Becoming rich starts with a street stall

Chapter 13 Treachery (seeking collection)

"Ring Ling Ling..."

With a harsh alarm, Chen Dong opened his eyes in a daze.

The sunlight is a bit dazzling.

I got up and cleaned the bedding on the sofa, and looked up, there was no one in the room.

Steamed buns and rice porridge are placed on the table.

Just as Chen Dong finished washing and preparing for breakfast, there was a loud noise in the bedroom.



Chen Dong felt tight and ran over quickly.

"Dad, what's the matter with you?"

Seeing Chen Binglu slumped on the ground, Chen Dong quickly helped him up.

"I'm such a waste, I can't even walk."

Chen Binglu kept blaming himself.

"Dad, you are too anxious, the doctor said, as long as your leg recovers for a while, you will be fine."

"Oh, but I can't always lie down. By the way, Dongzi, I heard your mother said that it is very profitable to set up a street stall recently. Today, you can take your father with you. Still no problem."

"Okay, I'll take you with you tonight."

After Chen Dong finished speaking, Chen Binglu looked happy, he was really afraid that his son would reject him.

The reason why Chen Dong agreed to his father was that he was worried that he would be suffocated at home all day long. By the way, let him see the prosperous street stall, and he would be in a better mood.

"By the way, dad, what about my mother? I told her to wait for me last night."

"You don't know your mother's temper. She went to clean the house."

After a quick bite of breakfast, Chen Dong went downstairs and rode a tricycle to the address his father said.

He had planned it last night, and from today on, he will never let his mother work so hard for this family.

Forte Garden.

A high-end residential district in Qingshan City.

The average price of house prices here is more than 10,000 yuan. Naturally, those who can buy a house here are not rich but expensive.

Chen Dong's tricycle is very conspicuous.

Fortunately, the security at the door did not trouble him, let him in after registration.

When he came downstairs at the address mentioned by his father, Chen Dong looked up and saw a figure leaning forward and cleaning the glass.


Seeing his mother leaning out, Chen Dong felt nervous.

Running upstairs quickly, Chen Dong rang the doorbell.

A young woman in her pajamas opened the door.

"you are?"

"Hello, I'm Yu Xiuqin's son, I'm here to find her."

"Oh, it's Aunt Yu's son, she's cleaning the glass, come in."

After entering the room, Chen Dong hurried to the window and called Yu Xiuqin into the room.

"Son? Why are you here?"

Yu Xiuqin wiped the sweat from her forehead, a little surprised.

"Mom, I have something to find you, come home with me."

After speaking, Chen Dong pulled Yu Xiuqin's arm and walked out.

"Son, I'll talk about something later, I will finish cleaning the glass first, and you will wait for me."

"No, you just follow me now."

Chen Dong insisted on pulling Yu Xiuqin out, he didn't want his mother to take such a big risk for a minute.There is no protection at all on such a high floor. I can't imagine the consequences if it falls.

"Aunt Yu, my glass..."

"I'm sorry, Miss Ann, my son is looking for me in a hurry. I'll be back soon..."

Being pulled downstairs by Chen Dong, Yu Xiuqin broke free of her son's arm.

"Tongzi, what's the matter with you? Mom's work is not finished yet."

"Mom, let's quit, it's too dangerous."

Yu Xiuqin looked at the nervous Chen Dong and smiled.

"It's okay, my mother is used to it, and she knows it in her heart. Tell her, what's the matter? If it doesn't matter, mother will go back and wipe the glass."

Looking at Yu Xiuqin with sweat on his face, Chen Dong felt sour.

"Mom, I bought a convenience store, you and my dad have to help me."

"Convenience store?"

When Chen Dong brought Yu Xiuqin and Chen Binglu to the convenience store, both of them stared.

Yu Xiuqin said, "Dongzi, you said you bought this convenience store?"

"Yeah, mom, I redeemed it. Have you seen this brand?"

"A dealership?"

"Yes, Dad, I changed this convenience store to an automatic mosquito killer after I paid it over. I forgot to tell you that I recently acted as an agent for a mosquito killer product."

"Tongzi, it costs a lot of money to exchange the store and act as an agent, our house..."

Yu Xiuqin was embarrassed.

Chen Dong smiled, obviously his mother had misunderstood what he meant.

"Mom, I have paid all the money. Majestic borrowed my capital, and now she has made money. She sold 10,000 units yesterday."

"Ten thousand units?"

The two looked at each other.

"I can't do it myself, I'm thinking about asking you and my dad to take care of me over here."

"Well, good, my son is amazing, now he can do such a big business."

Arranged for the two people, Chen Dong rushed to Jinshan Technology Company in Huanhu New District without stopping.

General Manager's Office.

Li Quanshan enthusiastically took the initiative to pour a cup of tea for Chen Dong, which was a far cry from yesterday's attitude.

Li Quanshan said: "Mr. Chen, I have seen your ability, and I am young and admire it."

"You praised Mr. Li. The main reason is that our company's products are good. Do you think about the agency?"

Chen Dong asked straightaway.

Speaking of the agency, Li Quanshan had a look.

"Mr. Chen, this is the case. We held a meeting yesterday to study the agency. From my personal point of view, I still hope that the agency can be entrusted to you. I believe in your ability, but... ."

Listening to Li Quanshan's words, Chen Dong's heart shook.

Li Quanshan's next words made Chen Dong even more angry.

"It's just that Mr. Chen, there are two more powerful companies in Qingshan that also want to represent this product. Both companies are quite strong. The meaning of leadership..."

Chen Dongqi was extremely happy.

"So we have no chance to cooperate?"

Li Quanshan smiled.

"Nor can you say that. According to the company's regulations, you need to pay a franchise fee and a security deposit. As long as Mr. Chen can pay, I still tend to cooperate with Mr. Chen.

The reason why Li Quanshan changed his mind was that he was stimulated by the popularity of yesterday's sales.

After coming back, the sales manager Wang Ming vowed to make a big deal.

"How much is the initial fee? What is the security deposit?"

"The initial fee is 500,000 and the deposit is 1 million."

Chen Dong was happy.

This meow is taking himself as a fool.

Seeing the hot sales yesterday, it is the initial fee and the deposit.

The corner of Chen Dong's mouth curled up and said, "You are not authentic in doing this."

"President Chen can't say that. You have also seen that this product is highly recognized in the market. Join now, we will give you the lowest price, and the profit margin is still huge."

"I hope you don't regret it and say goodbye."

Chen Dong got up and left the office.

He really didn't want to deal with such people.

Doing business is about integrity.

What they are doing now is against honesty, seeing the hot sales and rising prices, this kind of person is simply not trustworthy.

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