Becoming rich starts with a street stall

Chapter 248 - I Admire This Young Man (Seeking Subscription)

City of Aoyama Luhan Office.

The company said in a statement that the company will continue to invest in the development of its products and services. Now it's good that you've offended him, right?"

Lu Han: "Jinming, I don't think so. We can see that Chen Dong will not know? I think he's just trying to make us see it."

Liu Jinming: "This is too stupid, what good is it for us to see? Is it just to prove that he won't let anyone bully him, that Jairus will never give up?"

Lu Han: "It may not work if it's Wang Million, but it may not work if it's Chen Dong, and don't forget what Chen Dong's greatest characteristic is. Young people should have young characteristics. Young people should have the characteristics of young people, I think this guy is trying to take advantage of the Wang million thing to blackmail us, if we bully him he will not be willing to stop, understand?".

Liu Jinming: "Reckless man, what's the difference between this and a reckless man, who can still have a good impression of him by doing this?"

Luhan laughed, "Jinming, I do admire this young man, it's interesting."

Jinming Liu: "............"

Qingshan City Thrift Market Antique Shop.

Chen Dong is sitting and drinking tea, Meng Fei next to him is calling out to his left one brother-in-law and right one brother-in-law. Last night, he had a good time and was able to save face. He also said that he was not only able to avenge Wang Qiang's two slaps, but also Qin Ya's father, Qin Feng, was very appreciative of him, and he and Qin Ya naturally got back together.

In Qin Ya's opinion, the reason why Meng Fei endured Wang Qiang was because he was concerned about the overall situation, and then he also hit Wang Qiang in an intolerable manner.

Chen Dong: "Okay, stop farting, you kid better be careful of Wang Qiang finding you trouble, I think he will definitely not let up."

Meng Fei: "I'm not afraid with my brother-in-law here, right brother-in-law, can you also arrange two bodyguards for me these days."

Chen Dong: "Later, you can talk to Dali Liang, he will arrange for you, but I'm warning you, don't rely on me to back you up and do whatever you want, if I find out, don't blame me for breaking your legs."

Meng Fei: "I know brother-in-law, I have a date with Xiaoya to go to the movies today, I'm leaving first."

Chen Dong: "Go ahead."

After Meng Fei left, Wei Jun also came over.

"Brother Dong, I still think that the play you put on last night is too fake, and people will not fail to see that Mayor Lu will have a bad impression of you."

Chen Dong: "Afraid of nothing, I just want him to know that I'm not easy to bully."

This is indeed what Chen Dong had in mind before. The cooperation with Qingshan City hasn't started yet, but it doesn't necessarily mean that it will be pleasant.

Just at that moment, Chen Dong's cell phone rang.

Yuan Ruicheng called.

Chen Dong even picked up the phone, now the ST stock acquisition is just missing the Shanghai side, as long as the shares of a few shareholders over there, Chen Dong can rest assured to announce the news.

"Mr. Chen, we've contacted a few small shareholders here in Huzhou, but we've run into some trouble."

Yuan Ruicheng reported on the phone.

Chen Dong: "What's the trouble?"

Yuan RuiCheng: "The company is also buying their shares, and now the two are competing so several minority shareholders are starting to sit on their hands."

Dong Chen: "How much do they want?"

Yuan Ruicheng: "Fifty percent premium."

The company's president and chief executive officer said the company's plan is to use the money to finance the company's operations in the coming year, but the company will not be able to do so. Time and energy to lean with them."

Yuan Ruicheng: "Okay Mr. Chen, we will negotiate immediately."

Hanging up the phone, Chen Dong looked up this Essence Jewellery on his cell phone.

As a famous jewelry company, the company has entered the Northeast, North and South China in the past 15 years. In the past 15 years, it has entered four major regional markets, including Northeast, North China, East China and Southeast China, and the number of stores has reached more than a hundred. With the support of strong financial resources and brand effect, the company has been growing rapidly with an annual store count of 50. It is expected that in the next 5-10 years, the number of retail stores will increase to 1,000.

This also reminds Chen Dong of the system's previous diagnosis of ST Oriental's stock. According to the current development model of Essence of CuiYuan, ST Oriental is undoubtedly the most preferred company to be listed on the stock market. The resources of the two companies can reach a 100% perfect integration, with the number of Essence of CuiYuan's jewelry and the number of GuiYuan Oriental's stores, which will enable the marketing network of Essence of CuiYuan to cover major cities in the country in the shortest time.

Interesting, but it's a pity that I was the first to get there.

A little unsure, Chen Dong made another call to Yuan Ruicheng to make sure that he could acquire the shares of the local shareholders in Shanghai in the shortest possible time.

After arranging the acquisition of ST East, Chen Dong received a call from Wang Mian.

Looking at the phone number of Wang million, Chen Dong had some hesitation in his heart.

He said, "I'm not sure if this old man wants to kill himself, but Meng Fei beat up his son in front of so many people, and he is the richest man in Qingshan.

The phone rang four or five times before Chen Dong picked up the phone.

"I'm sorry to have spoiled your fun last night," he said.

What surprised Chen Dong was that Wang million not only didn't ask for help, but also apologized first, which made Chen Dong unprepared.

"I'm sorry to say that I have to apologize to you for this, but I didn't know that my brother had a problem with your son, and your son's temper should be changed. After you guys left yesterday, Mayor Lu was also very unhappy."

The other side of the road, Wang million listened to Chen Dong's words is also laughing and crying, did not think that I took the initiative to apologize first or let this guy count down a bit, what does this mean? Aren't you just saying that you have a problem with your tutor?

The company has been in the process of developing the new product for the past two years, and is now in the process of developing the new product for the next two years.

Chen Dong: "Don't, don't, don't, Brother Wang, if you're like this I wouldn't dare to be ashamed, young people, who can't not make mistakes, right?

Wang Million hung up the phone with Chen Dong, and Wang Qiang, who was on the other side, was already furious.

"Dad, he's just a little punk, why are you still so lowly with him?"

"Bastard, you shut up, will someone else's punk make Mayor Lu pay that much attention? If you have the stamina, give me a chance to invite Mayor Lu to dinner."

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