming reacted and opened Qiao Shiqi's picture, but his injured abdomen was bleeding slowly. For a moment, he couldn't lift his strength.

The next second, Qiao Shiqi pulled it up. Gong Ming thinks she will give herself a knife, but she doesn't want Qiao Shiqi to throw the knife in her hand in front of Gong can. She smiled wantonly, "Gong Ming, it's a waste of your intelligence. Do you think I'm going to kill you?"

Gong Ming frowns. The next second Qiao Shiqi looks at Gong can again.

"Don't you want to avenge your parents? This is your best chance. He is injured now and certainly not your opponent. As long as you take this knife and kill Gong Ming, won't your wish come true?"

Gong Ming suddenly realized that Qiao Shiqi wanted him and Gong can to kill each other?

"Gong can, don't forget what I just said to you. Your parents have nothing to do with me."

Gong Ming is not afraid of Gong can, but he doesn't want them to be played by Qiao Shiqi.

With that, he subconsciously moved forward. Unexpectedly, a group of burly men suddenly poured out behind him. Gong Ming saw at a glance that this group of people should be the kind of thugs who use people's money to eliminate disasters for others.

There are some desperate people inside. As long as they have money, they can do everything.

As soon as the men came out, they directly surrounded Gong Ming.

"Don't move! Be careful we don't have eyes."

Gong Ming hissed. He really muttered about Qiao Shiqi's ability. However, the purpose of his coming today has not been achieved, so let's see what tricks she can make.

Seeing Gong Ming surrounded with satisfaction, Qiao Shiqi walks to Gong can again and looks at him condescending.

"What's the matter? Didn't you say you were great? Why are you a coward now?"

This Qiao Shiqi, in front of Gong can, was always flattering. It was gentle to him. Now he looked at himself with such disdainful eyes and said he was a coward.

Gong can really can't stand it.

He immediately struggled to get up and picked up the knife stained with Gong Ming's blood.

"Gong Ming, let's settle the accounts today!"

Gong Ming said nothing, "I told you that your parents' death has nothing to do with me..."

Gong can hesitates, but Qiao Shiqi can't stand it. She adds fuel and vinegar nearby.

"Do you believe it? So many coincidences? Even if it really has nothing to do with him, don't forget that he is with Kang Shuhui. As long as he and Kang Shuhui one day, your parents will never get revenge. Moreover, you will always be a loser!"

Qiao Shiqi's words were engraved on Gong can like a knife.

He remembered when Miyazawa was gone. At that time, the Gong family suddenly lost an heir. Uncle once had an idea to take him to the big house as an heir.

At that time, my father acquiesced and even began to cultivate him.

At that time, he almost became the focus of the whole palace family. Even the servant who had always looked down on them was much more enthusiastic about him.

It was his first time to try the influence of power on a person. It was also the first time for him, and there was a cry in his heart.

That is, he should seize this opportunity.

However, everything failed because Gong Ming was found. Gong Ming is back. The respect he once received is gone!

Uncle will no longer look at him eagerly and ask him to read in the study.

Even my parents began to sigh, and the second room has once again become an existence that everyone hates.

At first, he also tried to persuade his parents to be more open-minded. But later, my father was also expelled from the Far East Group.

Uncle also said that he would never be allowed to take care of the affairs of the Far East Group.

Later, my parents could only live in the shadow of Gong Ming. Most of the time, uncle would only ask dad to take charge of the family banquet.

Several times, he saw his father smoking alone in the study. Ask grandpa's memorial tablet again and again.

"It's all your sons. What can't I compare with big brother? Why did big brother get everything and I have nothing?"

Gong can then told her father that we might as well not be here. The three of us left the palace and could support ourselves.

But Dad refused.

Later, he sent himself out. He told himself that he must study hard and come back. Only then can he prove that their second room is no worse than uncle.

At that time, my father was very happy. He still remembers the smile on his face.

It's a pity.

This is probably providence! After he went out, he found that many things were not as simple as he thought. Just like some people are born unfit for business.

In terms of Finance and economics, he wants to doze off every time he hears those things in the mall.

After half a semester, he gave up. Later, he changed his favorite major, design.

Yes, it's design.

In the design industry, he has been a leader in his class for several years. He finally made up his mind to share with his father, but he didn't expect that his father thought he had made good achievements in management and told him to come back quickly and prove it to his uncle.

He desperately wanted to behave in front of his father. At that time, he really felt that when the playground opened, their second room could get out of the big room and live a good life.

But unexpectedly, before he could prove himself, his father was gone.

In fact, he also regretted that if he had listened to his father's words early in the morning and confronted Gong Ming when he came back from the beginning, his father wouldn't die?

Is he really the loser Qiao Shiqi said?

Gong can shakes his head hurriedly, "I'm not, I'm not a loser!"

With that, he quickly rushed towards Gong Ming, holding the knife as if to prove himself.

Gong Ming was unarmed and hurt again. He has a knife. He can't take advantage of it.

After a few times, Gong Ming has been cut in several places. Seeing that Gong can has found the time, he wants to stab Gong Ming again.

Behind him, a stone was kicked up. With a slap, the stone hit the handle of the knife with a bang.

The knife in Gong can's hand fell to the ground, and several thugs nearby hurriedly turned back.


"Your grandpa me!" Liang Huai'an walked out from behind and looked at the men with sharp eyes. Behind him was Zhuang Chen, whose sleeves had been rolled up.

The men looked at each other and breathed a sigh of relief.

"Do you two think you are the king of heaven?"

Liang Huai'an sniffed, "what do you say!"

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