Song Yufei was confused. She always boasted that she married well. Look down on Song Qingtian's marriage to a small clerk, but don't want someone to be a police officer?

How can she admit it?

"Isn't he a policeman? What's the big deal, husband? What are you afraid of?"

Hearing the speech, Chen Hao slapped her again.

"Are you crazy? I said it was a police officer. How could it be comparable to ordinary police? Do you apologize? I'll divorce you if you don't apologize!"

Song Yufei clenched her teeth and finally compromised.

She can not worry about her father, but it's hard to find her husband. I don't know how much she paid to catch this big fish.

You can't let it go easily!


Liang Huai'an didn't care about her apology at all. He wrapped song Qingtian's clothes behind him, "let's go! Let's go back!"

Chen Hao hurried to catch up and nodded to Liang Huai'an's back.

"Officer Liang, take your time! Next time you have a chance to have tea in our company!"

Song Yufei looked at her husband's flattering appearance, and her heart was suffocating. "Husband, what are you afraid of him?"

"What are you talking about? I had an accident in my company last time, and he did it at his hands. I was criticized and educated by him! Just now I brought so many people to beat him, and he took pictures. If he wanted to fix me, fire me last time, find a reason and take me to education, our company would be affected again. My father would kill me at that time !”

Song Yufei gritted her teeth, "so we were threatened by him?"

"What do you say? Or I'll let you go the next time he wants education?"

Song Yufei shut her mouth, but soon her eyes lit up again.

"Do you see? They seem to have entered the villa in front!"

Chen Hao was impatient. "What does it have to do with me?"

"You're stupid!" Song Yufei snorted, "he's a policeman, so close to a businessman! Since he can fuck you, why don't we start first?"

Chen Hao was stunned, "you mean..."

"Can't I?" Song Yufei was full of resentment. "I'm so big and haven't been beaten! Now I've been pinched and beaten all day."

He was slapped three times and his arms were pinched blue. How did she swallow it?

Chen Hao nodded, "wife, you are so smart this time! OK, let's do it!"


Liang Huai'an didn't know they had been watched. Thinking that they didn't have to suffer in the Song family, they came to the Gong family to play cards with Gong Ming.

It was also a coincidence that when I passed the gate of the palace's old house, I saw the children playing in the garden and went in!

After playing there all afternoon, Liang Huai'an and song Qingtian went back.

It was very dark. They drove away directly when they went out. They didn't know they had been photographed!

At night, when he was ready to go to bed, Qiao Shiyu kept staring at Gong Ming.

Looking at Gong Ming's heart, he always feels whether there is something dirty on his face!

"What's the matter?"

Qiao Shiyu shook her head. "I just remembered what song Qingtian told me in the afternoon. Haven't you heard? The story of Liang Huai'an dealing with the Song family!"

Gong Ming shook his head, "no!"

Really not. Where do their men talk about such trivial things?


Qiao Shiyu excitedly told Gong Ming everything about Liang Huai'an saving song sunny day. Finally, he held his cheek with excitement.

"How envious! I feel that our life seems to be getting more and more insipid! I don't even have the feeling of rapid heartbeat now!"

Gong Ming. “……”

Is this abandoned? His woman said she didn't even feel her heart beating at him?

Gong Ming frowned, walked over and grabbed Qiao Shiyu, and the wall thumped on the wall.


Qiao Shiyu looked at him with a puzzled face, "what are you doing?"

Gong Ming, "??"

I really don't feel it!

Mr. Gong was very depressed and didn't sleep all night. The next day, when the housekeeper told Gong Ming, "Mr. Liang just called and asked if you have any travel plans today. If not, they will come..."

Gong Ming, "!"

"Tell him I'm going out today and I'm not free! I'm not free tomorrow. I don't have to come during the New Year!"

Housekeeper, "..."

"Are you really busy, sir? What can I do for you?"

Gong Ming gritted his teeth, "ask again!"

The housekeeper realized that Gong Ming was making excuses and hurriedly apologized, "Sir, I know!"

"Wait!" Gong Ming suddenly stopped him again.

The housekeeper was sweating and thought Gong Ming was going to have an attack. But he didn't want to, but Gong Ming asked, "you said, how do you want a woman to beat her heart to a man?"

Housekeeper, "??"

"Sir, is it because my wife has no heart for you?"


Housekeeper, "..."

"This is my friend's business!" Gong Ming explained inexplicably.

The housekeeper nodded. "Maybe, sir, you can try to change your image? It's understandable that two people have been together for too long and are used to each other's appearance!"

Gong Ming nodded and suddenly said, "my friend's story."

The housekeeper immediately went on, "then you can advise your friends!"

After Qiao Shi spoke, he found the house very quiet.

"Hey? No! The sunny day said that he would come to play cards with me today? Why is there no one?"

Gong Ming looked calm. "They called and said they had something to do today. They are very busy these days, so they won't come!"

Qiao Shiyu suddenly lost, "it's really boring to be alone at home!"

Gong Ming got up. "Let's go shopping?"

Qiao Shiyu was stunned. "Shopping? It's OK!" it's better than staying at home.

So, on the fourth day of the new year, Mr. Gong took the whole family to go shopping! In the past, when we arrived at the mall, Qiao Shiyu went straight to the children's clothing area.

This time, no exception.

Qiao Shiyu bought some nice clothes for the two children. Just wrapped them up, he found Gong Ming missing!

"Where's dad?" Josh said curiously.

The little soup is round and the little ghost is big. "Mommy, I'll take you there."

Qiao Shiyu put things away and followed the small Tangyuan men's wear area. I found Gong Ming trying on clothes!

Not only that, he asked the clerk piously which one looked good.

This never happened!

Little Tangyuan's alarmist face said, "Mommy, how can dad and that aunt talk so happy? That aunt looks really good!"

Josh said, "it's very nice! But your father won't like what type!"

Small dumplings, "..."

"Mommy, won't you be jealous?"

"Why are you jealous?" Josh smiled. "I believe your father!"

Little Tangyuan, help me. Dad, I can only help you here. Your wife has a big heart!

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