Qiao Shiqi breathed a sigh of relief. Fortunately, she didn't see it.

He hurriedly took the soup bowl and picked up a spoon for Gong Ming. "I feed you!"

Gong Ming nodded politely. "Good!"

Qiao Shiqi sent a spoon of soup to Gong Ming's mouth, watched him drink it, and then smiled. "How's it going? Is it good?"

Gong Ming tut tut mouth, "it seems that the taste is a little different than before!"

Qiao Shiqi was surprised again. Just trying to explain, Gong Ming had already spoken. "Sorry, I didn't protect you. You must be very afraid! Even the cooking skills have changed!"

Qiao Shiqi immediately came down the ladder and hugged Gong Ming's arm.

"I'm really scared to death! Fortunately, I can come back."

Gong Ming quietly pulled back his hand and stroked on the top of her hair, "I will protect you in the future."

After two more drinks, Gong Ming stopped.

"Strange, I don't want to drink again. You're tired, too. You'd better have a rest!"

Qiao Shiqi shook her head, "I'm not tired. If you can't sleep, I'll sit with you for a while!"

Gong Ming didn't say a word again. He sat there and closed his eyes.

Qiao Shiqi behind him looked at the back of the man in front and remembered the phone just now. Her eyes were a little gloomy.

According to her promise to Nie Zhanfeng, she must first get the information of Far East Group and TEM.

Take a deep breath, Qiao Shiqi said. "Gong Ming, how's your back?"

Gong Ming was stunned and opened his mouth vaguely. "Oh, much better!"

Qiao Shiyu looked as if he was about to fall asleep, so he took the opportunity to ask.

"It's a pity that TEM just withdrew from Qingcheng market! Should your loss be great?"

Gong Ming gave a cry, and his voice became lower and lower.

"Gong Ming?" Qiao Shiyu shouted, and his eyes fell on the key at Gong Ming's waist.

If you want to find information, you should go to Gong Ming's study? Gong Ming is the president of TEM and far east group. Since Nie Zhanfeng can't find any information about far east group and TEM, those information must be in the study.

While Gong Ming is confused now, Qiao Shiqi gets up and pushes Gong Ming's arm.

"Gong Ming? Go to bed! It will be uncomfortable!"

This time, Gong Ming really fell asleep and there was no sound at all.

Qiao Shiqi carefully took down the key on him, quietly opened the door and went out.

When she walked away, Gong Ming, who was sleeping behind her, moved her fingers slightly.

Qiao Shiqi held the key and easily opened Gong Ming's study. Fortunately, there are only her and Gong Ming in the house now. After Qiao Shiqi went in, he immediately opened Gong Ming's desk drawer.

There are many shelves, all of which have been turned over.

But no! No information was found.

I also wanted to see if there was anything I missed. There was a door closing sound outside, and Qiao Shiyu hurried out.

Back in the bedroom, I saw Gong Ming still sleeping there. It was the wind outside that blew the tulle curtains high.

Qiao Shiqi breathed a sigh of relief and seemed to scare herself.


At this time, in the waste community in the suburbs.

Josh woke up vaguely and heard the noise outside. This day, Nie Zhanfeng is very careful here.

Even when he was fooling around, Nie Zhanfeng didn't dare to really quarrel with her for fear of quarreling with others.

But now he bustled so loudly. Qiao Shiyu can't guess. What's the matter?

After listening for two times, I realized that Nie Weiming was caught by the police.

Nie Zhanfeng is angry with ah Cheng.

Just thinking, the door of the bedroom was kicked open. Nie Zhanfeng came in from the outside and hugged Qiao Shiyu.

Qiao Shiyu was tied up and couldn't move, so he had to hit Nie Zhanfeng's head with his head. "You let go of me!"

Nie Zhanfeng flushed his eyes and stroked the painful head hit by Qiao Shiyu, "Qiao Shiyu, do you have a heart? Where am I not good? Do you treat me like this?"

Qiao Shiyu sneered, "you're not good anywhere! You can't compare with him from head to toe, from top to bottom, from appearance to heart!"

About this time, Nie Zhanfeng was really depressed. In addition, he was said by Qiao Shiyu. For a moment, he couldn't control his strength and grabbed Qiao Shiyu's neck.

"Stop, stop!"

Qiao Shiyu's mouth was pinched by him and he had difficulty breathing.

Nie Zhanfeng didn't realize it yet. He pinched Qiao Shiyu like crazy, "Why do you look down on me? I'm trying so hard to prove myself. Why do you look down on me? Even if I were someone else, can you promise to do better than me? I changed the Nie family from being beaten by everyone in the past to what it is now. What did I do wrong? Why? Why did I betray me!"

The hands on his neck tightened more and more, and Josh's eyes crossed a drop of tears physiologically.

The next second, it was dark and she had fainted.

Behind him, ah Cheng, who heard the voice chasing in, exclaimed.

"Miss Qiao!"

Nie Zhanfeng suddenly regained his mind and loosened his hand. "Poetic language... I didn't mean it, I really didn't mean it!"

Desperately picked up Qiao Shiyu, Nie Zhanfeng shouted. "Come on, why don't you call a doctor?"

Ah Cheng took a step back in embarrassment. "But now..." he was running for his life!

But Nie Zhanfeng was crazy. No matter whether he was running for his life or something, he just kept shouting and looking for a doctor.

Ah Cheng had no choice but to rush out.


Qiao Shiyu had a beautiful dream. In the dream, she saw Gong Ming coming to save her. Then he took her hand and followed her into the sun.

In her dream, she thought she was dead. Otherwise, how could she see such a beautiful dreamland.

Until Nie Zhanfeng's voice sounded behind him, Qiao Shiyu suddenly came back. As soon as he opened his eyes, he still saw the environment that she hated.

She was still lying on the bed in that room. The only difference was that the rope on her arm was untied.

A doctor was ordered by ah Cheng with a gun to his neck. "How's it going?"

The doctor trembled, "it's all right. People will be all right when they wake up!"

Nie Zhanfeng breathed a sigh of relief and turned to shake Qiao Shiyu's hand.

"I'm sorry, Shiyu. It's my fault. I shouldn't be so impulsive. If you really had a bad situation just now, I won't forgive myself all my life."

Don't start with Josh's words and sneer.

"If you really care about me, let me go! Besides, whatever you say is hypocritical to me."

Nie Zhanfeng twisted his eyebrows, and the doctor next to him pleaded.

"I've finished seeing a doctor. Won't you let me go?"

Nie Zhanfeng was annoyed and said coldly. "Shut in the utility room!"

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