Becoming rich starts with a street stall

Chapter 213 Grand Opening (for subscription)

November 15th.

Early in the morning, four DM pearl shops opened grandly.

Saying that it was a grand opening was just a lion dance performance unique to the South, which was so lively.

Because I didn't contact the tour guide before, so after the excitement, the business in each store was not booming.

Chen Dong entered the shop system.

Host: Chen Dong

Elf: Great White

Shop level: LV9 (630000200000000)

Reputation: 300 (available for full frequency matching times 2)

Number of shops: 6

Store inventory: 2000


[Thousand Miles Sound Transmission]: Passive skills, which can increase the matching distance by 30%, and the chance of gaining crit status, which increases as the level of the stall increases.

[Finish a hammer]: Active skill. After release, you will get a final hammer effect, and you will get a 100% chance of success within 30 minutes.Cooling time (7 days)

[Shop R&D Center]: Can consume a certain wealth value for product research and development, the current number of research products is 2.

[Lucky Strike]: 1% of the product research and development promotes a lucky blow. After obtaining the lucky blow, the wealth value consumed by the product research and development is returned and the product research level is increased.

Sure enough, the number of shops has become 6, and the inventory has as many as 2,000. Because the four stores are not far apart, Chen Dong simply hangs up 500 of each store's goods, so that one full frequency match can be done. Be applicable.


Whether to start full frequency matching?

At ten o'clock in the morning, Chen Dong turned on full-frequency matching, which was a bit strange after a long time.

[Full frequency matching has been started, the matching time is 6 hours...]

In order to increase the chance of success in matching, Chen Dong spent 1 million to activate the final touch skill, and the chance of success could reach 100% in the next 30 minutes.

With the launch of full frequency matching, DM's four pearl jewelry stores began to change.

"Dear tourists, now I will lead you to the most famous local pearl shop to have a look. All the pearls there are genuine..."

Many tour guides discovered that they unconsciously started advertising for DM, but they did not cooperate with DM?what happened?

At the same time, many individual customers came to DM's four stores unconsciously.

"How much is this pearl necklace?"

"Hello sir, this string is 1288 yuan, and the pearl is a local specialty pearl in the South China Sea."

"Okay, give me one."

Niu Xiaohan's several shop managers were stunned. They didn't know where so many tourists were suddenly coming from, and they were all rushing into the shop, as if they didn't need to spend any money.

In the first 30 minutes of full frequency matching, the sales of the four stores exceeded 10 million.

What is this concept?

In just 30 minutes, the sales of the four stores accounted for a quarter, which means that in this 30 minutes, the pearls in the store sold a quarter.This sales speed is jaw-dropping.

Fortunately, the training of employees has been more in place these days, coupled with the fact that there are more salespersons hired, and this is the case. Each store has different levels of payment queues.

Seeing the increasing wealth in the system, Chen Dong felt refreshed.

Also shocked were Meng Meiqi and others.

"Husband, do you have any magic power? Why is your store always so hot?"

Meng Meiqi couldn't help but ask when Chen Dong sold clothes to Meng's garment factory.

"Of course, your husband is so attractive, you haven't seen many young and beautiful girls come to buy it."

After Chen Dong finished speaking, Qin Daliang couldn't help but laugh out loud.

The boss's face is really not so thick, and this kind of statement is so natural.

The first hour.

The sales of the four stores exceeded 20 million, and the profit was almost 5 million.

The second hour.

The sales of the four stores exceeded 50 million and the profit reached 10 million.

At noon, all the employees of the four stores had no time to eat because they found that more and more customers had no time to eat.

In the third hour, the sales of the four stores exceeded 80 million, the profit reached 30 million, and each store sold about one-half of the pearl jewelry.

This is definitely a very scary thing. You must know that this is a new store opening, not a clearance process. The price of every pearl jewelry is the normal market price, and some are even higher than the market price.

Chen Dong didn't even bother to eat. During this process, he continued to put new products on the shelves. Fortunately, there were elves who became famous, otherwise he would be exhausted by manual operation.

As of three o'clock in the afternoon, full-frequency matching ends.

One store of pearl jewelry was almost sold out, and all you can see in the store are empty counters.

The situation in several other stores is almost the same, only four stores have more jewellery left, but they are all styles that are not good for sale.

What surprised everyone was that some of the pearls were sold at surprisingly high prices.

For example, a string of pearl necklaces that sell better, sell for as high as 8888 yuan, but they are still sold out.

Others don't know, only Chen Dong knows that those pearls have been transformed, and they are the best among pearls in terms of quality and other aspects.

The full frequency matching is over, and the sales performance of the four stores is also calculated.

Sales reached a staggering 220 million and net profit reached 60 million.

Of course, this data is on the surface. What Chen Dong really cares about is the increase in wealth in the system.

Host: Chen Dong

Elf: Great White

Shop level: LV9 (221630000200000000) (upgradeable)

Reputation: 300 (available for full frequency matching times 2)

Number of shops: 6

Store inventory: 2000

The wealth value has met the requirements of the next upgrade, and there are 220 million more in the actual bank card.

It seems that you have to make use of the store system to make money. A full-frequency match is an income of more than four billion yuan. Is this money making faster than this?

Because the four stores are out of stock, all of them are closed.

A high-end restaurant in Kouhai City, Chen Dong gave everyone a celebration banquet.

Everyone feels a little bit unreal about what happened today. What is the reason that makes several ordinary pearl jewelry stores so popular?Are pearls so popular now?

At the celebration banquet, everyone got a lot of red envelopes. Niu Xiaohan's four store managers even got red envelopes of 100,000 yuan, and ordinary employees also received 50,000 yuan.

Everyone was very excited to receive such a big reward on the first day of opening, and they were all fortunate to have followed the right boss.

The one thing Chen Dong wants to do most now is to upgrade the system.

Although upgrading to level 10 requires two hundred million worth of wealth, the money is not much to Chen Dong now.


[Do you want to upgrade?


After consuming two hundred million worth of wealth, the system was upgraded again, but this time it took a long time to upgrade...

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