Becoming rich starts with a street stall

Chapter 292 Butterfly Effects (Subscribe)

The first thing to pay attention is that some old institutions, then it is some smell sensitive fund managers.

To know that their sense of smell is quite sensitive, let alone the performance of the funds directly linked directly to their income, so it will not let go of any opportunity.

1:30 points

Yingke Medical Opening.

Xu Xiang continues to smash the disk.

Chen Dong continued to pick up.

There is a mechanism that has a mechanism began to enter.

There is a fund manager to start.

The capital market is a place where people eat people, as long as they are profitable, nothing is absolute.

Of course, it is often the most hurt.

Although there are also retail, it is still in a state of watching. After all, the stock that is jumping in the top is very scary.

Xu Xiang has a little scary.

The 3 billion chips in his hand have been polished, but the stock price has never fallen, but it has a trend of rising, so that the entire trader is a loss.

At this time, the 300 billion funds in Chen Dong have all been successfully entered, and the position cost is quite low.

If this thing is more than the butterfly effect, Chen Dong is undoubtedly the butterfly that is inciting wings.

Although the effect doesn't look too much, but it slowly reveals.

There is not long afternoon, Yingke's medical stock price rose to 19 yuan, although the increase is not large, but the amplitude is not small as 15%, the stock price falls to 16 yuan.

According to the current 19-yuan stock price, the assets in the Chen Dong stock account are as high as 6.6 billion. This is to let Xu Xiang see the vomiting blood of the estimated energy. Most of the hard-working chips are cheap by Chen Dong.

The stock price is closed at the afternoon, 19.08 yuan, and less than 1% increase.

Although this increase is not big, there are two billion bills, not to mention the good play, this is just beginning.

At night, when I waited for Mangmei, Chen Dong is also extra excitement.

Different from the previous use of system, this stock is still some unknown and mystery, unlike the original stone, it is as simple as it is like it.


The warm-up movement ends, Chen Dong is lying on the bed.

"Husband, you are so fierce today."

"Which husband is not fierce."

Meng Meiqi smiled: "Anyway, I feel that you are particularly powerful, no, I have to sleep, so tired."

Chen Dong had a forehead of Meng Mumei: "I will sleep early, I am going to return to Qingshan tomorrow?"

Meng Meiki nodded: "Well, come out to miss your parents, and then to the service equipment, you will not be more than that."

Chen Dong smiled slightly: "You like it, but our family is now rich, you don't worry so much, what is going to give others to others."

Meng Meiqi smiled: "Okay, I know."

It's time to say that your eyes are sleeping.

Looking at the sleeping Meng Meiqi, in fact, Chen Dong's heart can understand her ideas.

Although Chen Dong is especially rich, this is all he earned. He remembers that Meng Mumei has said that the happiest thing is to follow him on the night market, so she is very accomplished, now? Chen Dong is an income of hundreds of millions of income, which does not need her to do.

As a high-profile student of Jingzhou University, how can she be willing to be a golden sew?

Forget it, as long as Meiqi likes, what is willing to do, now the task is to make money, if you can solve the system's secret, unless you can't open, just affect the current life. .

To set up an idea, Chen Dongguan is sleeping.

Early the next morning, Chen Dong Yi was reluctantly sent Meng Meiqi to the plane.

"Boss, don't you return to Qingshan?"

From the airport, I looked at Chen Dong's emotion, Qin Da Liang asked.

"For the time being, I will not go back. You call the brothers to the villa this evening. Anyway, I can't live alone.

"Good boss, where are we going now?"

"Go to the processing factory to see it, and I don't know how progress."

Chen Dong said the factory refers to a new jewelry processing plant from DM. This is a project that Chen Dong specializes at special attention. It is necessary to know that after the completion, this is the wealth of DM jewelry to transport the center. At that time, wealth is constant. Entered Chen Dong's pocket.

"Do you want me to call Qin Dagu?"

Qin Dagan knew that this project Chen Dong did paying his own expression Qin Dawliang. For this matter, he really had a bit of the dangerous man of Qinliang. It was originally a big project, but it is still a big project, and still project manager.

"No, try to check his work."

Chen Dong said this, Qin Dawn can not help but worry, this guy will not be undressed, with the boss's temper, it is easy to speculatory him.

Think about the thirteen, Qin Dadiang gave up the idea of ​​secretly giving Qin Da Guangfa information reminded, he knows Chen Dong's temper, if it is done, don't want to reuse later.

The address of the new project of the DM Jewelry Project is the top priest of the longan, the position is not in the city center, but in the suburbs of Shanghai, it covers an area of ​​more than 100 mu, and investment is about three billion.

According to the progress of the project, it can be officially put into use in mid-April.

The designed drawings were designed by Chen Donghua, high-priced experts, and it is said to be a processing plant, but it is better to say that DM's product R & D and production center.

The building has more than 20,000 square meters, and there are more than a dozen of the production area.

Of course, this is also a place to burn money, but Chen Dong doesn't care, joking, waiting here to build it, the jade jade in the system, there are gold and silver jewelry, you can get this side, you can imagine Will it be a lot of money?

Drive for approximately an hour, because the road is traffic jam, it delayed some time.

When Chen Dong arrived at the project station, it was already noon.

"This is this guy that should be secretly worked?"

I didn't see Qin Daoguang in the station office, Qin Daw is very worried.

It is also very difficult to see the empty office.

"Do you want me to call him?"

Qin Dagan said.

"No, let's take a look at the site first."

Chen Dong slammed out of the office, Qin Daxiang quickly followed.

The two people rushed to the site, and the shaded scenes were a busy scene.

Construction workers can be seen everywhere, and some construction vehicles are also homogeneous.

"Hello, who makes you come to the site, didn't you see a brand? The site can not be casually entering, dangerous, hurry out."

Just when Chen Dong was watching, a man with a hard hat came over and shouted.

"What about your Qin Manager?"

Chen Dong asked.

"Looking for us Qin Manager?"

Looking at Chen Dong's dress, the staff did not dare to delay, hurry up and tie the walkie talkie ...

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