Becoming rich starts with a street stall

Chapter 295 has a feeling of money (seeking subscription)

With the outbreak of European flu, the virus has swept around the world, and the number of people who have been infected by countries have more and more, and they have caused certain panic.

In response to this high flu, all countries have strengthened health prevention and control and even many companies have begun to develop targeted drugs and vaccines for this influenza virus.

With the spread of high flu, global demand for medical substances has increased.

In a month, Yingke Medical only had a net profit of 13 billion in a mask, which also created a history of single-month sales profit, and even exceeded the net profit of last year.

The company's share price has also changed the change in the sky in this month.

165 yuan!

The company's share price has doubled twice a month, and it is still rising every day. The market value of the company has been a hundred billion to hundreds of billion, and has become a hot big demon stock in the A-share market.

Looking at Yingke's medical care, the most is the most secure, is the Chen Dong.

In a month, the funds in the account have become more than 700 billion. Such a wealth increase gives Chen Dong feel a heartbeat.

March 26.

Chen Dong tested Yingke's medical care through the system, and the evaluation became B et al.

Chen Dong decided to shoot.

Fortunately, because of the big flu, I will make Yingke's medical care into a big popular. When Chen Dong's shot is like a bit greedy, more people are rushing, and Chen Dong is determined to quit.

March 28.

Chen Dong has made all the Yingke Medical Shares in the account, and the account is 73 billion in the account.

Nowadays, Chen Dong experienced a feeling of rich people.

73 billion!

Looking at the astronomical figures in the account, Chen Dong has some embarrassment.

All this feels is so unhappy.

When is the money have become a number, be a symbol?

Calm down Chen Dong still decides to pay.

Chen Dong first made a phone call.

After receiving the call from Chen Dong, it is not surprising. It will be a month from the last borrowing money. Even if Chen Dong does not call, she decided to call Chen Dong.

Because DM company is really quiet, I originally thought that Chen Dong took the money, I would pick up jewelry, but I waited for a month, I didn't move, which made the crucible of the rain.

"Is it paying attention to?"

On the phone, I didn't expect Chen Dong's first sentence to pay back, and it is a kind of this kind of belonging.

"Chen always does not plan to buy a gathering jewelry?"

Guan Yuqing asked.

In her opinion, Chen Dong also means that the acquisition failed.

"talk later."

Chen Dong did not give a clear reply.

According to 10% interest, Chen Dong paid 2.2 billion.

When I saw the news of the transfer prompt, the shock is clear and exposed.

This Chen Dong is really very powerful, and two hundred million interest payment is so happy.

"I hope next time."

Hanging up the cloud, Chen Dong called Wang Xiaoyu.

I borrowed three billions in Wang Xiaoyu, and I took advantage of 300 million.

When Wang Xiaoyu received the transfer, it was also a laugh.

In just a month, the net earned 30 million, this make money is not slow, there is 30 million, and it is enough to be a long time.

"Chen, my big brother there?"

Chen Dong naturally knew that Wang Xiaoyu said that Rosecina is five billion.

"His five hundreds of billions can only pay according to 5% interest, saying that I have lost this project."

Chen Dong definitely not earn billions of things to tell Wang Xiao Yu, otherwise he will definitely be crazy. The reason why 5% of Rosecheng, he feels that the money is not a big wind, you can give 5%, you can be 25 million, you don't have anything wrong with you.

One month of time Chen Dong's wealth is even more than the Wang Group, no one can accept it.

After the transfer of Wang Xiaoyu, Chen Dong gave Zhang Qingfeng over 20 million yuan.

I have said that my brother is still counting, and Zhang Qingfeng is her Master, but the money is still better.

"You can apprentice, so pay more, the original interest Master can don't, but you also know that it is big."

"Haha, Master said where to say, it is also my old man, but you have to pay attention to your body."

"Head boy, your master is very good, no problem in seven days overnight."

"You always say that to go to the toilet?"


Hanging up the phone, Chen Dong smiled. Although Zhang Qingfeng although the color, it seems that it is not very abused.

There is still less than 69.8 billion in the account.

What should I do?

Unlock the system.

Chen Dong opened the system and saw it.

Host: Chen Dong

Elf: White

Shop Level: lv10 (28630000500000000)

Reputation: 300 (full-frequency matching number 1)

Number of shops: 6

Shop items column: 2000


[Thousands of miles]: Passive skills, can increase 30% matching distance, chance to get critical state, increase the race of land booth.

[One hammer sound]: Active skills, release a hammer sound effect after release, and get a hundred percentage of success in 30 minutes. Cooling time (7 days)

[Lucky One]: 1% of commodity research promotes lucky one, returning to the goods to consume wealth value after the lucky one, and improve the product development level.

Shop R & D Center: Can consume a certain wealth value for commodity development, currently developing the number of goods.

Aiyi Debris: The completion 110.

Looking at the fund upgrade that needs to consume five billion yuan, Chen Dong is painful, but thinking that the system's secret Chen Dong is still a 5 billion, ready to upgrade to the system.

500 billion!


System Upgrade.

A billion!


System Upgrade.

Two billion!


The system is upgraded again.

The system has been upgraded to 13, watching the next upgrade requires 5 billion funds to make Chen Dong somewhat uncomfortable, and suspend the upgrade system, Chen Dong reads some.

Host: Chen Dong

Elf: White

Shop Level: lv13 (226300005000000000)

Credibility: Platinum

Number of shops: 6

Shop items: 12000


[Thousands of miles]: Passive skills, can increase 30% matching distance, chance to get critical state, increase the race of land booth.

[One hammer sound]: Active skills, release a hammer sound effect after release, and get a hundred percentage of success in 30 minutes. Cooling time (7 days)

[Lucky One]: 1% of commodity research promotes lucky one, returning to the goods to consume wealth value after the lucky one, and improve the product development level.

Shop R & D Center: Can consume a certain wealth value for commodity development, currently developing the number of items.

: 0

Aiyi Debris: The completion 410. (Can view)

The system has more gathering features, although I don't know what the use is, but since it is a new unlocked function, it should be useful. Chen Dong took a closer look, the credibility became a white gold pattern.

[White, how is this credibility?

[Congratulations to the host, the credibility will not be downgraded afterwards.

This is not bad.

[What is the gathering?

Chen Dong asked.

[Adult, Dahuai memory storage shows that gas is the important skill of the god horse, the specific function needs you to unlock the alms fragment. At present, my permissions are not enough to answer.

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