Becoming rich starts with a street stall

Chapter 191 Who is the kidnapper? (For subscription)

An abandoned factory in Qingshan City.

Meng Meiqi's mouth was sealed by a seal and made a whining sound, and her body was tied up by five flowers.

Li Ping kept staring at the phone.

Seeing Hu Jun sending messages again and again asking for a price increase is a little depressed, isn't this guy crazy?

Ten million is enough, this guy will increase the price to 20 million and continue to increase to 50 million.

For such an unbelievable partner, Li Ping had plans in his heart. After this incident was over, he planned to go to the south to hide, and the chat software would also be uninstalled, and he would never cooperate with such people again.

After calling Chen Dong several times for money and sending him his bank account, Li Ping put his cell phone aside.


Chen Dong, you can only blame you for leaving Lao Tzu off the train. If it weren't for Chen Dong, the account owed to Brother Tiger would have been cancelled.Li Ping looked at Meng Meiqi who was tied to one side.

"Don't worry, as long as Chen Dong gives me a ransom of 50 million, I won't be troubled by you."

Li Ping walked to Meng Meiqi's side and said.


Meng Meiqi made whimpers.


Li Ping tore off the tape from Meng Meiqi's mouth.

"Hurry up and let me go."

Meng Meiqi said sharply.

Seeing Meng Meiqi who was a little flustered but calm, Li Ping felt like something was wrong.

Li Ping looked at Meng Meiqi's face carefully.

"This is not Meng Meiqi at all!"

Li Ping was horrified to discover that although the girl in front of him was dressed very similar to Meng Meiqi, she was not herself at all, because Li Ping noticed that the real Meng Meiqi had two dimples, but the girl in front of her didn't.

Li Ping stepped forward and grabbed the fake Meng Meiqi's hair.


It turned out to be a wig, and then I saw a girl with short hair.

"who are you?"

Fake Meng Meiqi smiled: "You don't deserve to know grandma's name."

Li Ping was furious: "Then I will kill you first."

He raised his foot to the girl's belly and kicked it.


What surprised Li Ping was that the rope on the girl did not know when it had fallen off, and the girl blocked Li Ping's foot with one hand.

Then she saw the girl grabbing his foot with her other hand and twisting it hard.

not good!

Li Ping was also from Lianjiazi, he naturally knew the girl's intentions, but he didn't expect the other party to come up and want to kill the killer.

With the help of the girl's hands, Li Ping made a round kick, and the other foot volleyed towards the girl's head.This kick is full of strength, and if you are kicked, you must be seriously injured.

The girl didn't dare to be careless. With the help of her body's flexibility, she lowered her head and closed her waist.

For this kind of fighting routine, the girl seemed to be familiar with the road. While avoiding Li Ping's roundabout kick, her quick kick hit Li Ping's other calf.


Li Ping, who was kicked, fell to the ground with a bang due to his unstable center of gravity.

The moment Li Ping fell to the ground, the girl attacked again, this time using her feet too.

Li Ping is worthy of being a Lianjiazi. Seeing the girl kicked over, he took advantage of the situation and swiped his leg.What he didn't expect was that the girl's foot just now was nothing but a vain. When he swept his legs, the girl's body was already empty, and then the knees were bent and hit his chest.


Li Ping was pressed heavily on the chest by the girl's knees.All of a sudden, he felt as if he had been hit by a huge boulder in his chest, and blood spurted out from inside.

He couldn't believe how an ordinary girl had such skill and strength.


Li Ping deserves to be born in Lianjia, even if he was hit hard, he immediately counterattacked.One hand pulled a sharp knife from the leg of the trousers and stabbed it at the girl.

The girl did not dare to be careless, and quickly stepped back.

"Damn, I will kill you today."

Li Ping wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth fiercely, and his face became hideous.

As soon as Li Ping's voice fell, he launched an offensive against the girl, this time the knife went straight to the fatal place in the girl's chest.

The girl didn't dare to take it with her bare hands. She turned and ran out of the ruins.

"Want to run? I must kill you today."

Li Ping saw the girl about to run and yelled and chased the girl.


The girl didn't pay attention to the steel bars under her feet and was tripped to the ground.

Li Ping's sharp knife also stabbed over, and the girl in crisis came to a donkey roll, and finally escaped Li Ping's sharp knife.


The girl's arm was torn by a sharp knife, and the blood immediately stained her clothes.

Just when Li Ping pulled out the knife to stab the girl again, the girl picked up an old steel bar from the side and smashed it towards Li Ping. The steel bar rubbed in the air and made a sound.


The steel bar hit Li Ping's back impartially with a bang.


Li Ping was knocked to the ground unsteadily, and a mouthful of blood came out.

Before Li Ping turned around, he only felt a sharp pain in his wrist, and the knife was knocked to the ground with a crisp sound.

I was slashed by Li Ping just now. As a fighting coach, no one has hurt herself since she was discharged from the army. The girl was extremely angry.



The girl didn't give Li Ping any chance to resist, but Li Ping was swollen with a punch and kick.


Hearing a click, Li Ping's arm was broken, making a howl like a pig.

Shui Temeow can come out and explain why a girl has such a skill?

When the girl beat Li Ping badly, the police sirens made loud noises.

"Don't move, raise your hand and put down the weapon."

Seeing a girl beating another person frantically, the police raised their gun and shouted.

"Comrade police, you are mistaken, the one lying on the ground is the kidnapper."

Although Jiang Ting didn't know the girl, she knew that the kidnapper was a man, so she reminded her quickly.


The girl threw the steel bar aside and walked straight over.

Although Jiang Ting reminded him, the two young policemen were still terribly surprised when they saw the girl. Who kidnapped whom?

"Catch the kidnappers."

The police gave an order, and the dying Li Ping was arrested by the police.

"I'm a kidnapper, take me away quickly."

Li Ping shouted in horror.

Thanks to the police coming, it would be easy to be killed by this lady.Li Ping suddenly felt that the police were so kind at this time.

When Li Ping was taken away by the police, the alarm bell was ringing outside the door of Chen Dong's villa in Huanhai District.

Hearing the alarm bell ringing outside, Hu Jun suddenly had an unknown premonition. Although he didn't know what it was, he still wanted to leave this place with a guilty conscience.

"Brother Hu, why are you going?"

Qin Daliang saw that Hu Jun was about to leave, and he grabbed him and asked.

"I...I go to the toilet."

"Do you have kidney deficiency? How many times have you gone to the toilet?"

"I...I drank too much water..."

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