Yan Shu frowned, "but he's gone. It's hard to love someone by relying on memories, isn't it?"

Hearing the speech, Qiao Shiyu seemed surprised and puzzled to look at Yan Shu.

"Why is it bitter?"

Yan Shu was stunned, but saw Qiao Shiyu suddenly smile.

"Look at the green outside. In the past, Gong Ming took me and the children to fly kites! We ran together on the grass. All the grass was full of laughter.

When spring comes, the mountain flowers will be in full bloom. We can also live in the wooden house on the mountain. When it is sunny, we will play in front of the yard. When it rains, we can also go to the mountain to pick mushrooms!

When the weather is hot in summer, we can also go to the water park. I didn't take good care of my children in the water park last time, but now the children have grown up and won't be afraid of water anymore!

So many beautiful memories, thinking in my heart and looking forward to in my dream. Why do you feel pain? "

Qiao Shiyu was really puzzled. Yan Shu kept staring at her and watched her smile when she recalled the past.

He knew she wasn't lying.

She really enjoyed the life of memory.

However, he was very sad, very sad.

If I had known this would happen, should I have treated her a little worse? In this way, she can resolutely turn around and look for her new life.

However, how could he be willing to be bad to her?

Yan Shu smiled bitterly and couldn't help whispering, "but what if he didn't die? He became terrible again. Would you still think those memories are beautiful?"

Qiao Shiyu was stunned, "what did you say?"

"No!" Yan Shu shook his head. "Nothing! I know what you mean!"

Qiao Shiyu said, "I'm still very grateful that you can save me, but I hope you don't want it in the future. In fact, Miss Mu is very good, and you are also very good. I hope you can all find your own happiness!"

Then she got up.

"I'll go out first! Come as soon as you finish!"

Yan Shu watched Qiao Shiyu go out. Maybe he should respect her choice this time.


After returning to Rongcheng, Qiao Shiyu took her children at home for two days.

Yan Shu suddenly became idle, but he was still very happy to see the laughter of mother and son in the garden every day.

Dare not come forward, Yan Shu only looked at it secretly, holding the already prepared resignation report in his hand.

Qiao Shiyu said it very clearly. She will always keep the memory.

Her memories are beautiful.

It was because everything was so beautiful that he felt that he should not stay any longer. Because once something is found, the original beautiful memories will deteriorate.

Finally, there was devastation.

Just thinking, there was a dull hum from the garden.

Yan Shu was stunned and hurriedly raised his head. He saw the hanging chair where Qiao Shiyu and Xiaonian cake were sitting. I didn't know what was going on. Suddenly, the iron rope broke.

Qiao Shiyu and Xiaonian cake fell to the ground. Xiaonian cake is OK. It is very stable in Qiao Shiyu's arms, but Qiao Shiyu doesn't look very good!

Yan Shu ran over and pushed out a hanging chair that was about to buckle down.

Help Qiao Shiyu up.

"Are you okay?"

Qiao Shiyu shook her head. "Xiaoniangao, is xiaoniangao okay?"

Xiaoniangao didn't know if he had experienced a lot when he was kidnapped with Qiao Shiyu. Now much braver than before.

For such a big thing, he just flattened his mouth. After being pulled out, he returned to normal.

Only anxiously looked at Qiao Shiyu, with a worried look on his face.

Qiao Shiyu was relieved and smiled at the little guy.

"Mommy is fine, too. Mommy is joking with Xiaonian cake!"

Children are so easy to coax. Qiao Shiyu said it was a joke. He immediately giggled.

Yan Shu frowns and looks at Qiao Shiyu. Although he smiles, he hasn't relaxed his eyebrows. He thought she must have fallen somewhere, but he just endured it all the time.

Tang Xin heard something in front of him. He ran over to see this scene and was surprised. "What's the matter?"

"It's all right..." Qiao Shiyu also wanted to show off. Yan Shu took the child from her arms. Handed the child to Tang Xin, "take the child in first!"

"Oh, OK!"

After Tang Xin took the child away, Yan Shu bent down to hold Qiao Shiyu.

"Get up first!"

The next second, Josh had hissed, "I get up slowly myself."

Yan Shu snorted angrily, "didn't you show off just now? Now you know it hurts?"

Tang Xin stared at Yan Shu. He didn't know why. Yan Shu didn't like to talk on weekdays, but just now, how did he suddenly feel deja vu?

However, Yan Shu was just like that. After that, he became Yan Shu again.

Tang Xin blinked, probably dazzled!

Qiao Shiyu actually fell down and fell on his ass. The flesh hurts, but it doesn't hurt the muscles and bones.

After standing up, she has returned to normal.

"Fortunately, it's not a big problem."

Yan Shu still wanted to say, but she finally held back!

"That's good!"

After that, Qiao Shiyu followed Tang Xin and went back with Xiaonian cake. After they left, Yan Shu thought about it and dialed a phone.

As soon as the phone rang, I heard Doctor Zhang's anxious voice at the other end.

"Do you know how to call me? I ran home from a foreign hospital quietly! Do you want to kill me?"

"I'm fine. Are you in Rongcheng now? Find an excuse and send someone home to have a look!"

Doctor Zhang, "..."

"Is Shiyu sick again?"

"Well, I was hurt."

Doctor Zhang rolled his eyes over there silently. "All day long, you know you care about others. Can't you care about yourself? You've arranged the surgery abroad! Why don't you listen!"

"Then you should know that the operation may not be successful. There may be sequelae. I want to come back and see them while I can walk."

Doctor Zhang stopped talking. He sighed for a long time.

"Forget it, forget it! I can't tell you! I know!"

After hanging up the phone, Yan Shucai looked at the mobile phone and smiled bitterly. Maybe it's time for him to leave!


Qiao Shiyu thought that squatting after falling down should be no problem, so he didn't care. After going back, he played with Xiaonian cake for a while, so he went to work by himself.

She didn't get up until Tang Xin called her downstairs. But I didn't want to get up and hissed with pain.

Tang Xin said, "madam, it's from the hospital. It's the time you saw a doctor there before and were injured in a car accident. It's a return visit!"

Qiao Shiyu was stunned, "now the service of the hospital is so good, and he still makes a return visit!"

The little girl raised her lips and smiled, "yes, what's wrong with you? I can help you see!"

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