Becoming rich starts with a street stall

Chapter 146 Treasures (for subscription)

After clarifying Zhang Cicui's misunderstanding, Chen Dong finally left the house.

Although Chen Dong didn't have any good solutions for Li Ping to come to Zhang Cicui, his headquarters could be too cheap for him.

After driving his Lamborghini, Chen Dong drove towards the convenience store on Qingshan Street.

Not to mention, this is really different from the feeling of opening bread. Many pedestrians are watching his Lamborghini along the way, and even some vehicles are deliberately avoiding it, as if they are afraid of touching it.

Chen Dong was happy, maybe this is the so-called special.

"Mr. Chen, you are here."

Seeing Chen Dong getting off the Lamborghini sports car, Jiang Ting was taken aback first, and then greeted him with a smile on his face.

"Mr. Chen, you have redecorated the convenience according to your requirements, and the decoration style follows the template of a chain store."

While walking into the convenience store with Chen Dong, Jiang Ting said.

Looking at the beautifully decorated and neatly arranged convenience store, Chen Dong felt very satisfied.

Since it has agreed to let Golden Peas buy shares, it must be cashed out.Although she can't give her money for the time being, this convenience store would be more suitable.

After wandering around the convenience store, Chen Dong walked out of the convenience store.

"How is the relationship with the house?" Chen Dong asked.

Jiang Ting: "Mr. Chen, the owner has already contacted, and the other party agreed to sell it for 580,000 yuan."

Chen Dong nodded: "Then go through the formalities as soon as possible."

Jiang Ting: "It's just Mr. Chen. The Jin Doudou you mentioned is still underage and cannot transfer the real estate to her unless her guardian handles it."

"That's it."

According to Chen Dong's plan, he originally wanted to give this convenience store to Jin Doudou in its entirety, but he didn't expect to be able to register directly under Jin Doudou's name.

"Then do it under my name first, and wait until the time is right."

Things in the convenience store were pretty much the same. Chen Dong took Jiang Ting to the antique shop in the Qingshan flea market.


As soon as he arrived at the door of the store, Chen Dong was attracted by the decoration of the door.

Simple yet luxurious, the huge three-character "Jumbo Pavilion" is particularly conspicuous, surrounded by ancient blue as the background.There is also a couplet at the door of the antique shop.

Shanghai United: Xia Ding Qin Brick Zhao Guobi

Bottom Line: Tang Poems and Jin Characters Chinese Articles

Horizontal batch: full of treasures

"Not bad!"

After looking at the decoration at the door, and carefully savoring the couplet, Chen Dong was quite satisfied.

Jiang Ting was also very happy to hear Chen Dong's praise.I used to think that Chen Dong was just the boss of a company, and the car he drove was not a good car, and the company had only a dozen or twenty employees. Now it seems that it is not the case.

Can a Lamborghini sports car be driven by any small owner?It's an antique store and a convenience store. The company is basically a shopkeeper, obviously a super rich second-generation.

When he walked into the antique shop, Chen Dong took a closer look. Basically, they were designed according to the style he had found before. Of course, there was not a problem at all. For example, the vase at the door was high according to Chen Dong's requirements. Imitation, but now replaced by ordinary porcelain bottles.

"Replace all of these for me and follow what I requested before." Chen Dong said with a deep face.

"Good President Chen."

Jiang Ting was very frightened, but she didn't expect her boss to turn her face when she said she turned her face.

After checking in the antique shop, there was basically no major problem. Chen Dong drove to the DM company by himself.

"Boom boom boom."

I knocked on the office door a few times, but nothing happened.

Chen Dong gently opened the door of the office and found Meng Meiqi looking down at something after walking in, very focused.

Looking at Meng Meiqi, who sometimes frowned, Chen Dong walked gently behind her.


As Chen Dong covered Meng Meiqi's eyes, Meng Meiqi let out a scream.

"Hate, when did you come? Why didn't you tell me, it scared me to death."

Meng Meiqi yelled.

"Why are you so serious? You didn't even hear me knocking on the door."

Chen Dong gently hugged Meng Meiqi's body and sat on his lap.

"Don't mention it, I don't know what happened during this period. The previous orders have been refunded a lot. This month's performance is at least 20% worse than last month."

Chen Dong smiled and put his arms around Meng Meiqi: "If the performance is poor, we will not do it. The big deal is let's quit."

"Well, I know that your old man is rich now, but I don't want to be a canary, that would smother me."

"Of course I know that, no matter what, I will always support you and do what you want to do."

"Chen Dong, you are so kind."

"Hey, knowing that I am fine, I haven't been to my house for several days."

"I'm not going, we are not married, so sorry."

"What are you afraid of, don't you always buy tickets after getting on the bus?"

"Chen Dong, are you looking for a fight?"

The two flirted in the office for a while, and Meng Meiqi's mood improved a lot.

Meng Meiqi: "Chen Dong, see my mother tonight, what gift have you prepared?"

Chen Dong smiled: "Confidentiality."

Meng Meiqi: "Keep it secret with me, I guess it must be high-end cosmetics, right?"

Chen Dong smiled without saying a word.

"Then I guess it's a luxury watch."

"Okay, let me tell you, it's a piece of jade pendant. I bought it when I was in an antique shop."

"It's jade, but you have to be careful, my mother is very good at jade, are you fake?"

"Of course not, you'll know it when you show it to your mother."

After talking about dinner at night, Chen Dong talked to Meng Meiqi about the convenience store.

"Chen Dong, you are really good to Doudou."

Chen Dong: "I don't know if I am doing this right, but Doudou is really likable."

Meng Meiqi: "I think we should put things aside for the house. Let's help Doudou's father contact a good hospital at some time. Since Liu Juan is back, as long as his illness is cured, their family will be happy."

Chen Dong slapped his thigh: "Yeah, why didn't I expect that, I will have someone contact the hospital now."

Meng Meiqi giggled: "It's okay, it's not in a hurry today. Why are you going this afternoon?"

"I'm fine, don't you see that I am idle all day."

"Fuck you, if you can make a fortune if you are idle like you, people all over the world won't work. Come with me to the movies in the afternoon."

Meng Meiqi smirked.

Looking at Meng Meiqi's smirk: "Aren't you going to watch a horror movie?"

Meng Meiqi chuckled, "I really made you guessed right. I heard that Zhenzi has released the second part. Would you like to come and see it with me?"

"Ah, let's stop it. Of course I am not afraid, I just don't think it's interesting to watch a movie."

"Aren't you afraid of your legs shaking?"

"Where am I shaking? I'm urinating. Hurry up and tell me where is the toilet..."

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