Becoming rich starts with a street stall

Chapter 286 Neighboring Home Boy (Subscribe)

Beijing University of Archaeological Newborn Classroom.

Guan Wei's flow of fluid dress, followed by a younger brother, two people walked toward the classroom.

"Boss, the archaeological system is not a dinosaur is fossil, how do you run here to pick up?"

The small party behind Guan Wei said.

Guan Wei: "You know a fart, they have a lot of new, the little girl is very good, I have been chasing several times, I didn't catch up."

Class: "No, the boss, what is the woman is indentiest? Is it going to be predended by others?"

Guan Wei's face is sinking: "Fart, I am inquiry, Chen Yu family is Qingshan, there is no boyfriend."

Two people talking to the nearest classroom.

Through the window, I was seeing what two women were talking about Chen Hao.

Guan Wei sorted out the hairstyle, raised the flowers in his hand into the classroom.

See Guan Wei, the two girls' eyes are bright, one of them touched Chen Yu with his arm.

Chen Yu looked up and saw Guan Wei and showing ambiguous expression.

"Hey, I am looking at you, what do you want to eat this at noon? This is the flower I deliberately bought it ....."

During the speech, Guan Wei is proud of the flowers to Chen Yu's face.

"Let others, don't bother me again."

Chen Yu waved his hand.

When a few people, Guan Wei is somewhat embarrassed.

"Hey, I am sincere to you, I really like you, accept me, I promise you to listen to you."

Chen Yu stands up.

"Please don't you be so disgusting? I don't like you again, I don't like you, please leave."

Guan Wei's face is red, some angry.

"Chen Hao, don't give you a face, our big brother looks like you is your blessing, you don't ask for inappropriate our boss? What is the first to know about the four of the two sisters? That is our boss ..... "

The small work next to him can't see it, reach out, refer to Chen Hao.

"Do you have money?"

Chen Yu is in a hurry and looks at Guan Wei.

Listening to Chen Hao, Guan Wei couldn't help but bloom, it seems that there is really no money in the world.

"Yeah, I am very rich, I am a boss of Thai Airlines, I am president ..."

"I asked you!" Chen Yu is impatient and breaks.


Guan Wei doesn't know what to say, say so much, is it proved that I am very powerful?

"What are you? People have money is a matter of people, can't see your guys in this dog, think that relatives are very powerful, I can not die, my most admire people are my brother, he is a big boss now "

"I am a month, and I have a lot of money."

Guan Wei couldn't help but look forward.

"How much? How tens of thousands? Hehe ..."

Chen Yu listened to it, I can't help but laugh, and I joked, when I got my brother, my brother gave himself five million, and later gave it two million. Now she also has a shares of DM jewelry. She has checked it before. Now there is a few billion, now this guy said that a month, the money is very good, and this is really the best thing to laugh at the sky.

Looking at Chen Hao is somewhat ridiculous, Guan Wei is a bit wonderful.

This gimmick is not a Qingshan. Is it also rich second generation? But it seems that it is not ah, and then some people who come in Qingshan can have several rich second generation?

"Chen Wei, you open a condition, as long as you do my girlfriend, I will give you 20,000 yuan for 20,000 yuan for more than a month."

I heard Guan Wei's condition, and the two girls next to it were envious.

One month of 20,000 pocket money, girlfriends who have dummy people are really happy.


It is a bit impatient for such people Chen Wei.

"Omersma, how to talk to us? Is it pure in front of my boss? Let me believe me?"


The small heel of the next next to it has not finished, I saw Chen Yutang's slap in his light.

The small and class is a single bloom, and if you reach yourself, you have to play Chen Yu.


Just then, a voice came from the door of the classroom.

Then I saw Professor Li Huachang walked into the classroom.

"Professor Li, they bully."

During the speech, Chen Hao ran to Li Huada and pointed to Guan Wei two.

Looking at the flowers on the ground, I saw Guan Wei two boys, and Li Huahang had already judged.

"Professor Li, is Chen Yu's first."

The small part of the class naturally knows Li Huachang, knowing that this old man is not good, and then quickly explain.

"Hurry and roll, don't have a few broken money in the home, just here, the Beijing University is not your place, roll."

It is also recognized by Guan Wei Li Huahang naturally. I have also come before the archaeological department, and the Qingzhou University is a famous flower bonus.

When I heard Li Huachang, Guan Wei's face changed.

What does Li Huahang mean? It is an individual to understand, it is obvious that I am in myself.

"Li Huachang, your students are not hitting for no reason, you won't want to cover her? These two girls have also seen it, she first hits people ......."

Guan Wei dared to speak in front of Li Huada, he felt that the three uncle is donated to the Beijing University, so he doesn't think Li Huahang dares to take him, but let him not think that it is not finished.


I only feel that I am a small star in front of you, and Guan Wei is fainted by the fan.

"There is no big little thing, I don't respect the teacher, I should fight."

Guan Wei smashed his face and his face was angry.

"You ... you are waiting ..."

The speech ran in the classroom with the class.

"Teacher, sorry ....."

"It's none of your business, I will encounter such a non-versatile, what trouble is to find me."


A coffee shop near Beijing Oriental Plaza.

Chen Dong saw all the crickets.

A black tight, slender body is a lot.

Beauty, absolute beauty!

This is the sensory of the first eye from Chen Dong.

It's just a bit of wondering, such a big beauty is how to pull it with Jingzhou.

"Is it not enough?"

At the sunny coffee, I looked at Chen Dong Xiao and said.

"Cough and cough ..."

"I am in a hurry, Miss, you are really like a cousin like me ....."

Chen Dong's old face is red, and I have been busy with a reason.

"Why don't you say like you first love?"

"Cough and cough .... Off Miss said, my first love is my lady, you are really like."

The shock smile, this Chen Dong should be a deep face in her impression, but now it seems that it is a feeling of the neighboring big boy. I didn't see the heart.

"Chen always came to this, would you like to tell me what you are like you?"

Chen Dong is smiling and sitting opposite all over the crime.

"Good things, I am coming to talk to you this time."


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