Becoming rich starts with a street stall

Chapter 105 Let's Make a Price (for subscription)

Five minutes!

Zhang Qingfeng was a little disappointed with Chen Dong's performance.

In the past five minutes, Chen Dong has hardly looked at any object that is valuable to him. Instead, he looked at it carefully.

Could it be that he really wanted to rely on luck?

Zhang Shan: "Chen Dong, the time is up, have you chosen?"

Chen Dong smiled at Zhang Shan, turned around and looked at Leng Shan and asked, "Boss Leng, can I choose any item in the room?"

Leng Shan nodded: "In Deyunxuan, you can choose. I Leng Shan counts."


Chen Dong slapped his slap loudly and said, "Boss Leng is really interesting, but since you are so interesting to me, I am not too presumptuous as a junior, right? Let's see that your tea table is too broken. I want this to help you dispose of the waste."


Just after Chen Dong finished speaking, the expressions of the people present were different.

Wu Tianzhou and the others felt that Chen Dong was still too young, but doing so would be considered a step for Lengshan. After all, taking away millions of antiques from people casually is not the case.


It was just that Leng Shan's expression was as if struck by lightning, he was stunned on the spot, his eyes fixed on Chen Dong.

Chen Dong: "Boss Leng? I just want this broken tea table. You wouldn't be so stingy and don't want to give it to me?"

Zhang Shan smiled on the side: "Well, since you want this tea table, don't regret it. My master has long wanted to throw it away, but I have not been willing to spend a long time with the master."

"To shut up!"

Just after Zhang Shan finished speaking, Leng Shan said sharply.

Leng Shan looked at Chen Dong: "Chen Dong, let's change it. This tea table is indeed not short of my age, and I am a little bit reluctant. Besides, since I promised to give you something, it would not be good to give you such a broken thing."

What surprised everyone was that Leng Shan didn't want to give it.

Chen Dong seemed to have guessed what Leng Shan said a long time ago, and said with a smile, "Boss Leng, I don't want anything else, I want this broken tea stand."

Hearing Chen Dong's words, Leng Shan had a murderous heart in his heart.

How does this kid see that this tea table is not simple?Could it be that Zhang Qingfeng told him?

Impossible, absolutely impossible, apart from him, no one knows the value of this tea stand in Jingzhou City.This is all made of Wannian agarwood. It looks worn out because Lengshan deliberately wrapped the agarwood with a special paint so that the fragrance of the wood cannot be emitted. According to the current market price This dilapidated tea table is worth at least one billion yuan. You must know that agarwood starts at 10,000 yuan per gram.

Leng Shan: "Little brother, you should choose another one. Although this tea table is worn out, it has been with me for many years. I am really reluctant. If you think it will work, you can stay with me without limiting your time. Pick whatever you want in the store."

Leng Feng's attitude made everyone puzzled. It stands to reason that Chen Dong should be happy when he chose such a shabby tea table. What happened today?Suddenly he became polite to Chen Dong, and he didn't have to limit the time to let him choose at will. Could it be this tea table?

something wrong!

Which of the people present was not an old You Tiao who had been in circles for many years, and immediately noticed the problem with the change in Leng Shan’s attitude. Although Wu Tianzhou and others did not speak, they all secretly observed their side. This dilapidated tea table is coming.

"Master Leng, since Chen Dong wants this tea station, you can give it to him. Isn't it just a broken tea station? If the old one is not used, the new one will come."

Zhang Qingfeng said with a smile.

Leng Shan's face twitched.

Speaking of lightness, the old ones don’t go, the new ones don’t come. Of course, you idiots don’t know the secret of this tea table. Did you give him the agarwood tea table worth a billion?This is a secret that Lengshan has buried for decades.

Decades ago, a piece of 10,000-year agarwood was unearthed in Huaxia Yun Province, which caused quite a stir at the time. At that time, Lengshan’s business was not too big. Through various channels and various relationships, it was hard to contact the company that excavated this piece of agarwood. In order to obtain this piece of agarwood, Lengshan almost ran out of his wealth.

Decades have passed, and I don’t know if it’s because this piece of agarwood can bring him good luck. Lengshan’s business is getting bigger and bigger, and it’s smooth sailing. In order to avoid unnecessary trouble, Lengshan has That piece of ten thousand-year agarwood was processed into a dilapidated tea table. In Lengshan's words, this was his lifeblood.

Leng Shan: "Brother, let's do this. I am a nostalgic person. If you don't want to choose anything else, I will give you one million."

Chen Dong laughed secretly in his heart, this guy Leng Shan really looks like acting, nostalgic person?Probably because this tea table has another secret.

While talking to Leng Shan, Chen Dong quietly entered the system to test it. What shocked him was that when the final price was set at 50 million, the system still prompted a serious low.

50 million, seriously low?

Even Chen Dong is a little curious about what kind of tea table this is so valuable.

one million?What a joke, this Lengshan would really plan to take it. If he had given him one million before, Chen Dong would laugh at it cheerfully, but now it doesn’t work, even if he can’t eat this piece of fat, he’ll have to be greasy.

Chen Dong: "I want a tea station."

One million was actually rejected by Chen Dong, and refused completely.

Leng Shan pretended to gritted his teeth and said: "Two million!"

Chen Dong: "I want a tea station."

Looking at Chen Dong, Leng Shan's eyes fired.If it hadn’t been for Chen Dong to bring so many people over, Leng Shan would have sent him out a long time ago, and he really had a nose and face. Although he said he would pick the same, he has now given him two million. That's enough, this guy doesn't even agree.

Leng Shan: "Little brother, two million, that's a lot, right? I don't understand why you fell in love with me?"

Chen Dong hehe smiled and asked, "Boss Leng, why do I look at this tea table, don't you know in your heart?"


After Chen Dong finished speaking, Leng Shan felt a little bit in his heart.

It is said that being a guilty conscience is not fake at all. Chen Dong doesn't know the secret of the tea station, but Leng Shan does.

Leng Shan looked at Chen Dong with a smile on his face, and stared for a full minute without seeing any flaws.

Does this guy really see it?


Absolutely impossible!

For decades, even the people around him did not know, let alone a hairy boy.

But what did he just say?

Leng Shan's heart began to think about it wildly.

Zhang Shan on the side was a bit of a circle.

What happened to Master today?Is your head funny?I said before that I would throw this broken tea station away, but I didn't throw it away because of feelings, so today I had the heart to pay 2 million for this broken tea station?


Leng Shan stared at Chen Dong with a long breath.

"Little brother, make a price..."

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