Becoming rich starts with a street stall

Chapter 158 Two coins (for subscription)

August 28th.

The antique street of Qingshan flea market is very lively.

In front of a antique shop called Jumbo Pavilion, gongs, drums, drums, and firecrackers roared.

Chen Dong, dressed in a suit, stood in the middle, with Zhang Qingfeng on the left and Lengshan on the right.

"It's auspicious time, unveiling!"

Following the words of the emcee, the three people jointly dragged the red silk from the plaque of the treasure pavilion, and the three words for the glittering treasure pavilion were particularly conspicuous.

Looking at the three shining golden characters, Chen Dong was also a little emotional.

An antique shop invested more than 10 million yuan, and this investment of 10 million yuan did not ask others to borrow a cent.Since the establishment of the stall system, Chen Dong has even used this bug in the stall system to break into the world of antique collections and even stone gambling. If it is purely to make money, Chen Dong can quickly accumulate wealth in an enemy country with any point. It's just that Chen Dong didn't want to and didn't dare to do that.

When a person's wealth grows too quickly, it will inevitably bring about many things.Let alone whether there will be any butterfly effect, simply because the wealth comes too quickly and too much can easily arouse people's suspicion. Why can Chen Dong bet invincible?In case someone thinks he has see-through eyes and gouging out his eyes, it would be broken.

So what Chen Dong wants to do is a physical store. In reality, the bigger the business he does, the more he can hide his growing wealth.This is why he insists on opening an antique shop.

Antiques say that an object is worthless, and even if the wealth grows faster in the future, it will not make people too suspicious.As for gambling on stone, Chen Dong has his own plan. The wool he bought from Nanyun last time did not go to Qinfeng’s factory for cutting, but put it in the company’s warehouse. Chen Dong planned to train his own stone cutter at some time. The treatment can be higher, but you must learn to keep it secret.

Of course, Chen Dong is not afraid of the stone-cutting master. Some of the raw materials prepared are waste products. This can confuse the audience. It can only be said that Chen Dong's raw materials are more likely to be green.

"Tongzi, this is the treasure of the town shop I gave you."

After speaking, Zhang Qingfeng took out an antique wooden box from his pocket and carefully handed it to Chen Dong.

"Zhang Qingfeng, what rare thing did you give us to open our eyes too?"

Seeing the wooden box in Chen Dong's hand, Leng Shan next to him said with a smile.

"Brother Dong, what did Professor Zhang give, let's take a look too?" Liang Jing and Zhang Ru said in red cheongsam.


Chen Dong looked at Zhang Qingfeng.

Zhang Qingfeng nodded triumphantly: "Since everyone wants to see it, let's take a look."

With Zhang Qingfeng's permission, Chen Dong gently opened the wooden box.

There is a coin in the beautiful wooden box.

Chen Dong naturally didn't know the value of this coin, but Liang Jing screamed in surprise.

"This is a commemorative one-yuan gold coin made by Zhang Lin as the Grand Marshal of the Army and Navy in the fifteenth year of the Republic of China. I remember it seems to have been sold at a sky-high price in the auction a few years ago."

"Yes, I remember that it seemed to have sold a sky-high price of 4 million, but now there are less than ten in the world." Zhang Ru added.

Chen Dong was also very surprised. He didn't expect such a small coin to have such a high value. It is not surprising that four million was the auction price more than ten years ago.

"Thank you, Master."

Zhang Qingfeng looked extremely useful: "What are you polite to Master?"

Meng Fei, Wei Jun and others were even more surprised and speechless, especially Wei Jun, Zhang Nan, and Liu Feng. Unexpectedly, Chen Dong already had such a masterful master who made millions of gifts. Chen Dong who set up a street stall a month ago?

"Professor Zhang, this coin looks very ordinary, why is it so valuable?" Zhang Nan couldn't help asking.

Without waiting for Zhang Qingfeng to explain, Zhang Ru next to him said with a smile, "You don't understand, coin is the general term for coin, shell coin, silver dollar, etc. Coins have a long history in China, since the Chinese civilization At that time, circulated currency was produced with this commercial trade. Five thousand years of civilization has been passed down, and the wisdom of ancient Chinese is also reflected in this small coin. Since the 20th century, people have deliberately collected coins and understood The humanistic value, historical value, and its huge economic value are behind it. Sheng Shixing Collection, nowadays, coins are emerging in the auction market, advancing by leaps and bounds, and rare ancient coins are valuable."

"Wow, Zhang Ru, you know a lot, I admire you so much, can you accept me as an apprentice?"

Zhang Nan said with a smile.

"Fuck you, you have to pay the tuition first."

"Okay, will I give you all my money in the future?"


Seeing the young people flirting and yelling, everyone laughed, but Zhang Ru gave Zhang Nan a red face.

"Leng Shan, my gift has already been taken out. You always want to show something if you don't invite it?" Zhang Qingfeng said with a smile looking at Leng Shan.

"Who said I came here uninvited? Chen Dong, this kid, only agreed to come after begging me several times, isn't it Chen Dong?"

Leng Shan looked at Chen Dong after speaking.

"Yes Yes Yes."

Zhang Qingfeng: "Then what gift have you prepared?"

Leng Shan seemed to be prepared for a long time, and reached out, and Leng Xiaoman next to him also took out a brocade box from his purse, which was slightly better than Zhang Qingfeng's in terms of size and texture.

Seeing this brocade box, Zhang Qingfeng's face sank as if he had an answer, and went straight into the treasure pavilion.

Looking at the angry Zhang Qingfeng, the smile on Leng Shan's face was even brighter.

"Girl Liang, you should know this?" After speaking, he opened the box and handed it to Liang Jing.

"Wow, isn't this the coin with the highest bid price in the coin auction that year? In the 18th year of the Republic of China, Sun Shanzhong's Golden Harvest One-Yuan Silver Coin was sold for 6.05 million trial coins.


Everyone exclaimed.

Chen Dong smiled bitterly in his heart, no wonder Master Zhang Qingfeng left without even looking at it. It is estimated that the two of them had become enemies because of the shooting of this thing.

"Tongzi, don't blame your master for being stingy. I originally planned to give him the coin at the auction. But he not only didn't appreciate me but also laughed at me for lack of strength. In the end I let me shoot. You said Uncle Leng did. No strength?"

Chen Dong: ".........."

Before, many shops in the antique market also came to see the excitement. What kind of strength a newly opened antique shop would have, but now I don’t have any idea of ​​jokes.

Just two small coins are worth more than tens of millions, and they are gifts from others. Is it possible to say that Chen Dong has no strength?

Leng Xiaoman handed the brocade box to Chen Dong a little unhappy. She couldn't figure out why her father gave such a beloved thing to this young man.

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