Becoming rich starts with a street stall

Chapter 216 The performance of Dongmei Company (for subscription)

November 26th.

On the second day Chen Dong returned from Nanhai, Yuan Ruicheng took the company's financial director to the antique shop to report to Chen Dong.

In the past, the finance of the East American Sales Company was always managed by the finance company. Later, at the insistence of Yuan Ruicheng, the company established a finance department, with Li Hongxia as the chief financial officer.

"Mr. Chen, we have basically dispatched all the employees from Qingshan to southern cities."

After the meeting, Yuan Ruicheng began to introduce the company's current operating conditions.

Chen Dong: "Because of the weather."

Yuan Ruicheng: "Yes, Mr. Chen. Since October, the night market in Qingshan has stopped. Fortunately, we have opened up two cities in the south, and the company's benefits are not bad."

Chen Dong nodded: "Not bad, but what scale has it developed now?"

For the East American sales company, Chen Dong was indeed very concerned and devoted a lot of effort before, but since he discovered the system bug, he has not visited the company for a long time.

Yuan Ruicheng: "Mr. Chen, our sales team has reached 5,000 people, and there are more than 30 cooperative brands. At present, we have opened up two markets in Tanxiang City and Yangheng City in Nanhu Province. Shachang City, the capital city of Nanhu Province, is stationed there. Of course, the competitive pressure there is not small, but fortunately, our company’s management team has strong combat effectiveness, and now all have a firm foothold and good results."

"Mr. Li, please report the company's financial situation to Mr. Chen."

Li Hongxia: "Yes, Mr. Yuan."

"Mr. Chen, up to now, the company’s cumulative sales in Qingshan City is 24.32 million. After deducting company management and other operating costs, the company’s net profit is 6.58 million. The two markets in Tanxiang City and Yangheng City have cumulative sales of 32.5 million. The company’s consumption and various expenditures have a total profit of 4.4 million."

Listening to Li Hongxia's report, Chen Dong nodded.

The two incomes add up to a little over 10 million yuan, and Chen Dong would definitely be ecstatic if the money was kept before.But now it's different. Chen Dong really won't put ten million in his eyes. He still has more than three billion in his bank card. The system wealth will increase by several million almost every day. Is this money still money?

Chen Dong: "Yes, not bad, keep working hard, turn around and use 2 million as the company's year-end dividend."

Hearing Chen Dong said that he would give out two million as a dividend, Yuan Ruicheng quickly stopped and said: "Mr. Chen, I don't need that much. I also made a dividend plan before and prepared to give out 500,000."

Chen Dong glared at Yuan Ruicheng: "Well, everyone has worked hard for a year, and the New Year will be around two months later, so you will get a little more. In addition, your share will be counted separately. I will wrap you a big red envelope at that time."

Yuan Ruicheng: "Thank you, Mr. Chen."

Seeing Yuan Ruicheng leaving happily, Chen Dong smiled.

did you see?What is a good boss?Generosity is the best characteristic of a boss.

How can you be generous without money?Ten million and two million is not too much, even if it is given to Yuan Rui to redeem himself, it is definitely the big head.This is the benefit of capital. You don't need to contribute your own efforts at all. As long as you contribute money, the money will flow continuously.It is said that money can make money, which is really the case.

"Brother-in-law, discuss something with you?"

Seeing Yuan Ruicheng taking Li Hongxia away, Meng Fei quietly walked to Chen Dong and said with a smile.

Chen Dong glanced at Meng Fei and had to say that this kid was somewhat capable.Before Chen Dong asked him to do whatever he did, and every task assigned to him could be completed beautifully. This is definitely a skill.

"Say it."

"Brother-in-law, look, you and my sister will get married soon, am I your official brother-in-law?"

Chen Dong: "If you have anything to say, don't ink."

Meng Fei: "Well, that's it. I recently met a girl. I like her very much, but I don't dare to pursue others."

Chen Dong: "There are still things you dare not dare to? Why do you persuade you about such a thing?"

Meng Fei: "That girl sells jewelry, I'm afraid that people will look down on me."

Chen Dong: "So what?"

Meng Fei blushed: "So I want to discuss with you brother-in-law, can I open another antique shop and let me be the manager?"

Chen Dong: "Looking at your prowess, a store manager will be satisfied? So, look back and find some time to check it out with your sister. If the girl is really good, your marriage will be handled by your brother-in-law, but Let's put the ugly words first, if that woman doesn't work, I won't help you with a penny."

After hearing Chen Dong's words, Meng Fei's expression was happy: "Brother-in-law, don't worry, Qin Ya is a very good girl."

Chen Dong: "You said that girl's last name is Qin?"

Meng Fei: "Yes."

Chen Dong: "They sell jewelry at home?"

Meng Fei: "Yes."

Chen Dong seems to have guessed something. If he guessed right, this Qin Ya should have something to do with Qin Feng.

Chen Dong: "Who is Qin Feng?"

When Chen Dong mentioned Qin Feng, Meng Fei's eyes widened: "Brother-in-law, do you know her father?"

Damn it!

This is really a coincidence. I didn't expect Qin Ya to be Qin Feng's daughter, and Chen Dong knew exactly what Qin Feng was doing now.

"Xiao Fei, what is the most important thing about falling in love?"

Meng Fei thought for a while and said, "The most important thing in a relationship is trust and sincerity, right?"

Chen Dong: "That's right, since you need to be sincere, then you can tell her one to five to ten. If she doesn't care about this, it means she really loves you, otherwise, if she cares about your family conditions, what does that mean?"

Meng Fei: "But...Brother-in-law, I really like Qin Ya."

Chen Dong: "Like and love are two different things. Besides, do you know if your two personalities are suitable for you? In your eyes, Qin Ya is simply Qin Ya? Did you also like her family?"

Meng Fei: "I..."

Chen Dong: "If you listen to my brother-in-law, just get along with her as you are now. If you can really make it to the last step, leave everything to my brother-in-law, but before that, don't you have any illusions? "

"Got it."

Seeing Meng Fei leaving the antique shop with his head down, Chen Dong understood his current thoughts very well.Just like when I was with Meng Meiqi, I desperately want to make money and earn more money to prove myself.

Lying on the wicker chair, Chen Dong took out his cell phone a little bored. It has been a long time since he played the vibrato. He didn't know what happened to the one named Zhang Xiaobei.

When Chen Dong went online, it happened to catch up with Zhang Xiaobei's live broadcast.

With curiosity, Chen Dong entered the live broadcast room.

At present, the level of Chen Dong’s account on the vibrato is level 100. According to the rules of the website, only players who spend more than two million yuan are at level 100. The highest level of the website is level 200, and the level of consumption is more than 1,000. Ten thousand yuan.

"Oh, not bad."

Seeing the number of people online in the live broadcast room, there are more than 1,000 people.

Chen Dong clicked on Zhang Xiaobei's avatar and checked her number of fans, which actually reached 800,000.

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