Becoming rich starts with a street stall

Chapter 201 A good show to watch (seeking subscription)

November 3rd.

The auction money for the imperial green jade material has arrived, totaling 435 million.

Adding to the previous account, Chen Dong currently has a balance of more than five billion in his account.

As soon as this huge sum of money entered the account, Chen Dong issued a bank card to Meng Meiqi, which contained 100 million in it.

Seeing the bank card in Chen Dong's hand, Meng Meiqi said it was impossible not to be moved.

Meng Meiqi: "Husband, why do you want to give me so much money? I don't have a good brain, so let's leave it to you."

Chen Dong: "My wife, you have to accept the money whatever you say, and I promise there will be more in the future."

Meng Meiqi: "But I really don't need so much."

Not to mention one hundred million, even ten million Meng Meiqi has never had it. The Meng family has only accumulated a few million family assets after decades of development. Now Chen Dong is good, and he gave one hundred million at once. I don’t know. If this news tells Leng Yueling what kind of reaction will she have.

Chen Dong: "Fool, my money is your money. We will have many children in the future. I have to give you a guarantee, know? I will buy a large amount of insurance later. It’s all safe and sound. I just hope that no matter what accidents happen to me, you can have a guarantee."

Meng Meiqi's eyes reddened, and her lips covered Chen Dong's.

"You are not allowed to talk nonsense, you promised to take care of me for the rest of my life, and you will do what you say."

Chen Dong stroked Meng Meiqi's cheek: "Fool, of course I will do what I said, but who dares to say what it will be like in life."

What Chen Dong said was from the bottom of his heart. With this system, he was always upset when he made more money. He didn't know what was going on, and he didn't know what the future path would be like, in case. Is everything a dream one day?Even so, he wants more protection for his family.

He deposited 100 million to Meng Meiqi, and Chen Dong also transferred 50 million to Chen Binglu's account.

Not long after, Chen Dong received a call from Chen Binglu.

Chen Binglu agreed to accept it after repeated explanations by Chen Dong on the phone.

Chen Dong's Villa in Huanhai District, Qingshan City.

Chen Binglu hung up and smiled.

"Xiuqin, we really gave birth to a good son. This stinky boy doesn't know what kind of shit luck he had. He said that he bought a piece of emerald green jade, and sold 4.5 at the Jingzhou auction. Hundred million, so it’s not too much to give us 50 million."

Yu Xiuqin slapped him: "Are you getting less ashamed and ashamed as you get older? No matter how much money your son earns, it's his son's. It's his own heart to give you more than 50 million? Have you ever thought about it? It’s not a son, our family can’t get 50,000 yuan."

Chen Binglu smiled: "I know I know, that's what I said, but Xiuqin, we have so much money, can we go out for travel?"

Yu Xiuqin gave Chen Binglu a white glance: "Traveling, your son is about to get married, and you still want to travel? I don't want to go. Yesterday, Mrs. Li next door asked me to play mahjong. I have no time to accompany you today."

Chen Binglu: "Hey, I said Lao Yu, don't you usually like playing mahjong the most? Isn't you willing to play mahjong because you played with your son once? Although your son gave a lot of money, you can't lose all of it, right?"

Yu Xiuqin: "Bah, baah, you crow's mouth, how can I lose? It's just a few people playing together, or you also follow? I heard Mrs. Li say that her husband is willing to take pictures. common topic."

Chen Binglu: "Really? Then I'll go with you and learn from others by the way."

After staying in Jingzhou for a few days, Chen Dong decided to go to Nanhai for a few days.

The main reason why I plan to go to the South China Sea is to take Majesty to relax. Some time ago, Majesty was under a lot of pressure due to Leng Yueling’s illness, and she was not well rested. It happened to let her relax for a few days, and the two of them were fine. Enjoy the life in the two-person world.

On the plane from Jingzhou to the South China Sea, Chen Dong and his party all sat in first class.

Qin Daliang and Long Xiaoyun were all excited and excited for the first time in the first class. They looked at this for a while, and looked at that for a while.

Chen Dong and Meng Meiqi were lying next to each other and chatting about their marriage for a while.

At this moment, two people came in the first-class cabin, followed by two hot girls.

Wang Xiaoyu and Luo Sicong.

Wang Xiaoyu followed Luo Sicong, holding a suitcase, and the two girls carried Wang Xiaoyu's arm and Luo Sicong's arm.

The two obviously had some surprises when they met Chen Dong on the plane, especially Luo Sicong hated Chen Dong.To waste more than one billion in vain.

Chen Dong was also a little surprised when he saw two people, but he couldn't help it if he met.

Chen Dong pretended not to see it and continued to chat intimately with Meng Meiqi about marriage.

After a while, when the plane took off, Chen Dong and Meng Meiqi sat up and chatted while drinking coffee.

"Brother, get to know, I am Wang Xiaoyu, what do you call it?"

At this time, Wang Xiaoyu next to Chen Dong spoke.

Chen Dong smiled back when he saw Wang Xiaoyu struck up the smiley person.

"Chen Dong, from Qingshan."

"Qingshan? Where is Qingshan? Why haven't I heard of it?"

Wang Xiaoyu's tone was full of mockery after listening.

Chen Dong smiled: "You will know later."

Then he turned around and stopped taking care of him.

"Wang Shao, don't forget the bag you promised to buy me."

The hot girl beside Wang Xiaoyu whispered.

"I see, baby, but you have to accompany me to the radio gymnastics."

"Wang Shao, you are good or bad."

Listening to the waves of the two people, Chen Dong and Meng Meiqi put on headphones and listened to the music.

At this time, the stewardess walked over to each seat and asked what he needed to order. When he reached Wang Xiaoyu's seat, Wang Xiaoyu actually started to act on the stewardess.

"Sir, please respect me."

The blushing Tian Yun was a little angry. He had heard that some passengers in the first-class cabin were dishonest. He didn't expect this to happen the first time he was transferred to the first-class cabin.

When Tian Yun said that, Wang Xiaoyu was a little embarrassed, pointing to his nose and cursing.

"Smelly girl, do you think you look good? You don't go home and look in the mirror. I can't find what kind of woman Wang Shao wants to find. If you know him, I will apologize quickly, otherwise Do you believe it or not I let you off the job after getting the plane?"

How could the stubborn Tian Yun fight back immediately after receiving this kind of anger: "I really don't believe it, why is Shao Wang or Wangwang? Just now the gentleman next to you saw you doing things to me. If you don't apologize, don't blame me. You X harass."

Chen Dong next to him was amused: "Here is a good show..."

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