Becoming rich starts with a street stall

Chapter 151 You are going to bury him (for subscription)

August 17th.

An antique shop called Treasure Court in Qingshan Flea Market.

Chen Dong looked at the five hundred yuan in Meng Fei's hand.

"Brother-in-law, I used two hundred and fifty yuan to buy some fruits in Qingshan Mountain, and then ran to the commercial district on the other side of Xicheng to sell. I didn't expect that the price difference in the middle was actually two yuan. I sold it at a price cheaper than them. Yes, it really made money, a full 300 yuan."

I have to say that this kid is really smart.

Chen Dong couldn't help but look at Meng Fei differently.

"You said you made money by reselling fruits, then I will now give you a task to make these five hundred yuan into one thousand yuan in two days."

Meng Fei: "Brother-in-law, it doesn't take two days. With these five hundred yuan, I am confident that it will become one thousand yuan a day."

Chen Dong nodded: "Go, come and report to me tomorrow."


Holding five hundred yuan, Meng Fei Pidian Pidian ran out of the store.

Seeing Meng Fei leaving, Chen Dong waved at Jiang Ting.

"Mr Chen."

"Give you a task, wait a while to go to the commercial district that Meng Fei said, and see if he is selling fruits. Also send me some photos on WeChat."

Jiang Ting nodded: "Okay Mr. Chen."

"Ring Ling Ling..."

After Chen Donggang explained Jiang Ting, the phone rang.

Zhang Nan?

Looking at the phone number, Chen Dong couldn't help but wonder, why did Zhang Nan think of calling himself?

Suffering, Chen Dong still answered the phone.

"Nanzi, why do you remember calling your Dong brother?"

After answering the phone, Chen Dong joked.

"Brother Dong, it's not good, Cannon is about to commit suicide."

Zhang Nan's panicked voice came from the phone.


Chen Dongteng stood up at once, shocking Jiang Ting next to him.

"Zhang Nan, what's going on?" Chen Dong asked quickly.

Zhang Nan: "Brother Dong, Cannon recently made a big deal, but it was scammed by someone, and the compensation was miserable. Han Fei also ran home, and Cannon owed a debt."

Chen Dong: "Well, it's normal to lose money and make money in business. Cannon doesn't commit suicide because it loses money?"

Zhang Nan: "Brother Dong, you don’t know that Cannon borrowed money from usury. People said that if you don’t pay for a week, he will be abolished. The last time a few people came to collect the debt, you slapped Cannon twice. I think This guy looked wrong in the last two days, and yesterday I found two packets of rat poison in his drawer."

Chen Dong: "Zhang Nan, hurry up and stare at the cannon for me. I will fly over in a while. Remember, if the cannon is short and long, you can bury him with it."

Hanging up the phone, Chen Dong looked at Jiang Ting next to him and said anxiously, "Hurry up and book me a ticket to Hangzhou."

"Okay Mr. Chen, I'll make it right away."

Thinking of the cannon, Chen Dong was anxious. This guy is a guy with a strong self-esteem. Now he can't stand the situation where he gets debts, and he has been beaten.

Ma De, if the artillery has three long and two short, I will definitely not let go of those bastards.

Thinking in his heart, Chen Dong still called Meng Meiqi and briefly talked about the situation of Cannon.

Meng Meiqi was also very anxious after listening. She knew the position of the cannon in Chen Dong's heart. She had also heard Chen Dong talk about the past. The best buddy ever was stabbed to death with a knife because of a fight. That's right. Chen Dong was hit hard, and now if there is anything to do with the artillery, Chen Dong will be hit hard.

Meng Meiqi: "Chen Dong, let me go with you."

Chen Dong: "No need for Majesty, there are still many things on the company's side, I can do it myself."

Meng Meiqi: "No, I don't worry if you don't take someone there. Don't your company have security guards? You take a few."

Speaking of security, Chen Dong thought of Qin Daliang. The guy looked like he had good skills and was retired from the army.

"Okay, don't worry, I will ask someone to go with me."

Hanging up Meng Meiqi's phone, Chen Dong quickly asked Jiang Ting to contact Qin Daliang and asked him to come to the antique shop to find himself.

Half an hour later, Qin Daliang hurried to the antique shop.

"Come with me to Hangzhou."

"it is good."

Qin Daliang didn't ask Chen Dong what he was going to do in Hangzhou. As Chen Dong's subordinates, sometimes he only needed to execute the boss's orders.

Chen Dong called Yu Xiuqin and said he would go to Hangzhou for a few days. Yu Xiuqin didn't think much, but told Chen Dong to be careful and safe outside.

After making arrangements for the family's affairs, Chen Dong took Qin Daliang to the airport.

"Boss, what would you like to drink?"

Sitting on the plane, Qin Daliang asked in a low voice when he saw Chen Dong with a sad face.

"no need."

Chen Dong shook his head.

"Qin Daliang, how are your skills?" Chen Dong then asked.

"The boss can rest assured, I dare not say how good my skills are. Three or five people still don't pay attention to it.

Chen Dong nodded: "That's good."

Naturally, Qin Daliang would not be so stupid to ask Chen Dong, but he probably guessed something in his heart.What does the boss mean?Obviously there are tricky things that require him to do something, but Qin Daliang also has his own ideas. It would not work if someone bullied the boss, but if Chen Dong asked him to do something wrong, he would rather not do this job than do it. of.

Speechless all the way.

The voyage of several hours passed in silence.

After getting off the plane, Chen Dong turned on his mobile phone and called Zhang Nan.

Knowing that there was nothing happening in the cannon, I felt relieved.

It’s nothing more than money. If it was before, Chen Dong didn’t have much ability, but now it’s different. I don’t dare to say too much money. But now, eight million yuan is really nothing to him. You have to know Qin Feng’s. He hasn't gotten the jade raw material yet, if it gets back it would be a lot of money.

For him, the life of the cannon is more important than anything else.


A small hotel in Hangzhou.

Zhang Nan couldn't help but feel anxious looking at the cannon that had been smoking.

"Cannon, if you lose in business, you will lose it. The big deal is that we will earn it back in the future. You can't think about the wrong way."

"Yeah, Dapao, Zhang Nan is right. Our brothers will pay back the money you owe with you. The big deal is that we will go back and set up a street stall with Dongzi. Sooner or later, we can make a comeback." Liu Feng followed to persuade him. Tao.

Wei Jun squeezed out the cigarette end fiercely, raised his head and looked at the two with bloodshot eyes.

"It's because of me, I'll carry it alone, so you can go back to Qingshan tomorrow."

"What kind of resistance are you fighting? Those people are desperate, you can't go crazy."

Zhang Nan said loudly.

"Brother Dong has already rushed over. He will help us figure out a solution if there is anything."

"Boom boom boom..."

Just when the three people were talking about Chen Dong, there was a rush of knocking on the door.

"Wei Jun, I know you are inside, so I will pay Lao Tzu quickly, otherwise Lao Tzu will abolish you today."

Hearing the outside sound, the complexion of several people is not good...

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