Becoming rich starts with a street stall

Chapter 143 Rich second generation Lin Huan (seeking subscription)

"Do you know Meilin boyfriend?"

Meng Meiqi asked as he led Chen Dong to the village for a stroll.

"I saw it once before."

What Chen Dong didn't expect was that Lin Huan was the same person he met when he was setting up a street stall in the middle of the night, and he did not expect that the bad ideas that he had given him were used on his cousin Mei Qi.

Armed with Chen Dong's arm, the two came to a small river beside Mengjia Village.

"You will not still be angry with Meilin? She is not bad, but her vanity is too strong."

Chen Dong laughed: "When she cried."

Meng Meiqi: "Don't talk to black people. His boyfriend treats her well. Didn't you see that it cost 300,000 yuan to buy a jade Buddha for grandpa."

Chen Dongqiang suppressed his laugh. Didn’t that Jade Buddha just be bought from his stall for two thousand yuan, and Chen Dong also specifically told Lin Huan to rent a luxury car to play the rich second generation, but he didn’t know that one day he would be Meng Meilin. Knowing what Lin Huan would look like was a pauper.

Not to mention, Chen Dong is really looking forward to that day, and if possible, he will take pictures with his mobile phone.

At lunch, Chen Dong was sitting next to Lin Huan.Seeing Lin Huan's unnatural expression, Chen Dong felt amused.

"Brother Chen Dong, my business..."

Lin Huan whispered while others were not paying attention.

"What's the matter with you? Did we know each other before?"

"Oh, yes, yes, let's meet for the first time, and I will ask Brother Chen Dong for your care in the future."

Seeing Lin Huan whispering to Chen Dong, Meng Meilin next to her was a little unhappy.

"Grandpa, today on your birthday, I will offer you a drink with Lin Huan, and wish you a blessing in the East China Sea and a birthday than Nanshan."

What surprised everyone was that before Meng Qingshan could speak, Meng Meilin stood up and pulled Lin Huan to toast.

"Mei-lin, shit, your uncle hasn't toasted yet."

Meng Meilin's father Meng Qinghai said with a deep face.

"Don't be afraid, it's rare for us to find such an excellent boyfriend, Meilin, come and come, let's respect our dad together."

Although Meng Qingshan felt a little unhappy, he still generously raised his glass and said.

"That's right, the uncle is right. The jade Buddha that Lin Huan bought for grandpa in our family is more than 300,000 yuan."

"Cough cough cough..."

Lin Huan coughed beside him.


Just as Lin Huan was coughing, a bang came from outside the yard.

Everyone put down their chopsticks and hurried to the door to see what happened.

Meng Meiqi and Chen Dong also ran out of the door, and what left Chen Dong speechless was that his van parked on the roadside was hit by an Audi.

A woman came down from an Audi car.




"Uncle, third uncle, second aunt..."

Regarding this Meng Meijiao on the way, Chen Dong heard Meng Meiqi's second uncle's daughter. In the past two years, Meng Qingjiang's second uncle Meng Qingjiang died in a car accident. Later the second aunt took Meng Meijiao. South, I heard that the mix is ​​good now.

"Sorry Chen Dong, it's not long after my ticket got off, you see..."

After some introduction, Meng Meijiao looked at Chen Dong and explained with some embarrassment.

Chen Dong smiled: "It's okay, I happen to be going to change cars too."

"Chen Dong, you want to change cars? What kind of car?"

Meng Fei, a cousin of Meng Meiqi's, asked after hearing Chen Dong's change.

Chen Dong laughed: "Buy whatever you want."

Meng Meilin: "What kind of car do you buy? Do you want to change to a Porsche like our Lin Huan?"

Chen Dong smiled and shook his head: "Porsche still forget it, it's not suitable for me."

"Cut, just say there is no money."

Meng Meilin muttered softly.

Naturally, Chen Dong would not be so boring to explain to a vanity-loving little girl what car he bought. In his words, it is no longer his own style to act directly and rudely.

Everyone went back to the yard and continued to eat. Because of the presence of Meng Meijiao, Chen Dong finally avoided being talked about by the people, especially compared with the fake rich second-generation Lin Huan.

I don’t know if this Meng Meilin did it on purpose. After eating, he talked about the car again. Although Lin Huan had been deliberately changing the subject, it made Chen Dong a little annoyed. I really don’t know if I will be this vain girl one day. The rich second generation in front of me is a poor college student who just graduated. What is the reaction to the so-called luxury cars being rented?

"Ring Ling Ling..."

Chen Dong's phone rang, and Chen Dong was happy when he saw the phone number.

Lao Tzu doesn't want to pretend to be a weak one.

Chen Dong picked up the phone and deliberately said loudly, "Yes, this is Chen Dong. I'm here in Mengjiacun, please bring the car over."

After hanging up the phone, several young men in the Meng family looked at Chen Dong.

"Chen Dong, you don't have to let the company send the car over. We can take the cousin's car later." Meng Meiqi thought Chen Dong would call the car from the company, and said quickly.

"the company?"

A few young people are not stupid, so they can naturally hear the meaning of Meng Meiqi's words.

"Cousin, Chen Dong also works in your garment factory?"

Obviously Meng Meilin did not understand the meaning of Meng Meiqi's words, and thought that Chen Dong was also working in a clothing factory.

"No, his own company."

"Huh? Chen Dong, you started a company?"

Meng Fei from the third uncle's house next to him opened his eyes wide and asked in surprise.

"What's so great about starting a company? Are there few companies that have closed down? Our Lin Huan's family ran a coal mine. That's really making money." Meng Meilin said disapprovingly.

"Chen Dong, what company do you open?"

Meng Meijiao asked curiously.

"A sales company, but now it is handed over to others." Chen Dong explained casually.

"It's not easy to do sales now. Our company also sells medical equipment in the south. Now there is too much competition." Meng Meijiao said.

Meng Meiqi: "Cousin, Chen Dong sells very well."

Meng Meijiao: "If you have a chance, you can go to the south. After all, there are more opportunities than here. Would you like me to introduce a few companies to you?"

Chen Dong shook his head: "No need for my cousin, I'm used to staying here, I don't think about the South."


Meng Meijiao didn't insist anymore, but she was a little disappointed with Chen Dong in her eyes.

"Cousin, I heard that you can make more than one million yuan a year, really?"

Meng Fei approached Meng Meijiao and asked enviously.

Seeing Meng Fei, Meng Meijiao frowned.This is a lazy guy who doesn't want to put up a little energy and still thinks about making big money all day long.

Meng Meijiao: "It's not so exaggerated. You also know that although the South makes a lot of money, it also costs a lot. Do you know how much it costs to have a morning tea over there?"

"How many?"

"Five or six hundred, a bowl of abalone porridge will cost more than two hundred."


A few young people were chatting enthusiastically, and Chen Dong rarely participated, just quietly being a listener next to him.

"Wow, luxury car! That's someone's luxury car, than Lin Huan's Niu X?

Just as several people were sitting on the stools in the yard chatting, a newest Porsche Palamela sports car drove into the village, and Meng Fei immediately shouted with sharp eyes.

Chen Dong got up and smiled slightly...

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