Becoming rich starts with a street stall

Chapter 231 Classmates reunion (for subscription)

December 13th.

There are still 18 days before Chen Dong's wedding.

To Chen Dong's surprise, Yuan Ruicheng had already set up a negotiating team to go to Jingzhou.It can be said that forming a team in just one day is fast. Several members of the negotiation team, Chen Dong, are also familiar with Wang Naixin, Jiang Ting, Ge Tansheng, and Wang Yueran. These people were once the leaders of the entrepreneurial group.

"President Chen can rest assured that I have entrusted the relationship with Jingzhou to contact a professional negotiating team. They used to be responsible for the group's merger and acquisition negotiations. I have contacted them and believe that they can complete the acquisition faster."

"Okay, the acquisition is as soon as possible, and you can report the acquisition to me at any time."

"Good President Chen."

A private room in Dingsheng Hotel, Qingshan City.

Chen Dong took Meng Meiqi here to entertain Chen Dong's elementary school classmates and specially invited their teacher Wang Yaqin.

The main reason for banqueting elementary school students is to invite everyone to their wedding on New Year's Day.

I thought that many classmates would not come, but Chen Dong didn’t expect that the huge private room was filled with people. Many classmates who hadn’t seen each other for many years also came to the banquet. The reason why I was together in elementary school for six years can almost recall the name.

Teacher Wang Yaqin, the head teacher, has retired, and his hair has been grayed, and he was so happy to see so many students from ear to ear.The students rushed to recall many past events together.

Seeing Meng Meiqi so beautiful is also the envy of many male students.

After a meal, everyone was quite happy to eat. Of course, everyone talked more about how they are now, where they work, whether they are married or not, and there are no such short topics as parents.

From the current point of view, the best mixed among elementary school classmates is of course Chen Dong. Secondly, a few classmates are also good, either civil servants or small bosses.

Although Chen Dong's current conditions are the best, he is also very modest and low-key. There is no pretension to joking with everyone, which also makes everyone feel more like Chen Dong.

"Chen Dong, now I heard that you are very rich. If you can help each other in the future, you must help each other." Wang Yaqin kept admonishing while eating.

"Yes, Brother Dong, you have money among your classmates now. When you were in school, you were the monitor of our class. You must help us a lot in the future."

After Wang Yaqin finished speaking, Cui Yan said next to him.

Chen Dong nodded: "If everyone believes that I have the chance to make a fortune in the future, by the way, Da Cui, what are you doing now?"

Cui Yan: "Hey, it's just to deal with life. I opened a local specialty store some time ago, but it is too competitive and doesn't make much money, but it's not a problem to earn money."

"Dai Cui, you are really humble. I still envy you in doing business. What you make every day when you go to work is the few dead wages, and there are deposit tasks. This is coming to the end of the year, and I am still worried. Yes. For Chen Dong, if it is convenient for you to have living money, you can save my point. I will finish the savings task at the end of the year. Otherwise, it will be annoying to deduct bonuses and wages."

Ji Juan, who works in the savings office, said.

Chen Dong: "How many savings tasks do you have?"

Ji Juan: "Ordinary employees cost 2 million. For example, our middle-level cadres need 5 million. I have trusted a lot of relationships. Now I only got more than 1 million, which is still 4 million."

Chen Dong: "It's okay, I'll help you when I come back. By the way, is there a bonus for saving more?"

Ji Juan was also very happy to hear Chen Dong's help: "Yes, yes, if you help me complete the task, the bonus will be given to you, as long as I don't deduct my salary."

Chen Dong laughed, "You should keep the bonus, and you will contact me when you come back."

Chen Dong counted, and there were a total of twenty classmates who came. Only one named Xing Huajun was in the corner and didn't speak very much. So he picked up his wine glass and said to Xing Huajun, "Dajun, why are you so silent? I remember When we were in school, the teacher was most willing to criticize the two of us. He always passed notes in class."

Seeing Chen Dong drinking with him alone, Xing Huajun was a little surprised, even flattered, and barely squeezed a smile.

"Thank you old classmate."

After finishing speaking, the wine in front of him was dried in one breath.

At the end of the banquet, according to the local customs of Qingshan City, they usually go to sing after dinner.Chen Dong had a shadow over going to the karaoke hall to sing. The reason was that when he was in college, there was a classmate party when he went to the karaoke hall to sing. He had a fight with a few gangsters, so he felt uncomfortable going to KTV.So he transferred five thousand yuan to Cui Yan and asked her to arrange for her classmates to play.

When Wang Yaqin was old, he was naturally reluctant to go to such a place, so Chen Dong called a car to send Wang Yaqin home.

"Classmates, Chen Dong transferred 5,000 yuan to me. We will not be drunk or return tonight."

"Wow, Chen Dong is too generous."

"By the way, just to hear that Chen Dong is rich, what is he doing now?"

"It seems to be in an antiques business. It is said that there is a company. You don't know that his girlfriend is the woman of the owner of the Qingshan DM Apparel Company. They are rich."

"Could Chen Dong eat soft rice?"

"Fuck you. Have you ever seen anyone who eats soft rice eats so arrogantly? I heard people say that when DM company was in trouble, Chen Dong came forward to settle it down. You didn't see that his girlfriend was so obedient to him. ?"


Naturally, Chen Dong would not have thought that after taking Meng Meiqi away, the focus of his classmates' discussion was him. At this moment, the two returned to their new home in the villa and sang happily.

Songs sometimes sound beautiful, sometimes whisper.


Host: Chen Dong

Elf: Great White

Shop level: LV10 (12500000500000000)

Reputation: 300 (1 for full frequency matching)

Number of shops: 6

Store inventory: 2000


[Thousand Miles Voice]: Passive skills, which can increase the matching distance by 30%, and the chance of gaining a critical strike status, which increases as the level of the stall increases.

[Finish a hammer]: Active skill, after release, the effect of a final hammer will be obtained, and a 100% chance of success will be obtained once within 30 minutes.Cooling time (7 days)

[Lucky Strike]: 1% of the product research and development promotes a lucky blow, and after the lucky blow is obtained, the wealth value of the product research and development is returned and the product research and development level is increased.

Shop R&D Center: It can consume a certain wealth value for product research and development. The current number of research and development products is 10.

Profound Fragment: Completeness 110.

Seeing the increase of more than 20 million in wealth in the system in a short period of time made Chen Dong very happy. According to this progress, he will unlock level 11 in the near future without losing money. I don’t know if the system will increase after the upgrade. What function, it would be better if it could unlock the Profound Shards, at least one step closer to unlocking the secrets of the system.

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