Do You Still Hate Her? 30 – “You care about me, right?”

The scene suddenly stops and fades out, returning to that silver-white space.

The system says, “As long as you are willing to become the female lead, you can easily obtain everything you’ve been dreaming of for years. Everyone will treat you and love you as you wish. There’s nothing better than this. Host, what reason do you have to refuse?”

Everyone will care about her and love her.

But, everything she once worked so hard to attain but couldn’t, can it really be so easily obtained?

For more than a decade of her life, though no one celebrated her birthday, she made the same birthday wish to the starry sky.

She hoped that one day, her father and brother could accept her, show her a bit of love, and celebrate her birthday with her.

This wish has nothing to do with Jiang Yi, it’s unrelated to the plot’s influence. As a daughter and a sister, it’s a desire and wish born from not experiencing familial affection.

Seeing the turmoil in Shang Lu’s heart, the system continued, “Would you be willing to spend your life like this? Never being cared for or loved by anyone, how sad and meaningless would that be?”

Shang Lu murmured, “Will no one ever care about me?”

Suddenly, the book titled <The Female Lead’s Comeback Plan> floated down in front of Shang Lu, opening to the first page.

On it was the plot summary, but curiously, the female lead’s name was missing.

The system continued, “Host, it’s simple. Place your hand on the blank space, and the contract will be formed. You can become the female lead, change and possess all of this. This is your only chance, after all, no one will ever care about a malicious supporting character.”

The system’s voice turned especially gentle, like the persuasion of an angel.

As if driven by an inexplicable impulse, Shang Lu reached out her hand, intending to place it down, but hesitated in mid-air.

Still the same words, pies don’t fall from the sky. She has never been that lucky person.

What’s wrong with this scene?

At this moment, a slightly hoarse male voice emerges.

“I care about you.”

Like thunder in spring, breaking the world’s loneliness.

All things revive, and reason returns completely, along with the emergence of the answer.

It’s Chi Yan’s voice.

Along with it flash countless scenes in Shang Lu’s mind. Three years in high school where he accompanied her, and now he is still by her side.

At the same time, she thinks of more people.

Like Lin Yanyan, who clearly has a spoiled nature but always treats her with special care. Ye Lu, who is stubborn as an ox but is willing to follow her arrangements. Wang Rong and Xue Zishan, who gave her gifts at their first meeting and even entrusted their friends to take care of her. And even more, someone as sincere to her as Ou Yi, who, despite being abrupt, stands in front of her even when facing crazies like Xia Yuan. Meng Zhichuan has been with her for years, never uttering a harsh word to her even when she’s receiving hate from the internet. He has never given up on her.

Song Zeqian, while claiming dissatisfaction of her, actually recommended an audition opportunity for her. Even though her relationship with Jiang Jing is somewhat awkward now, during the filming of <Life’s Journey>, Jiang Jing tried her best to teach her acting. Director Han Cheng also said he wanted to cast her in his new drama. Screenwriter Yu Qi praised her as the most spirited actress she had ever seen. Everyone on the set of <Salvation Plan> treated her well, even Cheng Zhe would have his assistant deliver pastries as a gesture of gratitude after voluntarily seeking her out for scenes.

Her fans would carefully prepare support for her, cheering her on at every event and job. Even Sweetie Donut became her fan.

Then why does she feel like no one cares for her or loves her?

There are so many good people around her now, and she has gained so much compared to the past. So why does she keep seeking trouble for herself?

Shang Lu withdrew her hand and looked at the system. “I still refuse.”

“Why?” This time the system’s voice turned sharp, even unfamiliar.

“Because you’re lying to me.” Shang Lu’s voice was resolute. She said, “Even if I’m the malicious supporting character, there have always been people who care about me.

“I am very satisfied with everything now, and I also really enjoy my current life. I don’t need to be what you call the female lead. I just want to be an ordinary person. So no matter how many times you ask, I will refuse you.”

After Shang Lu finished speaking, she directly tore apart the book in front of her.

And in an instant, she also retreated from this space.

Before her was boundless darkness, along with the voice of the system.

[Congratulations, Host. You have successfully passed the test. You are free now.]

[As the Supporting Female Character Salvation System, I don’t have the ability to help you become the main female lead.]

Due to some unknown reason, the world within the book cannot continue, so there are only two choices : the destruction of the host or the system leaving.

If the host passed the test, the latter will happen, and if the host couldn’t pass, the former will happen.

[Host, I need to leave now. From now on, this world will no longer be influenced by any book’s plot. You are a good person and will find true love.]

And this time, Shang Lu really fell asleep completely, just like the day the system came.

It was a very long dream.

In the dream, she saw her own mother, the gentle person in the photo, touching her face and telling her that mother loves her.

This was also the first time her mother, who she had never seen for twenty years, entered her dream. But it was just a dream.

And all of this finally turned a new page in her heart.

When she woke up, the sunlight was already shining into the room, slightly dazzling.

Shang Lu got up, feeling a bit tired all over her body, but she felt very awake.

The unfamiliar surroundings made her pause, and it wasn’t until she saw the name ‘Chi Yan’ written on the papers placed on the bedside table that she finally felt relieved and knew where she was.

After calling out the system several times without getting a response, she fell into a brief silence. Then, wearing slippers, she walked outside. The moment the door opened, she smelled the aroma of food.

Not far away, Xiao Guai was happily eating dog food, wagging its tail.

This was an ordinary day, yet also a beautiful one.

There were no messy plots, no system—just nothing.

Holding a glass of milk, Chi Yan said directly, “Your manager called and said that Director Yue Qi gave you a day off to rest. Go to the bathroom, freshen up, and then come eat.”

“Chi Yan,” she suddenly called out his name, summoning her courage.

“What’s the matter?” He looked at her, his narrow eyes carrying a hint of puzzlement.

The sunlight fell on him, softening his flamboyant face quite a bit.

And as Shang Lu gazed into Chi Yan’s eyes, she asked directly, “You care about me, right?”

When Shang Lu was feeling confused and on the verge of making a wrong decision, it wasn’t Chi Yan’s words that exposed the flaw, but those three years he had genuinely spent by her side.

The original plot of the novel didn’t arrange a character like him.

So, did Chi Yan’s actions stem from a genuine desire to take care of his best friend’s fiancée?

If that were the case, given her estranged relationship with Jiang Yi and the fact that she had moved on, why did he suddenly reappear in her life?

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