Becoming rich starts with a street stall

Chapter 247 - Hongmen Banquet (Seeking Subscription)

The top floor VIP room of Dingsheng Hotel in Qingshan City.

What Chen Dong didn't expect was that the first person to arrive was the city leader, accompanied by Liu Jinming.

"Mr. Chen, this is our Mayor Lu."

"Mayor, this is Mr. Chen."

After meeting Liu Jinming, he introduced himself.

"Hello, Mayor Lu."

Chen Dong took the initiative to come forward and shake hands warmly.

"It is true that there are many talented people in the world, each leading the limelight for hundreds of years, I never thought that Chen could have such achievements at such a young age.

Chen Dong: "Mayor Lu, you're joking, compared with you, I'm just a class act, you are a great achievement, I'm just a small joke."

After exchanging pleasantries, Chen Dong invited Mayor Lu to sit at the main table.

It must be said that Chen Dong's performance made Lu Han very satisfied. The young man was neither arrogant nor impatient, modest and low-key, and at such an age, with such wealth and such a human attitude, he was not an ordinary person.

About a few minutes later, Qin Feng brought Qin Ya to the VIP room.

The company's main business is to provide a wide range of services and products, including a full range of services and products, including a full range of services and products.

The company's main business is to provide a wide range of products and services, including a wide range of products and services, including a wide range of products and services.

"Hello, Mayor Lu."

Qin Ya followed Qin Feng and greeted Lu Han.

"It's not work time outside of eight hours, so don't be so rusty in the future, just call me Uncle Lu."

Lu Han said with a smile.

"Good Uncle Lu."

Qin Ya called out very nicely.

When introducing Chen Dong, Qin Feng was slightly embarrassed.

Because Chen Dong opened his mouth and called him Big Brother Qin.

"This is Mr. Chen, from now on, Xiaoya, you must study hard, the Qingshan Auction knows, right? It was all planned by Mr. Chen, and now it's a household name in Castle Peak City."

"Hello, General Manager Chen."

Qin Ya had naturally heard about the Qingshan Auction and opened her mouth to call out.

"Calling General Manager Chen is too polite great niece, from now on if you don't mind, you can call him Uncle Chen."

Qin Feng: "......."

Lu Han: "........"

Just when Qin Ya was looking embarrassed and didn't know what to say, Wang Million walked into the VIP room with Wang Qiang.

Both Chen Dong and Wang Million were meeting for the first time, but the two of them were the first to match.

In the house Lu Han and Liu Jinming Wang million know each other, although Qin Feng did not have much contact, but it is familiar, only Chen Dong face is new.

"This is the famous Mr. Chen, right?"

Wang's attitude was as low-key as ever, and he didn't treat himself as the richest man in the world.

"You are the richest man in Qingshan and the idol of the young people in Qingshan.

Wang Million laughs: "How can that be? Old Brother Chen has done a great thing for Qingshan, and Mayor Lu often praises you."

"Who is this?" Chen Dong looked at Wang Qiang and asked.

"My name is Wang Qiang, good day Chen."

Before Wang Million spoke, Wang Qiang said with an impatient look.

"Brother Chen, this is the dog Wang Qiang, not long back from studying abroad, you must not mind."

He said, "I'm sorry, but I'm not sure if I'm the one who's going to be responsible for this.

The company's main business is to provide a wide range of products and services to its customers, including: a wide range of products and services, a wide range of products and services, and a wide range of products and services.

"I'm not sure if my nephew is sick or not, but why does he look so ugly? If you are sick, you need to go to the hospital quickly."

The first time I saw him, he was a little more than a playboy, but he didn't know why he had to take advantage of Qin Ya and Wang Qiang, but he could see clearly that Qin Ya's performance was much better than Wang Qiang's. He was good, but he wasn't any deeper, and compared to Chen Dong, he was a world apart.

"Dad, I'm a bit uncomfortable, I'm leaving first."

A provoked by Chen Dong, although Wang Qiang did not dare to call out to Chen Dong on this occasion, but also did not want to let him continue to take advantage of the situation.

Just at this time, there was a person in the VIP room.

Meng Fei.

Meng Fei and Wang Qiang were just standing at the door, and they met at the first time as well.

When he saw Meng Fei, Wang Qiang had a lot of anger in his heart, and he reached out and pushed Meng Fei with his hand and said.

Go away.

The first thing that he didn't expect to happen was that Meng Fei, who had been slapped twice by himself in the morning, was like a new person, not only did he not get out of the way, he slapped Wang Qiang with a bang.

The loud noise also made everyone blinded for a brief moment.

"Fuck, you're fucking looking for death."


Before Wang Qiang could finish his sentence, Meng Fei slapped him again, and at this time, Wang Qiang's face was already swollen and red, and he looked like he was trying to fight.

Just as the two men were about to fight, Wang Million and Chen Dong came over at the same time.

"Meng Fei, stop it, how can you hit someone?"

Chen Dong snapped loudly at Meng Fei, and blinked his eyes mischievously.

Meng Fei naturally understood: "Brother, this is the guy who slapped me during the daytime, if I wasn't afraid of affecting your reputation, I would have done it, just now you also saw, told me to get out of the way but also came over to hit me, I'm right to fight back, right?".

Chen Dong: "What? Did he hit you this morning? Why did he hit you? Did you do something wrong?"

At that moment, Meng Fei saw Qin Ya, who was a bit confused in her seat, and walked over to her and pulled her up.

"I'm not sure how much I'll be able to afford it, but I'm not sure how much I'll be able to afford it," he said.

The crowd was confused.

What the hell is this song about today?

Qin Feng was even more stunned, not knowing that the poor guy he thought was dating his daughter was actually Chen Dong's brother, and the relationship between the two was quite good.

"Chinya, is what my brother said true?"

Qin Ya: "Ah ..... Yes, Wang Qiang did beat Meng Fei in the morning."

Wang Million is so smart that he naturally understands what Chen Dong is singing today.

"Chen Laodi, this matter is all the dog's fault, today let Lu Mayor Qin Chairman laugh, later I will definitely give your younger brother an explanation after the investigation."

After saying that, he pulled Wang Qiang, who was still fighting for his life, out of the VIP lounge .....

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