Becoming The Invincible Woman


Why she locked them because she did not want to share her life secret to her, she was here to help her avenge only.

Ni Han looked at Jen after she had challenged and said, "I don't know whether I would survive or not in this challenge, you don't need to stay on my side anymore, you should leave Verdant Mountain Manias as soon as possible," she was not sure whether she would e able to come up alive and she did not want to keep Jen in danger.

Jen could see her pure intentions; in fact, it was rare to meet such people with transparent hearts. "You don't have to worry we both would come up safely," she calmly answered Ni Han and was looking display in front of her.

it was a grand open arena, a hundred thousand people could audience this challenge live.

Ruohan had accepted her challenge straight away thinking that it would increase the popularity and wealth of Offenders Shillelagh by the thrilling challenge.

Her simple answer left her astonished as usual.

Ni Han left her side and stepped in the arena, Jen stood not far away, the huge display showed that offender challenge was about to begin in moments.

Ruohan waved his friend and entered in the arena as well.

He friend theft a glare at the girl who was not even Sage but her attitude or ignorance was limitless, was he thinking much about her, he was esteemed personal of Verdant Mountain Manias, second Prince of Royal Family and friends with president Ruohan, he was carefree and lively, and never faced any challenge in his life regarding anything in his smooth life but this girl was like broken glass piece in his eyes, souring endless.

Ruohan had instructed his guards that if it was necessary they should ambush Ni Han to get rid her. He confidently stood on offenders' arena.

The fight began, their dominions burst out and many witnessed Monarch Sage dominions first time in action, their mouths were agape with fear for these dominions.

Both opened up their techniques to tackle other, both were trying to restrain with their dominions, as time passed they were standing in hell hole fury fire.

Ruohan used his double technique and was able to break dominion of Ni Han, she remained stick to the ground and continue to build anew her dominion with the old one.

The audience was praising this girl in their hearts to endure the reckless attacks of president Ruohan. Ni Han could not continue to endure anymore because she was primary Monarch Sage while Ruohan was pinnacle Monarch Sage; still, he was facing equal confrontation.

He thought that it was difficult to defeat her in small hours so he gestured his guard for an ambush. The attention of onlookers was fixed on the duel so they could not look out unknown dominion for the ambush.

Jen could sense it because she was giving guard to Ni Han, she was sure that Ni Han could win against Ruohan but it was clear that Ruohan was not an upright person.

Jen chased this unknown dominion and the guard who attempted ambush spurted blood and was left unable to move again.

The friend of Ruohan being Monarch Sage could sense the disturbance in his surrounding air and he subconsciously looked at the guard who spurted blood, he never knew that his friend need ambush to win against this girl.

He looked at the girl who was standing calmly as the matter of guard spurting blood was not related to her in any way, he barely controlled his emotions though he wanted to cry, such a calm threat.

Ruohan was certain now to use his secret technique to defeat this wild girl, though this technique used and suck dry of his Essence Energy, it was the distinct way to spare him from embarrassment in front of so many people, the more this match dragged long the more his reputation would suffer.

The temperature of surrounding rose up a hundredfold in an instant, Ni Han could see that she was not matched to this move and only a few moments she could let herself endure and then die at the hands of this secret technique of Ruohan.

Her dominion was ripping apart by seconds.

His friend thought that now this friend of Ni Han would step in to help her friend but she saw only her calm demeanor, she did not intend to move in, was she ready to see Ni Han dying, what kind of heartless girl she was?

His carefree demeanor was ripping apart with her calm demeanor, now he was on the verge.

Jen was on guard for any external ambush.

The corners of the lips of Ni Han showed some traces of blood, her dominion got collapsed, and as soon as his dominion touched her body Solar Star got activated.

Jen simply gambled these moments because she herself was not sure about the working of Solar Star.

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