Becoming rich starts with a street stall

Chapter 31 The Most Powerful Invention

8000 units!

At 15 o'clock, the countdown to full frequency matching ends.

Eight thousand units sold!

Seeing the dwindling crowd of purchasers, everyone was finally relieved.Happy grocery store:

Host: Chen Dong

Elf: Great White

Booth level: LV4 (24141881000000) (upgradeable)

Reputation: 199

Number of booths: 6 (the upper limit of the single inventory can be 20)

Products for sale: none

Task: Not open (LV5 open)

Skills: not open (LV5 open)

Wealth: 2414188 yuan

Chen Dong checked the market stall system and found that his wealth reached an astonishing 2.4 million, and his credibility was almost 200.

A credibility of 200 means that Chen Dong can still match one full frequency, but Chen Dong thinks it over.

The continued hot sales made several salesmen tired like a dead dog. If Guo Yue hadn't sent someone over to help, they would be really busy.

Adding the profit from sales, Chen Dong made 2.65 million at today's trade fair.

Looking at the numbers on the wealth value, Chen Dong couldn't believe it.

He actually made so much in a few hours, plus what he had previously, Chen Dong's fortune was already close to three million.

The goal of buying a house is finally achievable.

While Chen Dong was wondering where to buy a house, Guo Yue walked over with a few people.

"Hello, Mr. Chen, let me introduce you. This is our company's chairman Li Pengcheng, and this is our president Luo Tiancheng."

"Hello Hello."

Chen Dong took the initiative to shook hands with the two enthusiastically.

"Mr. Chen, amazing. I have never seen a dealer such as Mr. Chen. We are very happy to cooperate with someone like Mr. Chen."

Looking at Chen Dong who was several years younger than himself, Li Pengcheng said with a smile.

"Chairman Li praised him. I must say that Mr. Guo should be most grateful. Mr. Guo helped me when I encountered difficulties."

As soon as Chen Dong finished speaking, Guo Yue felt comfortable all over.

"Mr. Chen is polite, what kind of help I am, you are too polite."

"Mr. Chen, it's getting late, our chairman wants to invite you to dinner, don't you know?"

"Well, it's better to be respectful, but I've heard a lot of legends about the chairman, so I just happen to ask for advice."

Neither humble nor overbearing, and generous.

There is no pretentiousness in speech and behavior, and even compliments are not excessive.

Li Pengcheng and others left, and Chen Dong went back to the counter to make arrangements.

"Everyone performed very well today. Everyone has a bonus of 1,000 and there are 3,000 units left. If you sell out, everyone will add 500."

"Long live the boss."

Wang Naixin was very happy when he heard the news of the reward. Although they were tired, the reward was 1,000 yuan. If the task was overfulfilled, it would be 1,500. What if you were tired?

How many people are tired to death in a day and still won't be able to earn 100 yuan.

"Don't worry, boss, promise to complete the task, tonight?"

"There is no need to go out tonight, it's a holiday."

"Oh yeah!"

Look, this is the stimulation of rewards.

Arranged for everyone, Chen Dong came to Guo Yueding's hotel.

Huanyu Hotel in Qingshan City.

Regardless of the name, this is the most famous hotel in Qingshan City.It is said that the chef of the hotel was hired from abroad, and his monthly salary alone reached six figures.

Chen Dong is no stranger to Huanyu Hotel. He has also heard about it before, and it is the first time I have eaten here.

"Hello sir, do you have a reservation?"

"Four 8"

"Okay sir, please come with me, in the VIP room on the third floor."

I have to say that from entering the door, Chen Dong gets a different treatment and enjoyment, which definitely makes you feel at home.

"It's just a meal. It's necessary. Although customers are God, there is no need to hold God so high."

Following the waiter as he walked upstairs, Chen Dong made a comparison in his heart.

What this high-end hotel lacks is the smell of fireworks on the floor, and less human touch.For example, when eating at a street stall, the bosses are basically shouting to customers, and the hospitality is thoughtful but not overly flattering.

But then think again, compared to high-end hotels, the stalls also have a lot of defects.

For example, a quiet and elegant environment?

Entering the private room, Li Pengcheng and others were already seated.

Everyone greeted for a while and the waiter began to serve dishes.

One is more delicate than one, and one is more beautiful.

"This is the special feature of this shop."

"This is French foie gras, our chef's specialty."


With more than a dozen dishes, Chen Dong looked up, and no one knew him.

So embarrassing!

Guo Yue got up and finished the toast, and the banquet officially began.

Seeing the table full of exquisite dishes, Chen Dong suddenly had another feeling.

Poverty can indeed limit imagination.

The stalls are indeed on fire, allowing more people to return to the streets and alleys, but can these dishes go to the stalls?

Obviously different.

Two styles, two worlds.

"Chen Dong, I heard from Manager Guo that you have been setting up a street stall now?"

Luo Tiancheng spoke.

"Yes, Mr. Luo, now the country vigorously promotes the market economy. I am responding to the country's call.

After saying a word, Li Pengcheng smiled.

"Mr. Chen is really amazing. You can make a street stall like you. I think you are the only one in Huaxia."

"Chairman Li praised it."

Luo Tiancheng said: "Although the stall economy is on fire now, I think this kind of economy is difficult to last. To put it bluntly, the stall economy is a process of destocking, and now the stall economy is messy and messy, adding a lot of problems to urban management. , So it’s hard to last."

Li Pengcheng looked at Chen Dong and asked, "Chen Dong, what do you think of this matter?"

Chen Dong smiled slightly and put down his chopsticks and said, "I agree with but disagree with the problem of destocking that Mr. Luo said. The so-called destocking is only caused by more stall owners who fail to recognize the market demand and blindly follow the trend, and wait until they realize it. This question is bound to choose products with high market demand..."

"I think that any kind of economic boom must have its rationale. The stall economy caters to the tastes of the public. The problems such as dirty, messy and poor that Mr. Luo said do exist objectively. This is also a problem that we need to solve. With the industry governance I believe that the stalls will be prosperous for a long time in the future."

"I don't think so."

Luo Tiancheng continued:

"The economy of stalls is very limited, and it can only exist in the market. After all, it is difficult to have big development. Future development must pay more attention to user experience and taste. These are the shortcomings of stalls."

Chen Dong smiled and looked at Luo Tiancheng and asked, "What does Luo always think is the greatest invention?"


"Mobile phone."

Chen Dong went on to say: "After the mobile phone appeared, I killed the TV, the watch, the flashlight. The camera, the radio, the video camera, the game console. The magazine, the calendar, and the wallet were killed."

After Chen Dong finished speaking, everyone nodded, and what he said was indeed the truth.

"The mobile phone is so powerful, but it can't kill the stall. The stall has a history of thousands of years since ancient times. Why can it stand for so long?"

"Well said, Dongzi, I toast you a glass."

Luo Tiancheng stood up and raised his glass and said.

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