After the new year, is the new year still far away?

On New Year's Eve, when I got up in the morning, I saw snow outside. If it doesn't snow during the new year, there will be no new year's flavor at all!

Therefore, for Qiao Shiyu, such snow is really just right!

The two children liked snow as much as she did, so the three mothers ran crazy outside for a while. They all left footprints in the garden before they stopped.

Little Tangyuan had some regrets. "If only coke were still there! I could draw plum blossoms with coke!"

Coke is a dog that Qiao Shiyu and Gong Ming used to keep together. It's very good. But later, when Qiao Shiyu was pregnant with the New Year cake, she was not in good health, so the coke was sent to someone else's house to send samples.

These years have passed, and now coke is getting older.

He simply stayed there and never brought it back.

Josh stroked the top of xiaotangyuan's hair, "coke is very good now. If you miss it, I'll take you to see it another day!"

Xiao Tangyuan shook his head, "still can't, let's go when Gong Zhuo comes!"

Qiao Shiyu was stunned and immediately heard the opening of small dumplings.

"Mommy, uncle Suifeng hasn't come back yet. Hasn't Gong Zhuo found it yet?"

Qiao Shiyu said, "probably! But don't worry, uncle Suifeng is very powerful and will find it!"

Xiaotangyuan nodded and immediately looked at the small New Year cake that had been following behind like a small snowball.

"When Gong Zhuo comes, you will have another brother!"

Xiaoniangao didn't understand, but nodded vaguely.

Qiao Shiyu was a little funny. "Xiaotangyuan seems to like Gong Zhuo very much?"

Little Tang Tuan was stunned. The little girl was a little shy.

"Mommy, nonsense! I wanted to find Gong Zhuo because he saved me once. That's when grandpa came to me for the first time. Gong Zhuo saved me when I ran out! Mommy always said, do you want to know good or bad? Thank you for your kindness!"

Qiao Shiyu was speechless by a little girl!


Tang Xin and Suifeng have been trained since childhood! They all have no family! So Tang Xin also kept it for the new year with Qiao Shiyu.

In the afternoon, Qiao Shiyu was busy preparing new year's Eve dinner with Tang Xin!

Gong Ming took xiaotangyuan and Qiao Weiguo and set off firecrackers in the yard!

It is reasonable to say that now Rongcheng is not allowed to set off firecrackers! But Gong Ming's villa area is on the mountain, and the management is not so strict.

Many people will order, so they are not afraid!

During the shooting, it snowed again.

This time, it seems a little older than in the morning! I didn't stand outside for a while, and my shoulders were white!

Seeing this, Qiao Weiguo talked about his childhood.

"When you were a child, you liked snowy days best! Every time you wear rain shoes to go out and step on the snow!"

Qiao Shiyu remembered when he said so.

"Yes! Another time, I fell and cried all the way home!"

Qiao Weiguo looked at Qiao Shiyu's smiling face and couldn't help feeling.

"How time flies when you grow up!"

Without mentioning the past, I really can't feel the passage of time. But as soon as I mentioned the past, I really felt that time flies.

Not far away, two small dumplings, who were busy chasing Xiaonian cake, ran over, "Mommy, Grandpa, I'm hungry! Let's eat quickly!"

Qiao Shiyu woke up and said.

"Let's go and have dinner!"

Then she reached out and helped Qiao Weiguo up. Qiao Weiguo took back his hand, "take your two children! Be careful if you slip!"

Qiao Shiyu was busy holding the children again. The two children were very curious. He kept asking, "Mommy, why does it snow in the sky?"

Qiao Weiguo sighed after him.

"That's good!"


Qiao Shi didn't know much about the new year's Eve dinner. But according to the special dishes my mother liked to make in the past, I made steamed fish! Is it a sign of surplus every year?

There are some other customs that Qiao Shiyu doesn't understand. Fortunately, Gong Ming doesn't care about this kind of thing at all.

Tang Xin was also called to eat together! The other dark guards also arranged a table, but they usually hide and hide in the backyard to eat!

I was busy when the doorbell rang.

Tang Xin got up happily. "Did you come back with the wind at this time?"

When little Tangyuan heard the speech, he subconsciously put down his chopsticks and stood up. He was pulled by Qiao Shiyu again.

"Don't worry, uncle Suifeng will come in soon!"

Indeed, two minutes later, Tang Xin came in with the wind from the outside. But he's alone!

"Madam, sir, I'm back in the wind!"

As soon as he came in, he looked at Gong Ming and stopped talking.

Gong Ming stretched out his hand to stop his words, "eat first! Eat again!"

When little Tangyuan heard the speech, she also picked up the rice. Qiao Shiyu reached out and caught a fish for her. "Don't worry, eat slowly!"

After dinner, Gong Ming went upstairs with the wind!

Qiao Shiyu was going to follow up and have a look. As a result, xiaoniangao suddenly said that she had a stomachache. She quickly took xiaoniangao to the bathroom.


Upstairs, after Gong Ming entered the study, he opened his mouth.

"How's it going?"

Suifeng reached out and took a keepsake from his arms and handed it to Gong Ming.

"When I found it, young master Gong Zhuo was gone! We searched the place where he disappeared for several days, and finally found only this!"

Gong Ming took over and took a look. It was a keepsake of the Gong family.

When Gong Zhuo was brought back, Kang Shuhui gave it to him. It means he is a child of the palace family.


"Longcheng is near the sea! The place where we found the keepsake is by the sea. Besides, we also found a bloody sleeve. It has been sent for inspection and belongs to young master Gong Zhuo! Now the police in Longcheng have informed the public about the drowning at the sea. So I came back to ask you for instructions. Are we going to continue to look for it?"

Gong Ming frowned, "forget it! Tell them to pull it back!"

Nodded with the wind, "OK! I'll arrange it immediately!"

After that, the wind turned and opened the door of the study to go out. But I didn't want to open the door, so I gave a pair of disappointed eyes.

"Uncle Suifeng, is Gong Zhuo really dead?"

"I'm sorry, miss..."

Little dumpling Oh, and pulled out a smile in the wind.

"Uncle Suifeng has worked hard! Go and have a rest!"

When she left with the wind, she turned and looked at Gong Ming again.

"Dad, I went back to my room!"

Gong Ming looked at her daughter's red eyes and tried to hold back her tears. His heart was astringent and waved to her.

"Come here, Dad!"

Little dumplings stepped in, "Dad, I'm fine! I just..."

"Silly girl!" Gong Ming said helplessly, "do you still need to be brave in front of your father?"

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