In front of the dining table downstairs, Qiao Shiyu looked at the food on the dining table and felt a pang of sadness.

I'm afraid there is no such a failed mother in this world.

Once upon a time, when children needed her, she was busy all day. Now that the child doesn't want her, it's probably retribution?

Tang Xin came in and saw Qiao Shiyu standing there crying silently.

Because of the children, the wife who used to be so bright and cheerful has now become sentimental.

Tang sighed. "Otherwise, I'll take these things and ask my husband to feed them to Xiaonian cake. Maybe he'll like them?"

In this way, you can often cook for Xiaonian cake in the future!

Qiao Shiyu's eyes brightened, "it's good. Tang Xin, take it up quickly."

Qiao Shiyu was a little flustered for a moment. He wanted to take supplementary food and egg soup. In short, six gods have no master.

Tang Xin chuckled, "madam, don't be nervous. Whoever this child gets close to, he takes his time and will be fine in the future!"

Qiao Shiyu nodded and watched Tang's heart go up with something.

A moment later, the crying in the room gradually stopped. Qiao Shiyu wanted to go up and have a look, but he was afraid that xiaoniangao would cry again as before, so he tried not to go up.

Just, I was worried in my heart, stood there and stood in a daze all morning.

In the morning, xiaoniangao felt better. Gong Ming took him to the garden to swing.

Qiao Shiyu cleaned up his mood, found a gardener's clothes, put on a big hat and looked at it secretly.

Fortunately, Xiaonian cake was probably used to her usual appearance. He changed the gardener's clothes, but he didn't see it.

Some silently got used to the way the gardener built flowers around him.


How did those flower branches trim bare? What you see in peace is neat and completely different!

I don't know if it's the laughing point of Xiaonian cake, he giggled.

Qiao Shiyu thought Xiaonian cake was happy, and she couldn't help but turn up her lips.

Until little Tangyuan looked back, he saw the bare flowers and helplessly helped his forehead.

"Dad, what can I do?"

Gong Ming pursed his lips. "Ask someone to plant it again. If it hasn't been trimmed at all, trim it for your mommy!"

Small dumplings, "..."


I sat in the garden all morning until Xiaonian cake was tired. I took it back to take a nap.

Qiao Shiyu takes advantage of Gong Ming's nap to prepare toys for Xiaonian cake in the afternoon. He enjoys it.

He was busy and put his hand around her.

"Wife, you've worked hard."

Qiao Shiyu fingers a meal, turns back and buries his head in Gong Ming's arms. "It's your hard work! It was agreed that I would support you. Now you have to help me clean up the mess."

Gong Ming frowned. "Why is it a mess? This is our home. We are a family. It should be like this. Didn't you tell me?"

Qiao Shiyu is relieved, yes.

That's what a family is meant to be, sharing weal and woe.

"Thank you, Gong Ming."

After that, Qiao Shiyu suddenly had a flash of inspiration, "in the morning, I changed my clothes, and xiaoniangao couldn't recognize me. Do you say that if I wear a headdress, would he still know me?"

Gong Ming admires her cerebellar melon seeds and can think of so many strange things.

"Can you try?"

Qiao Shiyu really ran to take out the masks of their family dressed up as grey wolf family. He took out the red wolf's skirt and put it on.

In order not to let rice cake feel her taste, she also bought a special fragrance.

When xiaoniangao and xiaotangyuan played games in the afternoon, she carefully hid outside.

According to the thought in advance, she should not recognize Xiaonian cake when she went out. However, at this time, she was afraid again.

Afraid to hear the child crying.

It was clearly her child. She was born with her life. But so afraid of her

Qiao Shiyu sucked her nose and became more timid near the countryside. Now she can feel it.


Gong Ming has been looking at the red dress outside the window and waiting for her to come in. But she did not move for a long time, and she probably understood her in her heart.

His woman, how could he not understand?

I'm afraid I'm very sad at the moment.

Gong Ming pursed his lips and suddenly said. "Why don't we play a game?"

The two children looked at Gong Ming, and little Tangyuan smiled foolishly, revealing the gums of four teeth.

"Shall we play a game with the red wolf?"

Little Tangyuan is a smart child. As soon as he heard about red wolf, he thought of the activities at school with his mother.

Clapping his hands immediately, "OK! Brother, your favorite little gray Mommy, will your sister bring it to you?"

Little Tangyuan doesn't speak very well. Although he understands it, he still dada dada everyday.

Hearing the speech, he made a few clicks.

Xiao Tangyuan got up with a smile, walked over and grabbed Qiao Shiyu who was hiding there. "Mommy, should you go in and pull?"

Qiao Shiyu pinched her fingers and took a deep breath.

After going in, I never dared to look into xiaoniangao's eyes. I'm afraid he saw something.

Xiaoniangao also looked at the picture with a serious face. I didn't expect that there was such a big red wolf.

Qiao Shiyu's heart suddenly mentioned to his throat. He was really afraid. The little guy would cry the next second.

Just when she was about to despair, xiaoniangao suddenly happily shook off her toy and giggled.

Josh almost couldn't help crying when her nose was sour.

It turns out that the taste of accompanying children is really sour, sweet and bitter. I have a new understanding of life.

After playing with the children all afternoon, Qiao Shiyu felt that time passed so fast for the first time.

I really hope that time stays at this moment, and her children are not afraid of her moment.

However, time always passes.

Seeing that it was so dark, Xiaonian cake was tired.

After the laughter disappeared in the living room, Qiao Shiyu took off his mask and sighed.

Gong Ming put the children away and came down from upstairs. He saw the little woman half kneeling on the carpet in the game area, staring at the mask in a daze.

Her head was covered with sweat, but she couldn't feel it at all.

I don't know if I'm tired, and my little face is very pale. Gong Ming frowned and walked over to hold her hand.

"Poetic language, you..."

The next second, the little woman looked at him happily. "Gong Ming, do you see? Xiaonian cake is not afraid of me. I can play with him!"

Gong Ming felt sad, but in order not to disappoint her, he nodded with her.

"Well, my poetic language is really great."

"No, I'm not great at all, but I'll try my best. I believe Xiaonian cake will like me one day!"

The next second, Gong Ming took her into his arms.

This woman has the ability to make her love at any time.

But I'm glad.

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