Becoming rich starts with a street stall

Chapter 22 Live Broadcast Authorization (for collection)

Meng Meiqi said, "You said you want to recruit a sales team. I agree with that. Although it is very profitable to look at the street stalls, it is a trivial mess after all. It is definitely not possible to really do it on your own."

"Majestic, how do you think I hired the salesmen from Jinshan Technology Company?"

Chen Dong asked with a smirk.

"Can I think you are retaliating deliberately?"

Meng Meiqi smiled.

"Hey, you can't say that. Although they were perfidious at the beginning, those salespeople are still good."

Meng Meiqi pursed her lips and smiled.

"Majestic, can you tell me more about the VI you said? To be honest, I feel that I am lacking in many aspects now, can you teach me?"

"Chen Dong, aren't you sick today?"

"Fuck you, I am in good health, and you are not clear."

Meng Meiqi's face flushed.

"Bah, it's not right to talk about it. But to be honest, I remember that back in high school, I asked you many times to give you tutoring, but you refused, so how come you take the initiative to ask for advice?"

"Can that be the same? Back in high school, I was poor at school. What if I delay your grades again?"

"Then you are not afraid that I will be admitted to a prestigious university without you?"

"I'm not afraid, don't forget that we are all branded."

Chen Dong said about the branding, and Meng Meiqi's face blushed.

"Chen Dong, don't say it."

"Okay, well, then you can tell me about that VI. I really think it's amazing. It's like your lantern decorations. Instead, our stall has become a feature of the Qingshan Street Night Market, and sales have also risen sharply. "

Meng Meiqi smiled triumphantly.

"The full name of VI is VisualIdentity, that is, enterprise VI visual design bai, which translates to visual identification system. It transforms non-visual content into static visual identification symbols. Designed in place and implementing a scientific visual identification system is to spread the business philosophy of the enterprise and establish the enterprise A quick and convenient way to become well-known and shape the corporate image."

"My Majestic Boss, please don't be so professional, okay? I can't understand what you say like this."

Meng Meiqi smiled.

"To put it simply, one of the functions of VI is to emphasize the personality of the company as much as possible in order to expand its influence.

Similarity, repetition, or confusion are the taboos for corporate naming.For example, if you set up a street stall now, the most taboo is that there are so many products that you cannot highlight the key points.And you just make full use of this. For example, the previous mosquito killer and the current mini air conditioner highlight the key points, so they will succeed."

Meng Meiqi said with praise.

Chen Dong smiled and said, "So I am a blind cat and a dead mouse?"

"You are smart."


"VI design pays attention to a simple word, which means that the simpler the name of the product or company that is sold, the easier it is to be accepted. This is researched by the famous economist of R.

Chen Dong nodded thoughtfully.

"VI design also needs to highlight a new word. Xinhete is sometimes inseparable. Only when it is full of freshness and creativity can it be unique. Therefore, the choice of products must highlight the new and special. Look at Qingshan Street The products sold by the vast majority of people in the night market are repetitive and similar, which also determines that their income will not be too high and the pressure of competition will be high."

"On the contrary, your mosquito killer and mini air conditioner are new and special products. They are attractive without competition, so Chen Dong, you are really good."

"Ling Ling Ling..."

When the two people were chatting vigorously, Meng Meiqi's phone rang.

"What's wrong, Majestic? You are not so happy?"

Looking at Meng Meiqi's face after answering the call, Chen Dong asked quickly.

"I'm so fed up. They all know that I'm going to leave my job and arrange tasks for me. If it weren't for this month's salary and bonus, I would have resigned and set up a stall with you."

"Majestic, I also convinced you. I guess only you have such a soft spot for the boss."

"What's the matter then? I just want to be the boss of you, aren't you happy?"

"Happy, happy, you will be a military adviser for me in the future, our husband and wife are invincible in the world."


Qingshan Xinrui Advertising Company.

The huge and unique company LGO on the office building is very eye-catching.

Just as Meng Meiqi returned to the office, General Manager An Qi walked in.

An Qi, with short hair and professional attire, is undoubtedly a professional woman.

"My Director Majestic, you are finally back."

An Qi said with a smile.

"Manager, call me back in such a hurry?"

"Do you know DY costume?"

Meng Meiqi nodded and said: Of course I know that DY apparel is a big brand and enjoys a high reputation abroad. Even some Hollywood stars have endorsed DY apparel, especially their private customization is more sought after by the entertainment circle.Many domestic celebrities wear DY customized dresses to participate in foreign awards.

"Great, I didn't expect that Majestic, you know so much about the DY brand, do you know that the DY brand will enter the domestic market?"

Meng Meiqi nodded.

"Now there is an opportunity to cooperate with the DY brand, and they say that you are responsible for naming."

"Let me be responsible?"

Meng Meiqi's eyes widened unexpectedly.

In her impression, it seems that she has never had contact with anyone from the DY brand. What is the situation?

"Majesty, I heard a colleague from the company say that you are going to quit your job and start a business with your boyfriend. I listened to Sister An’s advice. Why are you so stupid now that your career is developing so well? Can a man be reliable? You sacrificed your career is not worth it ......"

Meng Meiqi smiled and said nothing.

How would she know her story with Chen Dong.

"Manager, don't worry, even if I resign, I will do it well before resigning."

"That's great, the company can do it all to you. If you can reach a cooperation with the DY brand, it will be of great significance to the company's future development. You have done a great job, and I promise to tell you that you will be promoted. A raise."

Meng Meiqi smiled.

After separating from Meng Meiqi, Chen Dong first went to Pengcheng Technology Company to meet with Guo Yue, the manager.

Chen Dong signed the live broadcast authorization letter, which means that in the future, Pengcheng Technology Company can conduct live broadcast sales under the name of Chen Dong. Of course, Chen Dong must also be allocated a corresponding share according to the sales performance.

The agreement score becomes 10%. Although the score is not high, Chen Dong can accept it. He values ​​the other party's respect for himself.

The two parties also communicated on the promotional activities mentioned by Chen Dong, and Pengcheng Technology has already prepared a promotional plan. The location is in the Qingshan Commercial Center in the golden commercial zone of Qingshan City.

Chen Dong is a hundred satisfied with this location, which is the commercial center of Qingshan City, and the flow of people is the most concentrated.

Chen Dong couldn't help but look forward to the effect of a system full frequency match in the commercial center...

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