Twelve years later.

In the palace yard, Gong Ming stood in front of the street lamp and stood all morning.

Qiao Shiyu came out from behind and saw him standing there. He couldn't help complaining.

"I told you not to take this street lamp back. You still got it back!"

Gong Ming laughed. "That community has changed a batch of street lamps. If I don't get them back, they will be destroyed. This is the witness between us. How can we let them be destroyed?"

Qiao Shiyu ignored him. "Are you ready? It's too late!"

Gong Ming wondered, "when? Why don't I know?"

"Don't know? Today is the 20th birthday of little tangyuan. I've been planning for more than half a month. At Rongcheng Hotel, dare you say you don't know!"

Then Qiao Shiyu pinched his waist with both hands and stared at Gong Ming covetously.

Although he was over forty, Qiao Shiyu in his eyes was still the same as before, with a girl's spirit in his eyes.

Gong Ming hooked her lips and was about to bring her over.

Xiaoniangao came out from inside. Seeing this, he immediately covered his eyes.

"I ate dog food again in the morning. It's too difficult for me!"

Xiaoniangao is now a 14-year-old boy. It looks like Qiao Shiyu, but it inherits the bearing of the Gong family. It's extraordinary!

Josh gave him a blank look, "don't disturb the world between me and your father!"

Xiaonian cake, "..."

After looking at his watch, he shouted again, "Mom and Dad, hurry up. It's too late. Be careful, big sister will roar again!"

"What are you talking about?" Qiao Shiyu glared at xiaoniangao complaining. "Don't say that about your eldest sister!"

The mother and son were talking, and Gong Ming had already held Qiao Shiyu's hand.

"All right, let's go!"

"You haven't changed yet!"

Gong Ming laughed. "Do you think I'm really old? You've prepared for your daughter for half a month, don't I? I've already prepared! Everything is in the car, let's go!"


Hotels under far east group.

Twelve years ago, Gong Ming officially established the Far East Group, which has been developing at the speed of light. By this year, it will be among the best not only in Rongcheng, but also in the whole country and even the world.

It has developed from real estate and catering to hotel industry, tourism and electronics industry. Even in the past two years, even the entertainment industry has begun to be involved.

Especially today, this hotel has already replaced the scale of Rongcheng Hotel and become all the famous landmark buildings in Rongcheng.

Every day, people from all over the world come here to punch in.

But today, the Far East Hotel has closed many channels. Only the only front door was left, in which only the 20th birthday party was prepared for the daughter of chairman Gong Ming.

After the car arrived, the other guests almost arrived.

Stars are also shining on the red carpet outside. Several newly signed actors from its entertainment company arrived at the scene.

However, after seeing Qiao Shiyu and Gong Ming's car arrive, all the cameras and reporters gathered on the faces of the three members of the Gong family.

"Ms. Qiao, Ms. Qiao..."

Gong Ming subconsciously pulls Qiao Shiyu behind him and shakes his head at the crowd.

"No interview, thank you!"

Then the three quickly passed the red carpet. Rao is so. He is still followed by a group of reporters who swarm away.

People who don't understand the situation ask curiously.

"Who's that? Why is it more popular than the new Xiaosheng and Xiaohua? Which movie queen is it?"

"What movie queen. How can that enter the entertainment industry? Entertainment is all her family!"

Others stared curiously, "are you kidding? Who doesn't know that half of the entertainment industry now belongs to the Far East Group! You won't tell me, is it from the Far East Group?"

"You're right! That's the favorite person of the chairman of the Far East Group! He used to work for the Far East Group. Later, he returned to his family and kept a low profile over the years."

The speaker suddenly opened his mouth into an O-shape.

"Is it her? Hey, wait! Count me in!"


In the hotel, after Qiao Shiyu went in, Gong Ming looked at her up and down.

"Are you okay?"

Qiao Shiyu shook her head. "It's all right. I haven't faced the media for several years. Everyone is a little too enthusiastic!"

Gong Ming frowned. "I was negligent. I should have asked Zhuang Chen to block the media early in the morning!"

"Forget it!" Qiao Shiyu shook his head. "Qingning likes it! Moreover, Qingning is 20 years old and has officially entered the Far East Group from today. It still needs reporters to report. If there is no reporter, Qingning will be unhappy!"

"What's the matter?" Qiao Qingning's voice sounded outside the door. She wore a black skirt and a very mature dress today. She looked like a complete strong woman. "

Qiao Shiyu sighed silently in her heart. In fact, she never wanted her daughter to become a strong woman. She hopes she will always be a little princess.

In this way, someone will love you! However, now it seems that this can only be extravagant.

Little Tangyuan is doomed to be a little princess!

Qiao Shiyu was happy, but the next second he pretended to be angry and sank his face.

"Do you know how to come back? You've been running around outside for several years since you finished your study from Grandpa Zhang. If you hadn't been asked to come back and join the Far East Group this time, you wouldn't have come back!"

Qiao Qingning immediately helped his forehead, "Mom, well, stop talking. Just bully my father! Don't bully me, will you?"

The nearby Gong Ming immediately coughed, "how can I talk to your mother?"

Qiao Qingning immediately changed his mouth, "Mom, I'm sorry. I'm wrong. I'll come back to accompany you more in the future!"

"That's about the same!" Josh said with a smile.

Qiao Qingning reached out again and stroked Xiaonian cake's hair. "Are you going to prepare for going abroad recently? When will you leave?"

According to the consistent rules of the Gong family, all future heirs want to go abroad for further study. Little dumplings are getting old, and naturally they will leave home!

Fortunately, Qiao Shiyu returned to his family these years and accompanied him crazy. After a few years, his character is much more cheerful than before.

Smelling the speech, he smiled. "About a week later, just waiting for you to come back and send me!"

"OK! I'll see you off!"

Here we are talking. Liang Huai'an and Gu Chengyu are also here.

Although many years have passed, several people are still the same as before. As soon as they enter the door, they attract a lot of attention. Liang Huai'an has been promoted now. He manages the whole system of Rongcheng.

Gu Chengyu is even more dramatic. Gu Chengan, Gu Chengyu's eldest brother, has decided that he will have a son.

I think my family's industry is safe.

Unexpectedly, the child needed blood transfusion as soon as he was born. Check the blood type and they all don't match. Only to find out that the child was born to Gu Chengan's wife and others!

The children of Gu Chengyu have become the eldest grandson of the third generation of Gu family. Well deserved to inherit the family's industry.

Life is so unpredictable!

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