Becoming rich starts with a street stall

Chapter 183 Imagination (ten thousand more seeking subscription)

Chen Dong has been relatively leisurely these two days.

Mainly stay in the antique shop to bask in the sun.

As time passed, the weather in Qingshan began to cool down, and the air conditioner in the antique shop kept running to make the shop warm like spring.Looking at the outside of the store, all kinds of people play various roles in the cold wind.

Chen Dong had been thinking about Li Ping's things in his mind. The most frustrating thing was that several days had passed, but Qin Daliang had no news about Li Ping.

This worry of Li Ping broke Chen Dong's peaceful life. If this worry is not resolved, Chen Dong really cannot feel at ease.

Wei Jun came over when Chen Dong was upset.

"Brother Dong, I want to tell you something."

Chen Dong opened his eyes and glanced at Wei Jun.

"What's the matter, it's not that Han Fei is getting married, isn't you the groom?"

Wei Jun: "Zhi, Dong Brother, you are really hurtful, but you are right. Han Fei is indeed getting married. I heard that she is a white-collar worker."

Chen Dong smiled and sat up: "White-collar workers? Don't you think that white-collar workers are nothing in our eyes? I know you don't like Han Fei, otherwise you would have fooled her back."

Wei Jun: "Brother Dong, it's so ugly to speak from your mouth because of Mao's words. What do you mean by cheating back? Do I sincerely wish people, OK?"

Chen Dong poured a cup of tea for Wei Jun: "I really bless your uncle, are you fooling you by burning the newspaper on Ching Ming Festival? I think your kid is just playing enough. To be honest, have you had a new love recently?"

Chen Dong’s loss of speech was intentional. He knew that Wei Jun actually liked Han Fei, but he was always uncomfortable because of the previous events. Don’t worry about the vanity-loving girl like Han Fei. When Wei Jun was rich, two people were in love. When he went bankrupt, he ran faster than anyone else. If he didn't want it long ago, I just wanted to make Cannon feel better.

Of course, Wei Jun knew Chen Dong's intentions and smiled: "Brother Dong is right. A broken white-collar worker is a fart in my heart."

"Brother Dong, I want to tell you something, but you have to promise me that you are not allowed to scold me after I say it."

Chen Dong: "Go away, since you know I'm going to scold you, just don't say it."

Wei Jun: "Brother Dong, even if you scold me, I have to say, I know you are good to me, but I feel uneasy just being here to get such a high salary from you."

Chen Dong: "Uneasy, your uncle, when you slept with Han Fei, why didn't you feel uneasy in your heart? When you threw me 30,000 yuan, why didn't you feel uneasy? Now that you say this, is there anything else? It's okay to get to work quickly."

Wei Jun was happier after being scolded by Chen Dong, because his brother Chen Dong used this method.

"Brother Dong, look, I have calculated an account for Liang Jing, Zhang Ru and a few brothers. Each person has a monthly salary of 50,000 yuan, which adds up to 250,000. But what about our shop? The turnover may not necessarily be a month. If you can reach 250,000, it will drag you down if you continue to do so. I have thought about it. With 50,000 yuan, I can go back to my old business and go outside. I will be cautious this time."

Chen Dong had already guessed what Wei Jun said. Recently, even Liang Jing and Zhang Ru had said that they would take the initiative to lower their wages several times, but Chen Dong denied it.

"Since you are talking about this, I happen to want to talk to my brothers. Then Chen Dong stood up and shouted at Liang Jing at the counter: "Call Zhang Nan and Liu Feng back. Let's have a meeting together."


Liang Jing and Zhang Ru were taken aback, but they realized something immediately and called them back.

A few minutes later, Zhang Nan and Liu Feng rushed back, and they were both cold enough. During this time, the two of them had been picking up the leaflet from the store, but the effect was not satisfactory.

At a round table in an antique shop, several people sat around and looked at Chen Dong, but they all had general guesses in their hearts.

Sure enough, Chen Dong mentioned the problem of the turnover of the antique shop.

"Liang Jing, what is the turnover of the store so far?"

Liang Jing lowered her head and said, "260,000."

Chen Dong glanced at Liang Jing and then said: "Excluding the one bought by my master and Leng Shan when it opened, our turnover is less than 100,000."

Everyone bowed their heads.

Chen Dong: "Do you think that there is too little? Do you think that our antique shop's monthly turnover should be reduced by 8 million yuan?"

Everyone was silent.

Chen Dong: "I want to tell you that the Long March is going to be one step at a time, not to mention that we are an antique shop. Don't forget who our consumer group is, those rich people, will it be useful for you to advertise on the street? ?"

Everyone was silent.

Chen Dong: "Do you feel a little guilty for holding the current high salary? I will tell you now that the current salary is nothing at all. Let alone a monthly salary of 50,000 yuan, I hope your salary will be five in the future. One hundred thousand, five million."

Everyone was silent.

Chen Dong: "Your previous business ideas are problematic. The consumer group you are targeting is wrong. I hope you can consider this in the next step. In addition, I will announce a plan, a branch plan. Zhang Ru, as the next branch The store manager, you are responsible for making the detailed planning of the branch, and Zhang Nan, you are responsible for assisting Zhang Nan."

Zhang Ru: "I know Mr. Chen."

Zhang Nan: "Brother Dong, I know."

Chen Dong: "In the future, I plan to have at least ten branches in Qingshan. Next, we will enter Jingzhou and Shanghai. I want to let the antiques of Zhenbaoge go to first-tier cities."

After Chen Dong's passionate planning, everyone's emotions were also driven.

Liang Jing: "Mr. Chen, but now our performance is not good, and we are really uncomfortable with the salary of 50,000 yuan. Or let us lower it first, and then we can increase it back when we get better."

After Liang Jing finished speaking, everyone agreed.

Seeing everyone's reaction, Chen Dong felt warm.

"Don’t mention the salary cut anymore. I can tell you responsibly that I, Chen Dong, has a leverage now. Don’t worry that I will go bankrupt, let alone fail because of your salary. As long as we work together, In the future, it’s impossible to say that Jumbo Pavilion will be listed on the market, and you will all become big tyrants."

Although Chen Dong's words are more to reassure a few people, he still has the idea of ​​making the antique shop bigger and stronger.

We must know that the floor stall system has been upgraded to the store system. The next step of the upgrade will require hundreds of millions of fortunes. The more it is going forward, it may be an astronomical figure. You can only rely on your own efforts to get more wealth. Close to the secret of the system.

Just when Chen Dong was thinking about the future development with a few people, Meng Meiqi called...

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