After standing awkwardly for a while, Qiao Shiyu slowly retreated to a corner and stood well.

Occasionally, employees passed by her, but today is the company's activity. It's not in the company, and the employees turn a blind eye to her!

Qiao Shiyu got used to it. He simply took a glass of wine and took two sips.

It's almost time at eight o'clock in the evening. The assistant came to inform, "President Joe, we should talk!"

Qiao Shiyu was curious, "didn't you say that I would go up after the finance side told me about this year's overall turnover? Now everyone hasn't said it yet, so you asked me to go up?"

The assistant nodded, "at first you said so, but later you said that assistant Zhuang was responsible for the dinner? Assistant Zhuang said that you should start first, so you should go up first!"

Since the process is like this, Qiao Shiyu won't refuse.

Turned and stepped on the stage, Qiao Shiyu looked at everyone below.

"Welcome to a year-end dinner jointly organized by Yuntian group and Far East Group..."

At the end of the opening, there were a few cheers and more people were still chatting in twos and threes.

Qiao Shiyu frowned. For the first time, she thought the employees of the company were a little too disrespectful? One of her leaders spoke at the top, but she ignored it at the bottom?

Not only did they ignore it, they were reluctant to give a round of applause!

But she can't say anything! I had to clear my throat again and was ready to go on. The next second, there was a crash overhead and it was dark in front of me.

Qiao Shiyu, "..."

Is this probably the worst year-end dinner she's ever had?

"Where's the assistant? Go and see what's going on with the lights?" cried Josh. But I didn't want to. When I shouted, I found that the whole banquet hall was suddenly quiet.

Those people who were still chatting just now were all silent. It seemed that for a moment, they were only left alone!

She wanted to take out her mobile phone as a flashlight, but found the dress she was wearing today. I didn't collect my mobile phone at all. When I came up, I had given my handbag and mobile phone to my assistant!

Suddenly a little scared, Josh shouted again. "Assistant assistant?"

This time, she responded with a hiss and the sound of the match being struck. With the sound, a faint flame lit up in a corner of the banquet hall!

Qiao Shiyu narrowed her eyes and looked at the light.

First footsteps, then whispers.

"Happy Birthday to you! Happy birthday to you!"

Qiao Shiyu's heart jumped. This is Gong Ming's voice! She blinked and looked carefully again. The faint light slowly approached her.

The two children followed Gong Ming step by step.

The car pushed in front of Qiao Shiyu. The two children, dressed in suits and small dresses, walked over and held Qiao Shiyu's hand from left to right.

"Happy birthday, Mommy!"

Qiao Shiyu's nose was sour, and then he heard all the people sing a long happy birthday song in unison.

Although this setting of great sorrow and great joy is very old-fashioned, it is so tried and tried. Once again, the success made Qiao Shiyu burst into tears.

When all the songs were finished, Qiao Shiyu was about to blow out the candles when he heard Liang Huai'an's voice.

"Sister in law, you haven't made a wish yet!"

Then he Qingtong's voice said, "yes, elder sister! It's rare for you to have a birthday. This wish must be made!"

Two people who can't tell are actually here!

Qiao Shiyu was funny, but moved. So he bowed his head again and made a devout wish to the cake.

Naturally, I hope all my friends and relatives can achieve what they want!

After making a wish, Qiao Shiyu blew it out and held it. At the same time, all the lights are on instantly!

Qiao Shiyu saw everyone in front of him! There are many of her friends and the employees of the company!

Everyone smiled and said to her, "Happy Birthday!"

Zhuang Chen also smiled and pulled Anya forward, "madam, I'm sorry. In order to cooperate with this surprise, let you worry!"

Qiao Shiyu shook her head. "You're also trying to surprise me. Of course I won't blame you!" he said. He was relieved to see minister Zhuang. And pretended to be naughty to make up a new sentence.

"However, you are absent without permission during working hours. You will be punished for working overtime for one month free."

Zhuang Chen, "... Madam, I know I'm wrong! Anya, please plead with me!"

Anya was a little shy, so she officially confirmed her relationship with Zhuang Chen. This is the first time in front of so many people. It's hard to avoid being open to the public.

Hearing the speech, he let go of Zhuang Chen's hand.

"Joe is always fair. How can I plead for you?"

Zhuang Chen said bitterly, "are you on my side?"

Qiao Shiyu was laughed by them! "I lied to you! Thank you!"

Zhuang Chen immediately smiled again. "I said that our wife has a clear distinction between public and private. She will certainly not avenge public and private revenge! In order to show my worship for president Qiao, next, let's see the financial department start announcing the company's sales this year!"

Qiao Shiyu hurriedly stepped aside and let the financial personnel go to the stage.

Originally, Qiao Shiyu thought that after the last stock war, although the Far East Group was saved in time, it must have suffered heavy losses. I am very satisfied that this year can be the same as last year

But I don't want to be a blockbuster in the finance department.

That's a growth rate of 120%! Not only that, they even found the media and some customers they cooperated with before.

He said some things about the good cooperation with the Far East Group this year.

Although most of them are true, Qiao Shiyu is a little embarrassed to be arranged like this!

She looked at Zhuang Chen reluctantly, "well, it's almost enough! How can it be like praising me? I'm not the kind of person who covers the sky. You're exaggerating!"

"No exaggeration!" Zhuang Chen shook his head. "President Gong asked us to be more exaggerated, we..."

Halfway through, Zhuang Chen covered his mouth.

Oh, no, I slipped my tongue!

Qiao Shiyu turned his head and looked at Gong Ming. "You arranged this?"

Gong Ming helped his forehead, but it had been broken down, and he couldn't help answering. Had to admit his fate nodded, "it's me!"

Josh frowned, "why?"

"Happy Birthday to you. Another thing is to prove to you that we are a good match!"

Qiao Shiyu, "..."

He remembered what he said to him last time! In addition, so many things have been done to make her confident?

Qiao Shiyu didn't know what to say for a while!

Zhuang Chen thought she was angry and hurriedly explained. "Don't worry, those data are real and no adulteration! You..."

Before the words fell, Qiao Shiyu walked over in front of the crowd and bumped into Gong Ming's arms.

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