After the mother and daughter looked at each other for a long time, they suddenly realized it.

Said with one voice.

"It's dad!"

"It's Gong Ming!"

"But why did dad do this?" Qiao Qingning was puzzled. "Mommy, you also know Lu Xinian. The last time he was injured, it was really an accident. Didn't dad get hurt often before? You didn't leave him!"

Of course Qiao Shiyu knows, but parents should not only consider this aspect.

"Do you really like Lu Xinian? He has to?"

Qiao Qingning nodded firmly, "yes!"

"I see!" Josh sighed, and the woman was very disappointed. Maybe she and Gong Ming need to think about their daughter's life!

In the evening, after Gong Ming came back, he saw Qiao Shiyu sitting on the bed and looking at himself covetously.

"What's the matter?" Gong Ming was curious. "Today, Tang Xin and the wind have changed. Aren't you happy?"

Josh ignored him and asked directly.

"Are you hiding something from me?"

Gong Ming was stunned. "What's up?"

"I ask you! Are you hiding something from me?"

Gong Ming knew immediately, "it's Qingning's business! Yes! I won't let her meet Lu Xinian!"

Qiao Shiyu was surprised, "how did you know it was Qingning at once?"

Gong Ming smiled lightly. "Because I only have this thing to hide from you! There's nothing else!"

Qiao Qingning sighed, "then you still kept it from me! Why did you keep it from me?"

Gong Ming thought of what he had handed over to Zhuang Chen and finally didn't say it.

"I just don't like Lu Xinian. I'm worried that Qingning won't be happy with him!"

Josh didn't know anything. He didn't want her to know so much. If you know more, you will be more worried!

"It's not necessarily!" Josh said with a smile. "When I was with you, my father was not as worried that we would not be happy together! But look at me, aren't we very happy? All the girls in Rongcheng envy me! They say I saved the galaxy in my last life!"

It was the first time Gong Ming heard such an Internet word, "saved the galaxy?"

"Yes! But don't knock!"

Gong Ming shook his head. "No! But I'm different from Lu Xinian."

"What's the difference?" Josh said curiously.

"It's all right. I'll deal with it."

"But it's not a way to go on like this. I'm afraid Qingning will have a rebellious psychology!"

Gong Ming frowned. "What did she tell you?"

"That's not true. I saw it myself!" she didn't want Gong Ming to know about Qiao Qingning's meeting with Lu Xinian. It would be bad if father and daughter were more unhappy because of this!

Gong Ming said, "don't think about it. I'll deal with it. Oh, by the way, the Mid Autumn Festival will be in a few days. It's said that this year's Mid Autumn Festival has a meteor shower. Just right, the best viewing point is our small wooden house on the mountain. Tang Xin is not here now. I'll ask the housekeeper of the old house to send some people to help clean up. Let's go there for the festival this time!"

"No!" Josh shook her head. "I've almost cleaned up myself. When your wife is a loser who can only eat! When I was alone, I did everything myself!"

Gong Ming shook his head. "Of course you're not a loser. I'm afraid you're tired!"

"Where can I get tired of something? It's all right. I'll arrange it myself!"


Because of the festival, although Qiao Qingning was reluctant to go up the mountain with Qiao Shiyu. But it was still pulled by Josh.

On the way, Qiao Qingning worried that there would be no signal in the mountains, so he sent Lu Xinian a message.

"See you in a few days! I may be trapped in the mountains!"

Before Lu Xinian replied, the signal was gone. Qiao Qingning threw his cell phone into his bag and closed his eyes.

By the time she woke up, she had reached the mountains.

The house was always cleaned by special personnel. When they arrived, they moved things in, and those people left.

Qiao Qingning turned his head and saw his father and Mommy show their love as always.

As a child growing up from snack dog food, Qiao Qingning went to the woods in front of him.

There is a net bag in the forest. They used to lie down and sleep here when they were young.

Qiao Qingning lay down and closed his eyes.

However, I couldn't sleep if I slept too much all the way.

Footsteps sounded in her ears. Qiao Qingning suddenly opened her eyes. A bunch of bright flowers had been in front of her eyes.

"Here you are."

Qiao Qingning looked at Liang Bo behind the flowers, "little boy, come again!"

Liang Bo was unconvinced. "I'm not a kid. I said it. I officially began to pursue you."

Too lazy to explain to him, Qiao Qingning put the flowers on the nearby tree.

"Do you know what love is?"

Liang Bo frowned. "Of course I know. When I was ill when I was a child, you were the best for me. Every time I was sad, the person I wanted to see most was you. What happy thing I have, the first thing I want to share is you. If this is not love, what is it?"

Qiao Qingning frowned. In Liang Bo's description, she thought of Lu Xinian.

"But you're not the one I think of! Liang Bo, listen to your sister. Don't be awkward! You'll understand later."

Obviously, Liang Bo still doesn't understand.

He was a little angry and lay down on another net bag next to him.

"If you understand later, let's talk about it. Now I only know that I like you."

Qiao Qingning simply didn't care about him. She closed her eyes again.

Liang Bo looked at her side face and his eyes darkened for a long time.

The most painful thing in the world is not that I love you but you don't love me. But, I say I love you, but you think I'm a child in a temper.

In the evening, it is the Mid Autumn Festival.

When Qiao Qingning and Liang Bo came back from the woods, the small yard outside had been decorated!

Strings of red lanterns are hung with riddles below. Swaying in the wind, it's very beautiful.

In recent years, the three families have celebrated the festival like this every year. Qiao Qingning is not as happy as when he was a child. In particular, he still remembers a person in his heart.

She can't help thinking that this is the Mid Autumn Festival. Will Lu Xinian be lonely alone?

Just thinking, there were bursts of smoke coming out of the kitchen.

Liang Bo hurriedly got up, "is it on fire?"

The next second, Qiao Qingning hurriedly took the bucket and ran over.

As soon as I got to the kitchen door, I saw he Qingtong staring at the thick smoke and running out of it.

"There's no fire! There's no fire. I'm frying!"

Gu Chengyu has been helping the forehead behind him. For so many years, his wife's cooking technology is as good as ever!

"Sorry, everyone, this is the dinner. There may be no ingredients!"

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