Becoming rich starts with a street stall

Chapter 267 - The New Boss (Seeking Subscriptions)

January 8.

The headquarters of Shanghai ST Oriental Company.

Early in the morning, a piece of news was spread within the company.

The company's new boss was coming to the company, and everyone was speculating about the new boss.

"What do you guess the boss looks like?"

"There's no need to guess, it must be an old man, and a rich one at that."

Just as everyone was talking about it, the personnel director, Tang Ming, came over.

"If the new boss sees you like this, don't get fired." After Tang Ming said that, everyone shut up and started working.

If the new boss sees you like this, don't get fired." Tang Ming said, and everyone shut up and went about their work.

9:30 a.m.: Tang Ming informed all the managers to go to the conference room for a meeting.

Tang Ming informed all the managers to go to the meeting room.

Everyone understood that the new boss was coming.

Sitting in the conference room, everyone's mood was not calm.

The company had experienced its early glory but also experienced rapid decline from its inception until now. A listed company with a size of billions of dollars had become what it was today in just a few years, with years of losses, and was already facing delisting.

Many of the company's top executives have already made plans to retreat, and some have even found their next home.

It was 9:50.

The door to the conference room finally opened, and a young man in a suit with a smile on his face walked into the conference room, followed by a beautiful woman.

The man was none other than Chen Dong. The pretty woman was his secretary, Jiang Ting.

Seeing Chen Dong, the company executives involuntarily stood up.

"Don't be polite, everyone sit down."

Chen Dong saw that the most important seat was empty, sat down without hesitation and waved his hand.

"First, let me introduce myself, my name is Chen Dong, which is the company's current largest shareholder and the current chairman of the company."

Wow .....

The new owner of the company is actually so young, it is obvious that he is just a college graduate. It's no wonder that he must be a rich second generation, with money in his family.

"It's the first time I've met you all, so let's start with you, and introduce ourselves one by one."

Chen Dong's words were undoubtedly the biggest order, and starting with Tang Ming, the company's top executives introduced themselves.

The financial manager was a man in his forties, named Zhang Feng, very tall and thin, and wearing glasses.

"Manager Zhang, I would like to hear about the current financial situation of the company."

Zhang Feng fixed his glasses and spoke.

"Chairman, as of December last year, Guiyuan Orient's fixed assets totaled 2.688 billion yuan, and the company still has five plots of land in Shanghai, Suzhou and Hangzhou that have not been developed."

When he heard this, Chen Dong said with a smile in his heart: "So it seems that our company is quite powerful." Chen Dong said, "The others all bowed their heads.

After Chen Dong said that, the others all lowered their heads, this is just the size of the company, wait a moment to talk about the debt problem probably this guy will have a headache.

As expected, Zhang Feng then started to talk about the debt problem, and the more Chen Dong listened, the more his head hurt.

As of December last year, the company's receivables were 1.265 billion, but its expenses were as high as 1.88 billion, which was a serious shortfall. At present, the bank has a loan that is about to mature 580 million. There are also various projects that have not been delivered a total of 1.25 billion, plus the wages owed to employees, there are other payable money, the company's debt of 2 billion.

After listening to Zhang Feng's report, Chen Dong frowned.

"We can sell several plots of land in Huzhou and Suzhou to pay off the debt."

After Chen Dong said, Zhang Feng smiled bitterly: "Chairman, although the company has five pieces of land, but that is the potato in hand, the current demolition of the land has encountered great trouble, now sell are not sold, development and development can not be developed, otherwise the company would not have reached this stage."

Chen Dong was slightly stunned.

What is this situation? Since we bought the land, we should develop it as soon as possible, so why does it still involve the issue of demolition and relocation?

"We did buy the land, but at that time we promised the local area that we would be responsible for the compensation for the demolition, and now the company can't get the money to compensate people, so we can't demolish the land normally."

At this time, another supervisor stood up and said.

"You .... What's your name again?"

Chen Dong looked at the man and asked.

"My name is Cao Liwu, I was in charge of the demolition work before."

Chen Dong nodded his head and asked, "How much compensation will be needed if all of these plots are demolished?"

Cao Liwu: "I have calculated the total compensation according to the country's current demolition compensation method, and the total compensation is around one billion yuan, which of course also includes some special compensation groups."

Chen Dong of course understood what he meant by special groups, of course, those nail households, all land demolition and relocation will certainly meet nail households, some of which demand sky-high prices.

In addition to the fact that the company has a lot of money to spend on the project, the company also has a lot of money to spend on the project, so it's not a bad idea to spend on the project.

"If we complete the demolition is it possible to sell the land?"

Cao Liwu: "Chairman, in the last two years, the real estate industry has been heavily influenced by the policy, so it is not so easy to sell, at least not at a price."

Chen Dong nodded, the priority is not the demolition of the matter, but the company's debt repayment matters, even if the demolition is completed then can not continue to develop, rather than that it is better to let go, a period of time may also be easier to demolition.

"Manager Zhang, immediately give me a list of the debts the company needs to repay, I want to inject capital to solve the debt problem."

Injection of capital!

After Chen Dong said that, everyone's eyes lit up.

The boss wanted to inject capital? That's a good thing, it means that the boss is ready to develop the company.

"Okay Chairman."

"Manager Tang, immediately make a report to me on the company's personnel situation in the last two years, and fire anyone who has been absent from work for more than a week with compensation of three months' salary."

After Chen Dong said that, Tang Ming and all the executives were stunned.

The company is now owned by someone else, so it's not just a matter of what they say, including everyone here who is fired as well.

"In addition I announce a news, from today, the company's business has been adjusted, the following I will introduce to you a new colleague."

Chen Dong snapped twice, the conference room door opened again, and two men in suits walked into the conference room.

"Hello, Mr. Chen."

"Hello everyone."

Chen Dong: "Let me introduce to you all, this is Yuan Ruicheng, who will be the new CEO of the company, and this is Yuan Fang, who is also the assistant to the president of the company, welcome."

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